Chapter 10 - Alan and the Mirror

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One afternoon in May 2016, I had a little time to kill before the end of my lunch break at work. I had saved some old news articles about Alan Rickman on my phone to read when I had time, so I opened the web browser with the intention to select one now. The first tab that loaded was Alan's photo collage. Since I hadn't viewed that page in weeks, the pictures caught my eye. Instead of switching to another tab to read an article, I ended up scrolling idly through the photos for a few minutes.

To my amazement, Alan was aware of my actions. "I'm right here," he said with a laugh as he appeared in my mind's eye. Mimicking my hand motion in front of me, he pretended I was a smartphone and scrolled down my face.

Apparently, Alan thought I was giving his photos unnecessary attention. He had a new life now and was no longer that man. Of course I understood that, but his photos provided something tangible I could see and relate to. I was mourning the loss of his life in my own way. His pictures gave me an avenue through which to celebrate his life.

I told Alan he had beautiful eyes. They stood out in his photos. When he was looking directly at the camera, it felt as though his soul was piercing straight through mine. He was telling me that he knew who I was deep inside, and I couldn't hide anything if I tried. His eyes betrayed his wisdom, charm, sincerity, and wit. When he smiled, he would smile with his eyes.

When I went back to work, I left my phone open on my desk so I could admire one of my favorite pictures in the collage. I had first seen it the week of Alan's death. The actor was standing in front of a mirror, staring blankly as if contemplating some unknown future. His reflection behind him was gazing back at his past. To me, the image was a symbol of Alan's discarnate soul and former physical self, back to back, forever connected, looking in opposite directions.

The photo inspired me to ask Spirit about Alan's level of soul development. This is a fascinating subject addressed in Journey of Souls, a book I had read in the past by hypnotherapist Michael Newton, Ph.D. Based on information gleaned from numerous subjects under hypnosis, Newton categorizes souls into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Since Alan was demonstrating an extraordinary ability to interact with me across dimensions, I assumed that his soul was advanced. As I studied the picture, I connected with Alan's essence and asked Spirit to tell me what his soul level was.

I was caught off guard when a force resisted me. I asked again and felt a strong pushback in my mind. Living or deceased, everyone's soul is readable. As unbelievable as it was, Alan was blocking me.

What happened next shocked me. The web browser refreshed itself on its own without my touching the phone. When the page reloaded and the photo collage reappeared, the picture of Alan and the mirror was gone. I scrolled up and down the length of the page several times, and the image wasn't there.

Alan had removed the picture!

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"My soul level doesn't matter," he answered. "These are superficial terms, and the soul's experience is deeper than this. We are evolving all the time in different ways. The soul is complex and difficult to quantify. There is order in the universe and a progression of consciousness moving into higher, or expanded, states of order. Expanded states of love, really. It's not a hierarchy in human terms."

He was right. We are beautiful beings of light with fathomless potential for growth and expansion. Concerning myself with a hierarchy was a distraction from what truly mattered.

This incident prompted me to begin saving photos of Alan to my phone later that evening. Any of those images could be removed from the Internet at any time. As I scrolled through hundreds of photos taken throughout his life, it didn't feel as if I was randomly looking at pictures of a dead actor. Alan was guiding the process and showing me his life. I lost myself in an endless sea of professional headshots, movie stills, and random pictures from Alan's public appearances.

I was still upset that the photo of Alan and the mirror had vanished, so I asked him if he would return the picture. He agreed. Then I felt him do some energy work, and he said the photo would be back on the Internet where I could find it. I refreshed the collage, but the picture was nowhere to be found even after scrolling up and down the entire page twice. I tapped some images randomly to see if I would find the photo buried on another page, but it still didn't reappear. Dismayed, Alan insisted he had returned the photo.

I wondered if more time was needed. Having practiced spiritual healing for years, I understood that physical changes rarely happen instantaneously. Like a quick prayer, energetic adjustments can be made in an instant. However, the physical result usually requires time to fully manifest. I explained to Alan that he would need to take timing into account while working with his new energy healing abilities. He said he would do so.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now