Chapter 22 - Sedona

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The episode with Marie was the confirmation I needed to tell Wayne about Alan during our drive to Sedona to attend the Reiki workshop the following weekend.

I picked Wayne up at Spiritus on Friday afternoon. Once the traffic thinned out beyond the city and I felt ready, I launched into my story. "Something incredible has happened to me. I've got to share this with you. This is so beyond anything I've ever experienced before."

I had Wayne's attention. I proceeded to tell him what I had shared with Marie, and he stared at me in disbelief with a grimace.

Unlike Marie, who had sat in silence the whole time, Wayne interrupted me after a few minutes. "I'm ready to call BS."

My heart raced. If he didn't believe me, it was going to be a long drive to Sedona and an uncomfortable four days with him. I was afraid he was going to cancel the trip and tell me to turn the car around.

"I'm not making this up," I said. "Why would I make it up?"

Wayne was the most skeptical spiritual healer I knew. At times, he had turned away some event organizers from Spiritus because he didn't feel that their work was the right fit for the center's environment. If he had thought for one minute that my communication with Alan was a hallucination or a deception, I would have been forced to stop teaching with him and cohosting Reiki circles. He would have asked me to leave the center.

Thankfully, he believed me. He understood that I had taken a risk sharing this with him and that I had nothing to gain by deluding him. Wayne had a strong connection with Spirit. If I were lying, Spirit would tell him. Indeed, Wayne told me later that he had asked Spirit several different ways to validate my story. Once Spirit confirmed it, Wayne was satisfied that my account was true.

After we arrived in Sedona, Wayne and I had dinner at our favorite raw vegan restaurant. We shared a love of vegan fare, and we'd eaten almost exclusively vegan since we'd become Reiki Masters. While we were enjoying a lovely evening in the lush garden behind the restaurant, I laughed when I noticed that one of the waiters bore a resemblance to Alan Rickman. He had a prominent nose and spoke with a British accent. He didn't wait on us, but at one point he stopped by our table to ask how our meal was. Alan was letting me know it was okay that I had told Wayne about him.

During dinner, Wayne confided that he'd been experiencing chest pains all day. He asked me to work on him over the weekend when we performed practice Reiki sessions during class. Wayne suffered from diabetes-related complications including high blood sugar and foot neuropathy, but he hadn't mentioned chest pains before.

This would be a good way for Alan to prove himself to my doubting friend. He agreed. I told Wayne that I would let him know in the morning if Alan had any messages.

* * * * *

As soon as I woke up Saturday morning, I asked Alan telepathically, "Did you work on Wayne last night?"

"Yes, I did," he replied.

"What would you like me to tell him?"

Alan appeared in my mind's eye, pursing his lips as if he was deciding how best to say something. I anticipated bad news. Finally he proffered, "Ask him to tell you about his mother."

I wasn't expecting that. "Anything else?"


I had no idea what Wayne's chest pains had to do with his mom, if anything. This was going to be an interesting conversation. Then I went downstairs to the hotel lobby to meet Wayne for a quick continental breakfast.

While enjoying our meal outside at a round picnic table, I relayed what Alan had told me earlier. Wayne shrugged and didn't seem perturbed at all. He told a story about his childhood and shared memories I was already aware of: His mother had been promiscuous, and he'd never known his biological father. As an adult, he hadn't maintained a close relationship with his mom.

I thought Alan had been mistaken until Wayne nonchalantly said, "My mother died three weeks ago."

"What? Your mother died? Three weeks ago? Why didn't you say something?" I talked to Wayne every week at the Reiki circle. He wore his emotions on his sleeve. How could he lose his mom and not say a word about it?

Clearly, this was what Alan had wanted Wayne to talk about. A lot of words had been left unsaid between Wayne and his mother, although he insisted he hadn't felt the need to talk to her before her passing. I suggested we do an energy healing session later that night to help them both move on.

After breakfast, Wayne and I drove to class. The school holds regular courses in Reiki, crystal healing, shamanic drumming, and more. We had a few minutes to browse around the center first, so I bought several bottles of essential oils and pocket-size crystals at the gift shop. Half a dozen wooden pedestals displaying heavy chunks of clear quartz lined the courtyard between the classroom and the shop. The classroom blinds were drawn to block the early morning sun, making the long rectangular room feel cozy and more private. In the front of the room, twelve plush lavender cushions formed a semicircle on the floor in front of two chairs. Four massage tables were set up at the back.

The two teachers were longtime Reiki professionals who presented a well-organized, thorough class that impressed both Wayne and me. We learned many tips we could implement in our own workshops.

However, the best part was the attunements. I lay on a massage table for each one. At the beginning of the Reiki Level I attunement, an ocean of divine love cascaded around me in waves and encompassed me with warmth, comfort, and wisdom. As a slight spinning sensation began, I drifted a few inches above my body and hovered weightlessly.

Then a blinding divine light burst down from above and engulfed me. As Reiki energy flowed through me, my hands lit up with flames and lotus petals. I was amazed at the power of my experience, given that I was being reattuned to Reiki Level I after five years as a Reiki Master.

During the Reiki Level II attunement the next day, Alan stood behind my head the whole time like a sentinel. His hands rested around my shoulders and throat chakra. When energy began moving around my throat, I asked him, "My throat chakra is opening, isn't it?"

He replied, "I'm holding and guiding the energy around your throat. It's time for you to start using your throat chakra . . . in deeper ways." He didn't say it with words, but I sensed what he meant. The throat chakra is the energy center that governs communication. My new career as an author was on the horizon.

Later, the students divided into pairs to practice giving Reiki treatments. While Wayne got comfortable on a massage table and closed his eyes, I stood beside him and prepared myself, protecting myself with white light and setting the intention to work on Wayne's heart during the session.

Just as I was about to begin, Wayne lifted his left hand across his chest and swiftly poked his right arm several times. The action was strong enough to cause his body to rock slightly. I had no idea why he was doing that. After a moment, his arm returned to his side, and he lay still with his eyes closed for the rest of the session. I maintained my concentration and proceeded with sending Reiki to Wayne's heart.

Afterward, when Wayne sat up and dangled his feet over the side of the table, he wasted no time and whispered frankly, "When I was tapping my arm, that wasn't me. That was Alan. He was messing with you."

Alan was messing with Wayne too. I'd told Wayne earlier that Alan had nudged my arm while watching the Harry Potter movies. Apparently, Alan chose to reveal his presence to Wayne in a similar manner. The former actor had retained his flair for the dramatic.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now