Chapter 28

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I woke up to a bright flash. Harry sat there with a grin on his face and his hands behind his back.

"If you put that picture on any social network I'm probably going to kill you."

"What picture? I didn't take any picture!" I opened my eyes and he was trying to hold in his laugh.

"You're a bad liar! You always laugh when you lie."

"I'm sorry you just looked so cute!" He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"The boys and I don't have anything today and we were planing on going to the zoo or something. Want to come?" Harry asked.

"Yeah! I have to text John to see if he wants me in the studio though." I grabbed my phone and texted him. It took him a few minutes to reply.

"He said I can have today off but I have to be in extra early tomorrow morning!"

"Yay! Lets go tell the boys!" Harry lifted me out of bed and flung me over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down! I can walk!" I yelled.

"Never!" He started running down the hall to the boys rooms. He knocked on Louis and Niall's door knowing that Zayn and Liam were probably already in there. When Niall opened the door he grabbed his stomach and started laughing.

"Nice butt!" He said.

"Shut up Niall!" Harry spun around so he could hear me. "Harry all the blood is rushing to me head!" I complained.

"One second! Niall take our picture!" Harry took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Niall. I heard the click and then Harry spun around in circles before putting me down.

"That picture isn't allowed to be on any social networks either!" I went to walk and started falling forward. I closed my eyes ready for the impact of the ground but I never hit. I felt arms wrapped around me.

"You alright?" I looked up and Niall was looking at me concerned.

"Yeah, just got a little dizzy because someone spun me around too much!" Niall let go of me and i slapped Harry's arm.

"Ouch!" He frowned. "Well anyway, we came to tell you that Mye can go to the zoo!"

"Yay!" They all cheered.

"I've never been to the zoo!" I said.

"What? Never been to the zoo? Are you crazy?!" Louis screamed.

"My grandma was never a big fan of animals."

"You're gonna have so much fun!" Liam said.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked.

"Still asleep. We should wake him though if we're leaving soon." Niall said.

"No whipped cream and chocolate syrup though!" Harry laughed. We walked to Zayn's room.

"I have an idea!" I whispered. "Let's all scream."

"Good idea!" They all said. I counted down from 3 on my fingers.

"AHHHHHHHHH" we all screamed. Zayn shot up, covered his head and screamed. He gave us the dirtiest look when he saw us standing there laughing.

"That was so much better than Harry's wake up!" Louis laughed laying on the floor.

"Not nice!" Zayn rubbed his eyes.

"Get up sleepy head! We're going to the zoo!" I told him.

"Let's go get ready!" Harry grabbed my hand and started running.

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