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A few days later the kids had to go back to school Jungkook made sure Jungmin was ok, she had to stay home for a few days Nammin being her other half refused to go to school too, she won't go without her bestie now that she was okay it was time the five kids go to school since the three will be settling in the mansion for awhile, they decided maybe they should go to the same school and the kids were even happier than them they actually got along real quick they thought they would have to fight but that was not the case I guess kids understood each other better than the adults.

"I'm happy to have my dongsaengs again" Jin excitedly says to the four of course Namjoon is his special. The four were smartly-dressed in suits for work of course seeing Jungkook's condition they decided they will be with him to get his mind off things to make him more busy because if they don't help him he'll be depressed more, Jungkook was against the idea saying maybe they also had their personal things to do but they didn't hesitate to insist since it's so hard to convince them he just agreed, all of them currently going to Jungkook's company they're going to help around a bit but mostly help him they don't want him thinking a lot "hey kids time to go to school" Jin shouts as they stood at the door.

The kids come running to the door Soo_Young behind them carrying five bags I guess she has has a lot of work to do taking care of 5 kids will be some tough work but hello who said she wasn't tougher, in fact she loves this kind of thing being not able to have a family was depressing but now having kids running around keeping her mind off things she would say she was indeed happy, she doesn't regret coming here in the first place she could say that's why they are the family she had right now.

"Daddy..... daddy..... daddy...daddy" all of them were calling, it actually felt weird that there were only dads nothing like mum well if someone was out there he would be in a weird and awkward position seeing only the dads but who cares the kids love their dad more and they couldn't ask for anything "ok let's go" all of them walked out getting into the big van.

They dropped them off to school saying their goodbyes and headed to the company, the employees who were walking by stopped to see why their boss came into a big one today actually the van was used because they were running late and a limo would attract attention since they all wanted to travel together they had to use the van so to avoid inconveniences.

The staffs watched to see who had come in that specific car well they did not expect one person they just wanted to know who the others were so they could get something to gossip about.

The driver parked and moved out and open the door for the men, Jungkook was the first to come out looking like a mafia leader at least that's what they thought, that big coat he usually wears gave him that vibe and that piercing he got on his right eyebrow made it just clear someone who doesn't know him would say he was a mafia leader, everyone as usual was awestruck "so handsome".... "boyfriend material" "I would marry him" the whispers continued, the driver went to the other side and opened for the others, Yoongi was the first to come out.

He didn't spare a glance to the environment and immediately bent giving his hand to Hobi who took it and slowly also came out and Hobi did the same giving his hand to Tae and slowly him too came out, they could say everyone's jaw dropped as they froze in their position "what did I just see" "oh my god did God send some angels" "my heart I'm not ok".... the whispers were no longer whispers anymore cuz they could be heard.

Just as Jungkook, the three also had put on those big coats only that Jungkook had his in black Yoongi had it in maroon Tae had it in brown and Hobi had it in blue. Let alone that, the 3 were looking like princes in fairy tales "my fairy tale dream came true" one of the employees said it out loud making Hobi and Tae chuckle but Jungkook and Yoongi had their stoic expression "hey let's go in" the three walk in our elegantly, those who noticed them paved the way so they wouldn't get in, they actually just wanted to watch them it was a sight for sore eyes "such a beautiful day" another employee said.

Jin had gone back to the cafe to take care of some things it had been days he wasn't around so he came to check out the needs, as Namjoon had gone back to the studio to prepare everything for later, all of them are going to record later they might have been working but they never left their love for music that's what kept them going.


The other kids wouldn't stop staring at the five who just came into the school it's like all the attention was on them they were curious who were the three who hang out with the two, actually Jungmin and Nammin never had other friends they only had each other not like they don't want friends but the others felt they were different mostly Jungmin but since Nammin was with her every time they thought maybe she was like her but they didn't mind they had each other and that was enough but now they have the three maybe they might as well as brag about it.

Most of the time all the 5 hangout together, the triplets were still new there and had no friends yet because they don't know them properly, so the 5 hang out together even at lunch, play together it was a really fun day for them in the evening as they were waiting for the driver to come pick them Jungmin told them she forgot her book so she had to go and pick it up.

Running back to her class she took her book before she could turn something out of the window caught her eye "wow is that a pond" she says in awe, she doesn't know why but anything like water she loves it, she came closer to the window and took a closer look "it's really beautiful" it was a really big pond but no one was there it was empty "why is it empty?" she asked no one specific.

"hey what are you doing, we were waiting for you" Nammin says coming with the other three again bickering about something "hey I was right" "no you are wrong" "come on" they continued to bicker but Jungmin was still staring at the pond.

"Hey what are you looking at?" Nammin was in awe too "hey you three come and look at this" she called, they stopped abruptly and ran to the window "let's go check it out" Ha_Yun suggested "the driver is not yet here well let's go and check it out" Jungmin agreed, the five of them sneakily went in and entered through the fence which they did not read the written words 'Dangerous do not enter' but they were so curious that they didn't even see it.

The five of them stood and looked at the dark blue pond, since it was evening it was turning dark and darker, the kids looked down the pond in awe, the evening sun illuminated it's warm light to the pond making it shine "hey it's shinning" one of the triplets says backing off, the two looked confused at their sibling but followed her behind, "Hey be careful" Nammin tells Jungmin holding her hands so she won't get further. "I see something" Jungmin says, the calm water was now burbling up with waves. It looked like something was beneath it "am scared" little Ha_Yun starts tearing up, Jungmin started backing away because it wasn't normal for water to be like that "Ahhhhhh" she screamed as she fell on the pebbles, the water finally calm down but there was something hiding behind the big rock.

"Hey it's ok," Jungmin tries to act tough but she was scared within. The hiding figure peeks alittle with his small doe eyes, Jungmin recalled those eyes "Hey Min, it's me" Jungmin happily says, the other four looked confused. "He saved me the other day at the camp" the figure finally swims towards them "hey why are you in the water?" One of the triplets asks "beacause..." before Jungmin could say anything they heard a honk "we have to go" Nammin states "we shall see you tomorrow ok" Jungmin smiles at him.

The five wave at him and run out through the fences heading to the car, the boy from earlier smiles 'i got some friends?' he was not sure 'but they weren't scared of me like the others' he thought for awhile 'we could actually be friends' his smile widens and swims away as the sun illuminates the blue fish tail making it shine "wow" Nammin says as she was still staring at the boy from earlier 'he's a fish?' she wasn't sure 'maybe I didn't see properly'....






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