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I slowly squint my eyes open only to shut them back from the harsh sunlight, getting the blurry view clearer i looked around to see i was in my room as Taehyung sat across me looking at something on his phone with a frown and me....i was in bed 'what even happened?'

"Tae...." i call out as he glances at me "you woke up are you ok, how are you feeling?" he bombered me with questions "hey slow down" i chuckle as i try to sit up while he helps me why do i even feel so weak. "what even happened?" i ask as he looks at me "you passed out" he says while my memory flicks back to the pain i felt "what even happened?" he asks trying to study me "well all of a sudden i felt a pang of pain i can't even explain it was literally killing me i dont know what it was...." i explain....

"well Dae is looking into it, he gave you a pain killer but don't worry he said it wasn't serious" he smiled but his voice sounded...."really i don't....." he cut me of "don't worry he said it wasn't serious at all he's looking into it..." 'what do you mean not serious that was a heck of a pain i got,....' i frown this wasn't making any sense "how comes i dont see him?" i ask and Tae looks around not meeting my eyes "ah...he got another emergency.....he left as soon as you got better" i nod but still questions lingering this wasn't making any sense "where are the others...?" i finally decide to ask...



'urgh.....' am i dead perphaps i can't feel a limb, this pain....was i ran over a truck. I could feel pain emitting from the stab wound,.... the poison...how i forget so fast ofcourse this was the root cause of all, it cooked up again didn't it.

I felt soft massages on my legs and arms. I could feel something wet too what was happening. As much as i don't want to wake up i was also curious, i heard voices from a distance but i couldn't make out what they were saying, giving up sleep i decided to look for my self.

Slowly opening my eyes a white pocelain skin came in view, adjusting on how bright it seemed to me i finally got rid of the blurr "ah...uhmm" i couldn't even utter a word but i definitely caught his attention "Jimin you woke" he turned around and a frown he had is what i first saw looking properly i saw the familiar face "Taemin.." i managed to call......It was too fast for me to process as i felt in a tight embrance "oh my God" he breathed "you woke you woke" he beamed "urgh....so tight" i complained as i couldn't even breathe, but what was Taemin doing here but that's not important am glad he is here "i missed you" i mumbled.



"Here let me.." Taemin said as he helped Jimin sit up, Jin was near his feet as he gave them a massage while Yoongi had been wiping his arms and giving it a massage "Minnie.." Jin beamed as he brought him into his embrace "i missed you baby" he said with a broken voice "missed you too hyungs.." Jimin mumbled "how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked as he took in his hands "with you guys around how good would i feel" he smiled forgetting the pain he was feeling earlier, they were his medicines.

"Taemin what are you doing here?" he cutely asked glancing at the younger who only teared up "huh what happened?" Jimin was so confused did he say something but he was startled when he was pulled in another tight embrance "all these years so much happened i wasn't even by to support you forgive me ok i promise to be here for you" he sobbed this made Jimin chuckle "aww look at that this baby looks cute right now" which was true with the puffy eyes and tinted cheeks "stop joking i know everything" he frowned but Jimin was glad he didn't have to hide it "well we can't do anything about but we can do something else...." he beamed "what is it?" Taemin ask pouting while wiping away his tears he was just looking too cute right now "spend time with us i missed you" Jimin showed his puppy eyes "am here am all yours" this made them chuckle "we have a suprise" Yoongi announced "really am excited" Jimin beamed as if nothing happened earlier with all the bloody mess.

"Hey Jiminie" both Namjoon and Hobi came in the room all smiley "hey sunshine, hyung" he gave them his sunshine smile feeling them in his embrance for some reason this felt odd it felt like a ...goodbye...

"i smell something great" he sniffed and everyone looked excited like them "let's have a special meal today shall we, i made it with the help of others" Jin announced "really!" he beamed "oh where is Tae?" he realised "with the kids" Hobi replied and he understood "then what are waiting for..." they helped him up and all headed to the table which was magnificently prepared this gave just a homey feel "here" Minjae pulled put a chair for him "thanks" he mumbled taking a seat "don't forget my share" Dae reminded as he brought an extra tray in front of Jimin he couldn't help than smile "You two are my favorite chefs i can't live without your dishes" he appreciated.

Everyone took a seat as they happily chatted amongst themselves exactly what Jimin loves to see everyone laugh together and having best time though he knows he wont be able to that with his babies and bunny but he was grateful he wont leave with regrets this moment right now just energized him more he feels more powerful than ever happier to be here to have this moment then why not as well as enjoy it "i love you guys" he happily announced "we love you too Minnie" they shouted back he couldn't be any happier. No asked him what he did back then because they trust him, he wasn't the one who did so and Taemin having so many question didn't dare ask he understood the situation pretty quickly right now that didn't matter but the moment they were having did.


Jungkook was fidgetting on how he will tell her princes about Jisoo and that she scored herself a mom?.....he was on his bed trying to gasp some confidence which seemed to only fly out of the window he was worried how she will react what if she didn't like the idea 'well the engagement will be off' he concluded "appa!" Jungmin beamed as she usually does jumping into his father's loving arms "hey princess" he kissed her forehead and Jungmin suddenly looked at him suspiciously "what?" Jungkook was confused "why didn't you tell me?" Jungmin demanded with a fake angry voice "tell you what?" what was the kid asking about again "that you have a pretty fiance when were you planning to tell me appa your bad you hide things from me" for a moment Jungkook was stunned to speak "oh...who told you?" he asked "it doesn't matter how i knew are you still not going to tell me" she frowned "no baby i was just about to tell you now so....what do you think?" he asked nervously "she would be your mom from now on right...." he looked at her face for a reaction but girl was just excited "first i love your choice second i would like to brag having a pretty mom" she grinned ear to ear 'what' Jungkook was taken back "ok dad am going for our next game promise you introduce us" she cutely glared "ok baby i promise now stop giving me daggers.." he joked "owky.....these eyes only hold love for you~bye....." she ran off leaving Jungkook chuckling "was it that easy?" he mumbled to himself "ha ha she is full of suprises" he laughed.

Later that day Jungkook headed to the company remembering something he left there and he wanted to look at it by the weekend it was that important. Taking the elevator one of the male employees also got in who quickly bow realising it's his boss in casual clothe 'it's getting hot in here' he waved to his face as they headed up, he kept stealing glances at Jungkook as a blush formed on his cheeks 'what's with him?' Jungkook was getting curious "what, do i look bad?" he demanded "n..no sir it's just....." he couldn't speak properly "what?" he demanded making the male melt "yesterday you..." Jungkook was taken back "what happened yesterday?" he calmly ask he really wanted to know what happened that night he got drunk "you were making out with a man in the bathroom so when i saw you...i was reminded of it" he said in a heartbeat making Jungkook widen his eyes he did what...with a ding sound the elevator opened "see you sir~" he stormed off leaving Jungkook shocked. He quickly ran to his office before anyone notices his embarrassing face "i what!" he still couldn't believe it, he glanced at his laptop and an idea popped up "so what if i don't remember I'll check the CCTV" he nodded to himself...................
Jungkook you sure you really wanna see 😏

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