-Faded Memories - Leopardpaw's Warrior Ceremony-

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"Faded Memories" are always miniature chapters that are like flashbacks for the clan cats, these flashbacks will not only include Leopardwillow's flashbacks but the rest of ForestClan and LakeClan. They are also really important to the story so I definitely suggest reading them before reading the next chapter.


       Leopardpaw and Foxpaw exchanged excited glances barely able to stay on their paws. Leopardpaw looked out from the corner of her eye to catch a glimpse of Timberheart, who looked back at her and blushed, embarrassed she turned away from him, her focus solely on the Oaktree where Bearstar and Sprucethorn sat conversing and saying things Leopardpaw could not understand. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather beneath the Oaktree." Leopardpaw looked as if she could pop, it seemed just yesterday Leopardpaw and her kin had just received their apprentice names. "Foxpaw, step forward." Bearstar's gruff meow sounded throughout the heart of ForestClan. Leopardpaw could tell Bearstar was excited to give his own apprentice her warrior name, Foxpaw blushed as she made her way to one of the branches on the Oaktree. From where Leopardpaw was sitting she could see Meadowlark and Rivershadow; her parents, smiling brightly up at Foxpaw.

"I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this young apprentice, she has trained by me for many moons and is ready to receive her warrior name. Foxpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect this clan even at the cost of your life?" Bearstar asked happiness and pride glimmered in his eyes, Leopardpaw could tell why, when Foxpaw was a kit she wanted so deeply to be a medicine cat but Bearstar convinced her that the clan needed her as a warrior, and Leopardpaw was glad about it too even though she knew she would be proud of her sister no matter what path she chose; she was still happy that she was going to be a warrior with Leopardpaw. "From this moment forward you will be known as Foxbristle, ForestClan honors your courage and kindness." Bearstar said nuzzling noses with Foxbristle who stood up straighter and grinned staring down at all the other cats below the Oaktree.

"Foxbristle!" Leopardpaw was the first to chant her sisters new name, Meadowlark and Rivershadow followed suit chanting their daughter's new name. Soon the name Foxbristle echoed around the trees of ForestClan and Leopardpaw's heart lit up for her once shy sister, who hadn't wanted to be a warrior in the first place. "Leopardpaw, please step forward." Bearstar said, the glimmer in his eyes still shining in the darkness. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this young apprentice, she has trained under Suntail for many moons and I trust she is ready to earn her warrior name. Leopardpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect this clan even at the cost of your life?" He said sneaking a wink at her. She smiled and stood up taller before looking back at the ForestClan leader and nodded "I do." she said filled with confidence and excitement, "then from this moment on you shall be known as Leopardwillow, ForestClan honors your strength and bravery to defend your clanmates."

Leopardwillow lifted her head higher as she heard Foxbristle chanting her new name, "Leopardwillow!" she said louder than any other cat. "Leopardwillow! She heard her mother and father say. "Leopardwillow!" Timberheart said, his cheeks bright red when Leopardwillow looked towards him, Fallenbranch mumbled something to him and he too chanted, "Leopardwillow!" Soon the whole clan began chanting "Leopardwillow, Foxbristle!" and Leopardwillow felt herself grin brightely. She hardly heard the sounds of distress coming from Silverlake, "Silverlake's kitting!" She heard Dovesong shout.

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