-Faded Memories - Foxpaw's Decision-

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          "Mom!" Foxkit wailed, "yes dear?" Meadowlark asked sleepily "what are you doing up so early." "Leopardkit and Lynxkit keep talking about being a warrior apprentice and it's making me feel left out." she pouted "There, there dear remind me why you don't want to be a warrior again angel?" Meadowlark asked thoughtfully "well- Dovepaw says it doesn't involve fighting other cats-" she said finally. "Dear, there's a lot more to being a medicine cat apprentice than simply not fighting." Meadowlark mrrowed with laughter, "but I don't wanna fight other cats!" she huffed. "Well you can't have two medicine cat apprentices, dear I'll tell you what why don't you take it up with Bearstar I'm sure he'd love to help you." she said with a glittering smile. Foxkit looked at her once before nodding.

"Bearstar?" She said as she padded into the Oakhollow den, "Oh, hello Foxkit, excited for your apprentice ceremony tonight?" The large black tom asked her. Foxkit shook her head "I don't wanna be a warrior but mom says that a medicine cat can't have two apprentices-" she said, "well what makes you think you'd want to be a medicine cat? "W-well I don't wanna fight and hunt for food." Foxkit said thoughtfully. Bearstar's eyes twinkled with laughter but he didn't laugh "I'll tell ya what- how about you try being a warrior apprentice first and then see if you don't like it. You are going to be a great warrior trust me." he said finally before turning around in his nest and grooming himself, Foxkit was sure this was a signal for her to leave and she headed back towards the nursery.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather underneath the Oaktree." Bearstar called, "Today we are pleased to announce two kits have now will have reached the age of six moons and will be apprenticed. Leopardkit, will you please step forward." he asked. Leopardkit's bright tan pelt glistened as the young she-cat jumped up onto one of the Oaktree's branches. "Leopardkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Leopardpaw your mentor will be Suntail I hope she will pass on her bravery and kindness." Leopardpaw eagerly touched noses with Suntail and both she-cats purred with happiness. Cheers erupted from the clearing as all the cats shouted "Leopardpaw! Leopardpaw! Leopardpaw!" Foxkit could see Timberpaw was shouting the loudest, though she didn't know why.

"Fokit, will you please step forward." Bearstar's gruff meow shook Foxkit out of her thoughts. "Foxkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Foxpaw and your mentor will be... me. I hope I shall change your mind on the life of a warrior." he said his eyes glittering as Foxpaw stared at him in awe."Foxpaw! Foxpaw! Foxpaw!" she heard from below the branches of the Oaktree. As she touched noses with him she heard him whisper "I believe we all have much strength Foxpaw and I intend to show you yours." he said with a quick smile to the orange and white apprentice. "Clan dismissed." he said with a final meow. "Why don't you go get some sleep we are getting up to train bright and early." the old black tom said. With a quick nod Leopardpaw and Foxpaw jumped down from the Oaktree as the rest of the clan began to disperse.

"Hi Leopardpaw! A-and Foxpaw." Timberpaw said with a grin, "me and Branchpaw made your nests!" Branchpaw merely nodded and motioned towards the apprentice den where two fresh moss nests sat waiting for the two she-cats. "Thanks Timberpaw." Leopardpaw said her face slightly reddening. "Hi, I'm Timberpaw's sister Lilypaw it's nice to see you outside of the nursery Foxpaw and Leopardpaw." A beautiful white she-cat said, that Foxpaw instantly recognized as Timberpaw's second sister. "Does Dovepaw sleep here?" she asked hesitantly, Branchpaw shook his head as he padded into the apprentice den "she sleeps in the medicine cat den." he answered. Foxpaw looked at the tom on the other side of the den from her, she immediately wanted to make it her mission to be his friend.

"Welcome Foxpaw!" Bearstar said after the apprentices had dispursed to go to their mentors. "Today we're going to try a few simple things the tour of the territory, and some hunting practice and tips." he said with a quick meow before walking away towards the camp exit with a flick of his tail for her to follow him. Foxpaw quickly followed him, As soon as they had finished the territory tour they walked around to go hunting. "Ok Foxpaw what do you smell?" Foxpaw opened her mouth as she took in all the scents "Leopardpaw and Suntail were just here, uhm a badger was here a few hours ago but the scent is stale, and a few squirrels." she finished. "Good job now all you need to do is hunt one of the squirrels." Bearstar told her. Foxpaw hesitantly nodded and walked towards one of the trees and began to climb it, suddenly she spotted it.

A brown squirrel who seemed to be oblivious to the danger as it sat munching on a nut on one of the tree branches. With extreme stealth Foxpaw was upon the squirrel before it had a chance to squeak. "Incredible well done! Your going to be a wonderful warrior." Bearstar praised. Foxpaw beamed as she sat with her kill you know maybe she'd be a wonderful warrior afterall! 

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