-Faded Memories - A Spark Ignites-

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Lilypad was in a hunting crouch solely focused on one thing: the rabbit that was oblivious of her. She counted down the seconds before she would pounce, her haunches wiggled in anticipation, one, two, thr- a large black tom shot through the clearing and got the rabbit with ease, Lilypad cursed before walking towards the tom in surprise. "Hey! You stole my kill." she growled, the tom looked at the white she-cat her emerald eyes staring at him in both confusion and a hint of annoyance, just a hint. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize-" he was interrupted by the she-cat "how come I haven't seen you in the forest before, are you a rogue?!" she asked quizzically, the black tom looked at her with a loving gaze though she didn't know why "wow." he said. "Y-your magnificent. I deeply apologize for taking your rabbit I didn't realize." he mrrowed, Lilypad felt her body relax "so you never answered my question are you a rogue or a kittypet?" she asked skeptically this is so weird why haven't I fought him yet- she couldn't help thinking. "I'm from erm- y'know what I'll tell you sometime soon- hey can you meet me here tomorrow?" he couldn't help asking.

The next day Lilypad didn't think twice she made some lame excuse to Timberheart who was guarding the camp entrance, he looked at her skeptically but begrudgingly agreed. Older brothers are so overprotective she thought in annoyance as she crept to the place she was supposed to meet the black tom. I don't even know his name or where he's from she couldn't help thinking to herself usually these would be red flags but there was something enticing about him. "Hello." she heard his familiar voice and smelt his familiar scent before she saw the black tom, "I thought you weren't coming." he said with a smirk his yellow eyes gleaming. Lilypad blushed as she stepped out into the open she was much smaller than the tom that much was true but yet he seemed so gentle. "So we never told each other our names." Lilypad couldn't help giggling; here they were meeting each other in secret without knowing anything about the other. "I'm so sorry I never told you- I-i didn't want it to stop you from visiting me..." the black tom trailed off, "My name is Lilypad." Lilypad responded shrugging off his answer she wanted to see him again despite anything he said.

"That's an amazing name." the tom said moving the slightest bit closer to her, Lilypad didn't mind she felt shivers down her spine as his black fur touched against her pearl white fur they seemed like opposites yet nothing felt more right, "It's getting lighter outside we better head back home perhaps I'll share more information with you tomorrow Lilypad." The black tom said his voice hinted with mystery as he fled through the bushes, Lilypad fell onto her back in the soft grass she couldn't place the feeling but she never felt better. "Lily, where were you?" Timberheart's meow came from the camp entrance Lilypad rolled her eyes "I caught two squirrels so we could have fresh prey for the elders- why what's the problem?" she said in annoyance; unlike most cats that sneak out Lilypad was anything but stupid she caught the squirrels before she came back from the clearing with the mysterious black tom making sure to mask her scent in prey scent, she had learned the trick from Foxbristle who was always eager to watch the sunset or the sunrise at times.

Timberheart looked skeptical however good her excuse was, "C'mon Timber would I ever lie to you?" she asked sweetly using his nickname they had only ever used as kits. Timberheart groaned but let her in following her back into camp probably going to rest after watching the camp. "Hi Lilypad." Leopardwillow said with a smile, "how's my best friend I didn't see you in the warriors den were you feeling alright?" she asked with concern. Lilypad shook her head and then plastered her trademarked sweet and innocent smile on her face, "Nope! I went to get prey for the elders I felt bad I didn't catch anything yesterday." she answered; it always surprised her how easily it was to come up with lies even as a kit. Leopardwillow smiled and scratched her left ear leaving a metallic clink, clink from her earrings. "Good! I'll see you on the afternoon patrol then?" she asked, Lilypad nodded before walking towards her nest.

"Lilypad! It's so nice to see you again!" the black tom said with a smile his yellow eyes felt so hypnotizing; it had been two moons since the two had talked. "Okay mysterious black tom I'd really like to know your name I know a few moons ago it didn't bother us but now I have to know." she said sitting against the tom, he smiled and licked her ear in affection "because I have grown to love you so much my name is Lightningstrike and I'm from... Lakeclan." he said with a nervous glance towards Lilypad. Lilypad shrugged as if he had told her that his tail was itchy "I don't care." she murmured sinking her head into his black fur. Lightningstrike smiled and the two rubbed heads affectionately "Lightningstrike?"

Lilypad said with a hint of a question, "do you love me?" the minute she said the question she wanted to take it back what if he doesn't- she thought in horror. Lightningstrike got up and streched, Lilypad did the same. He lay on his back looking up towards silverpelt Lilypad gently curled up beside him "Lilypad, I love you more than anything in the entire world and I promise you that no matter what clan your in, no matter what you say to me, and no matter how distant our clans get I will never stop loving you." he purred Lilypad closed her eyes and let out a delicate purr "I never could love anyone else." she agreed.

"We should go-" Lightningstrike said sleepily noticing the sun was up and the two cats were still curled up against each other Lilypad groaned and got up to notice Lightningstrike was right "I wish we didn't have to-" she murmured. Lightningstrike licked her muzzle affectionately wrapping his tail around her stomach just the slightest bit before adding "I don't either but you know we have our own lives to live." Lilypad yawned and stretched, the previous night's activities left her drained "I love you Lightningstrike." she said feeling as though she would never get tired of those words. Lightningstrike reached his paw out longingly before disappearing through the bushes.

"Lilypad!" she looked in terror as Timberheart appeared out of the bushes leading to Forestclan, "what is going on?!" he said with a raised tone. Lilypad looked embarrassed she knew her sweet look would never work now no matter how much she lied to her older brother, so she begrudgingly told Timberheart the truth "I-i'm mates with a Lakeclan cat." she nervously stuttered her tail tucked between her legs. Timberheart gave her a look of disgust "how could I have known I was deeply hoping it wasn't true but I know you would of tried to hide it anyway." he said, "good riddance Lilypad what would mother think?!" Timberheart continued. Lilypad looked at her brother with sorrow "I love him, Timber." she murmured with sadness "Don't you Timber me! I've had enough of you, ever since we were kits you put up the Little Miss Innocent attitude only to betray everyone- you don't even like Leopardwillow or me or anyone else you call your 'friend' do you?" he growled.

Lilypad sat with her head in her paws in her shame, "I'm sorry Timberheart please don't tell anyone." she said sadly "ugh like I would anyway I've had it with you, y-your not my sister anymore Lilypad you blame me for everything, play your innocent act all the time, lie to our clanmates and our father, and you have a mate in Lakeclan no your not my sister if Featherclaw knew." he said shaking his head in disappointment before jumping through the bushes Lilypad reluctantly followed she longed to join Lightningstrike but he was right; they had their own lives to live.

"Lilypad I know a pregnant cat when I see one I just have to ask how?" Dovesong's skeptical meow caught Lilypad off by surprise, "I-i don't want to say who the father is." she said out of the corner of her eye she saw Timberheart look at her with disgust before walking away tail held high, Dovesong looked at her sister with sympathy "I'm your sister Lilypad you can tell me anything." Lilypad longed to rush into her mother's paws and complain about all her problems but her mother wasn't there and she knew she would share the same disappointment her brother was showing but she would be better at masking it. "I don't have anything to hide." Lilypad hissed to Dovesong before walking out of the medicine den "one more thing, I'm moving into the nursery instead of the warriors den I want my kits to be safe." she said coldly her once beautiful emerald eyes lacked any emotion as she fixed her gaze on the nursery. "Lightningstrike your the only cat who would understand me." she whispered laying her head into her paws.

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