-Chapter 10 - Till Death Do You Part-

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Leopardwillow felt herself unable to move though she didn't remember how or why. She felt a moss nest underneath her but it wasn't her moss nest - maybe she was in Timberheart's nest? She couldn't help thinking. The minute she tried to open her eyes and stand up a searing pain roared through her body her ear especially. She stifled a yowl and sank back down into the nest still unable to move or open her golden eyes. Finally she lifted her eyelids and looked around enough to realize she was in the medicine den; why she didn't know. "Leopardwillow?!" she heard Dovesong's urgent voice and the sound of the pearl she-cat rushing towards her; Dovesong had never really been Leopardwillow's friend when the two of them had been apprentices, she found it odd that any cat with two brain cells would want to work with herbs thus she spent most of her time hanging out with Dovesong's younger sister, Lilypad... so why was Dovesong so ecstatic about her waking up what had happened?
And then it hit her all her previous memories of Flamestar's ambush and Smokedusk's betrayal.
"Go." Leopardwillow heard the eerily familiar voice before she had time to turn around, Lakeclan cats streamed out of the bushes yowling their claws fully unsheathed. "Sprucestar!" Leopardwillow screeched. Cats leapt out of the warrior's den and apprentices' den. Foxbristle and Lilypad looked in terror from the nursery. "Stay there!" Leopardwillow growled turning towards the Lakeclan warriors. Flamestar sat behind the ambush with an amused expression on her face her eyes meeting Leopardwillow's they seemed to say 'I told you I'd be back', Leopardwillow growled and remembered the prophecy it isn't the flames you should fear but the smoke that lies within. Before she could react Smokedusk jumped onto Leopardwillow's back snarling. "Smokedusk, why!" Leopardwillow demanded trying and failing to push him off of her, "I've never pleased many cats I can at least please my mother and do what she wants me to do."
My mother
And then it clicked, it all started to make sense why Smokedusk was always sneaking out of camp, not paying attention to ceremonies, that smirk that looked eerily familiar, his impenetrable fiery eyes, and how he always fought so well. Flamestar was Smokedusk's mother- Leopardwillow felt her body crushed by weight and then before she could open her eyes everything went dark.
By some miracle Leopardwillow was still alive, but her question was how Flamestar and Smokedusk had full intentions of killing her... so why didn't they? "Leopardwillow!" her ears pricked and her heart slowed to a semi normal pace, Timberheart rushed into the den looking tired "Dovesong told me as soon as you woke up." he panted. Leopardwillow felt herself purr but let out a cough as soon as she did. "Are our kits alright?" she asked suddenly feeling nervous. Dovesong looked uncomfortable at the question "W-well uhm I better go check on other patients Ivyspirit would you mind?" she asked the smaller she-cat. Ivyspirit rolled her eyes but walked towards Leopardwillow and smiled genuinely "we tried the best we could but... I'm sorry it will be a miracle if they do survive." Leopardwillow looked at Ivyspirit in shock "t-their still alive?!" she said worry creeping into her tone. Ivyspirit nodded and mumbled something along the lines of 'for now'.
"Timber, what happened?" Leopardwillow shook her head and tried to clear her thoughts she needed answers. Timberheart looked at her sympathetically, "When the ambush started we all started fighting, I think Sprucestar knew about Smokedusk's betrayal and tried to fight him and Flamestar it wasn't working I think Meadowlark saw him a-and their gone." he said his eyes filled with emotion. "No no no no no, NO!" Leopardwillow screamed. Her mother had been the kindest most beautiful she-cat the world had ever seen she loved both her kits with a passion that no one else dared to mess with. Her being dead felt like Leopardwillow had fallen in the lake and gotten hit against so many boulders. Then she realized something "Your the leader now?!" Timberheart winced but nodded "my father made me deputy for a reason he used his nine lives to help my mate and I won't disappoint him."
"Timber, how long have I been out?" Leopardwillow asked, fury burning in her eyes; Smokedusk her apprentice had killed her mother and she would make sure to return the favor. "Two days but don't worry we aren't the only ones who lost cats I think it affected everyone no one cared that I appoint a new deputy the whole clan is out of it." he said with a sigh. "Who else died?" Leopardwillow asked sorrowfully; she couldn't imagine what Foxbristle was thinking right now. Timberheart eyes filled with sorrow "Boulderleap, Tornfoot, a-and Burntpaw" he said tears threatening to escape his eyes "well technically Burntpaw is still in the medicine den-" Ivyspirt said motioning towards the burnt orange tom unmoving in the nest beside her. "I think he's still upset about Boulderleap though she was murdered in front of his own two eyes and he couldn't save her." Dovesong said sadly walking towards his nest and nudging him the slightest bit. The tom let out a sigh but sat unmoving, 'Timber, I think it's time for us to go to the Moonpool before Lakeclan gets anymore ideas." she said the last part with a stern expression her sapphire eyes unmoving from her brother.
"I don't want Sprucestar to say how much of a failure I am." Timberheart mumbled quietly but loudly enough for the two she-cats to hear. "It's time to be a Forestclan warrior! Grow up Timber! I lost my father too so don't give me that fox-dung excuse I know the real reason you don't want to go is because your afraid father will hate you for killing a Lakeclan apprentice!" Dovesong growled cuffing Timberheart's ear. Leopardwillow stared up at Dovesong in shock, she had never been the one to raise her voice she was always so shy and polite, out of the corner of her eye Leopardwillow could see Ivyspirit beaming. She was obviously proud of her mentor, Timberheart looked just as baffled as Leopardwillow and Burntpaw shifted in his nest his eyes glimmering hopefully at the rest of them. Perhaps Dovesong's speech was enough to get him back onto his paws. Burntpaw slowly crept up onto his paws, his legs wavered the slightest bit and he stared determined at Timberheart "Go. The clan needs you. Forestclan needs a strong leader and a stronger warrior apprentice." he said. Timberheart looked at Burntpaw with a smile "Your mother would be so proud." Dovesong mumbled to the burnt orange apprentice.
"I'm getting up, I need to talk to Rivershadow and Foxbristle." Leopardwillow said with a determined smile on her face, "I'm going to try and make the clan realize we didn't lose cats for them to pity their deaths but to protect us and we shouldn't take advantage of that." she said and with that exited the medicine den. "Cats of Forestclan! Gather around the Oaktree for a clan meeting!" Leopardwillow yowled; she knew she wasn't the leader but with much convincing Timberheart was going to the Moonpool and the clan needed something to lift their spirits. Cats walked out of their den in confusion, the cat speaking was not the leader nor their deputy but here she sat her golden fur shining in the sun. "Sprucestar. Boulderleap. Tornfoot. And Meadowlark." Leopardwillow cringed at the mention of her mother's name, but continued on nonetheless her clan needed a hero and she would have to do. "They gave their lives for this clan yet here we all are wallowing in pity. They did not think twice about their lives they went ahead and brought honor to their clan. Today I stand before you not as a leader not as a deputy nor a medicine cat but a fellow warrior like all of you."
"We lost a leader, a loyal elder, and two brave mothers that would sacrifice anything for their kits. It's not the time to pity them. Do you think that they would of hesitated to do what they did again? The warrior code says that we should put our clan above our own lives and they did just that; it proves what loyal blood runs through our veins. The difference between us and Lakeclan is that we are the loyalist clan of the forest we deserve the title of Forestclan warriors and we are willing to fight for something that no one can take from us; our warrior hearts. We are warriors of Forestclan and henceforth warriors of Starclan we will not stand by and watch Lakeclan tear us apart." With each word Leopardwillow felt as if Meadowlark, Sprucestar, Bearstar, Featherclaw, Junipercloud, Pearleaf, and all of Starclan were beside her. Watching her with pride. This is why. She thought, "This is why I have been chosen to be apart of this prophecy. I remember so many times I asked Starclan why I was chosen and now I know it's not because I'm special but because we all are!" she yowled her pelt began to glow and she looked in awe.
She felt the sun glowing through the clouds despite it almost being Leaf-bare, the sun shone on Forestclan and all the cats gasped. Behind Leopardwillow stood a sparkling leopard; the leopard didn't say anything but roared sending leafs and the rest of the things on the ground twirling into the air. "Only a leopard can stop the smoke and fire before it consumes everything in it's wake." it recited it's violet eyes staring at Leopardwillow, it bent down to touch noses with the golden she-cat and yowled so everyone could hear it "With this gift I give you the strength of a Leopardclan warrior use it to protect your clan and always stay faithful." All the cats looked in awe as the glowing leopard disappeared the clouds hiding the sun from view once again but Leopardwillow could feel something different as if she had the power of a lion; and perhaps she did. "Leopardwillow your ear!" Foxbristle shouted from the crowd, Leopardwillow looked to see her two earrings that she despised were now glowing a bright violet the same color as the leopard's eyes that appeared to her. They felt as though they were permanent and would never come off now more than ever. She just sat in awe as the rest of her clan began erupting into cheers shouting her name. "Leopardwillow! Leopardwillow!" She blushed and was about to jump down from the high rock but a voice stopped her.
"Leopardwillow, stay where you are." Timberheart said as he padded into the clearing Dovesong in tow. "Timberhe-star it's an honor to see you again she said touching noses with him." He looked at her and smiled "nothing has changed except my name and perhaps the color of your earrings." he said noticing the bright violet of the once dull silver hooped earrings. "I have returned from the Moonpool and Foreststar himself told me to tell my clan that Leopardwillow will be my new deputy." Timberstar's commanding voice yowled. All the cats in the clan began to whoop and holler their sadness and guilt were swept away with love and determination. Again they began cheering Leopardwillow's name along with Timberstar's, "Timberstar! Leopardwillow! Timberstar!" they cheered.
Rivershadow was by Leopardwillow in an instant "I'm so proud of the beautiful she-cat you've become. I know your mother will be proud of her kit." Leopardwillow nodded tears threatening to burst through her tough exterior. Foxbristle, Sliverkit, Rustkit and even Fallenbranch came to congratulate her. Dovesong was talking animatedly to Timberstar and Patchkit, Thunderkit, and Silverkit ran towards Timberstar excitedly despite their mother's calls. Timberstar turned towards Lilypad with a triumphant smile on his face and she hissed at him her tail lashing before turning tail into the nursery. "Well I guess we know who won that round." Leopardwillow said with a giggle her eyes trained on the nursery. Timberstar looked at her with a chuckle "So how does Timberstar sound?" he asked her with a grin. Leopardwillow thought about it for a second before looking at him with a sly grin in her eyes "Leopardstar sounds better" she said her eyes twinkling.
"Oh really?" he asked her playfully his tail fluttering above her face. Leopardwillow bit his tail in return, "Hey!" he protested mocking hurt. "I thought you were tougher than that all mighty leader." Leopardwillow said with a grin, "You have powers from Starclan remember!" he said clutching his tail between his paws continuing with his charade. Leopardwillow rolled her eyes and brushed her tail along his chin earning a content purr from Timberstar. She giggled and walked towards the Leader's Hollow. Flashing him a quick grin. Timberstar quickly followed looking at her with a sly grin on his face, "what are we doing in here dearest?" he asked. Leopardwillow shrugged innocently "I just came to check out the new den it's very spacious if only I wouldn't have to be cooped up in the nursery." she said with a small chuckle. Timberstar grinned "I personally like the idea of you in the nursery that way I can actually get some work done." he said matter-of-factly. "Well than I guess I'll be leaving now, although we still do have to talk about our plans of attack for Lakeclan I'm guessing Smokedusk disappeared with his fox-dung excuse of a mother." she said with a small growl at the end.
Timberstar nodded, his posture straightening "I'm afraid so I'll see you on the dusk patrol." Leopardwillow nodded and turned towards the Oaktree. "We'll start with the midday patrols and the hunting patrol." Leopardwillow said to the cats around her. "I want Fallenbranch, Darkhollow, and Brightsun on a hunting patrol." she began. "I want Suntail, Streamstone, Myself, and hmm Rivershadow on the midday patrol." Suntail and Streamstone looked pleased to be together on a patrol together and Fallenbranch, Darkhollow, and Brightsun seemed just as happy to enjoy eachother's company as well as they set off on the hunting patrol. Rivershadow padded alongside Leopardwillow while Suntail and Streamstone talked amongst themselves behind the two cats.
"Let's just mark the borders and get back to camp I doubt Flamestar will be so stupid as to launch another ambush when half of her cats are injured." Rivershadow said as the cats quickly began marking the borders, the fun-filled atmosphere that was once there was gone. The four cats quickly put their borders into place and hurriedly padded towards their camp. "How are you liking being deputy?" Suntail asked walking up to Leopardwillow while Rivershadow took that as a cue to talk about Streamstone's time being a warrior. "It's fine I think I'm pretty good at setting up patrols and stuff." Leopardwillow answered the she-cat. Suntail looked at her and frowned "I'm sorry about your mother by the way I never thought it would happen she was a good and strong cat. Your going to be a great leader one day." she said with a smile. Leopardwillow suddenly remembered that Sprucestar was Suntail's brother once she spoke "I'm sorry about Sprucestar I-i didn't mean for either of them to die." she said truthfully. Suntail nodded sadness in her eyes "No one did but when it did I can atleast know he's happy in Starclan with Featherclaw." Leopardwillow nodded; she remembered Sprucestar talking about Featherclaw sometimes and Meadowlark also talked about her often but Leopardwillow hadn't been born yet so she didn't know much about the she-cat. Suntail turned around to face Leopardwillow momentarily startling her, "By the way I have something important to tell you." she hissed in her ear. Leopardwillow was confused but nodded.
"What is it?" she asked; once the two she-cats were behind the Oaktree. Sadness struck Leopardwillow as she realized the last time she had been here was to talk with Sprucestar about Timberstar's love for her, she laughed sadly at the memory. Suntail looked directly into Leopardwillow's eyes and Leopardwillow had to avert her gaze as she felt uncomfortable. "Flamestar is on her last life." Suntail breathed. Leopardwillow's eyes went wide "How do you know?" she asked skeptically, "I heard Flamestar and Mothflight say it before Flamestar left-" Suntail answered. Leopardwillow gasped so that's how they won the battle. "It's time." Leopardwillow said and Suntail nodded.

With the help of her clan Leopardwillow would avenge her mother's death and every other cat Flamestar killed. She promised herself she would stop this war once and for all. Whether that meant killing her apprentice or not

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