-Chapter 6 - Slaughter-

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         Leopardwillow went to visit Lilypad and her kits as soon as she got off the dawn patrol; she found it odd that Timberheart didn't visit his younger sister but she never questioned him. "Hi, bestest friend." Leopardwillow said with a smile using the name they used as apprentices, Lilypad looked tired her eyes full of emotion Leopardwillow couldn't place "what are their names?" Foxbristle asked flicking her tail towards Leopardwillow in greeting. "This one is Patchkit." Lilypad said motioning to a white and black tom kit, "The one next to him is Silverkit." she continued motioning to a tan and black she-kit, "and the last one is Thunderkit" she said flicking her tail at a tan she-kit with black markings. Leopardwillow purred at the sight of the kits, "their beautiful I didn't even know it was possible for you to have black kits." Foxbristle cooed. Lilypad purred "I suppose they are beautiful especially their black fur." she said, Leopardwillow couldn't tell but she thought she saw longing in Lilypad's eyes though she didn't question.

"Smokepaw, please tell me you weren't planning on using that hunting crouch to hunt that rabbit." Leopardwillow growled with annoyance had her apprentice ignored everything she had ever told him she thought. Smokepaw growled but didn't say anything more as he moved towards another area to hunt the rabbit, he pounced but a second too late the rabbit was long gone by the time he leapt. After she went to visit Lilypad she remembered Smokepaw had finished elder duties last moon and took him out to practice his hunting. Leopardwillow groaned and put her paw to her face "I thought you would at least pay attention to me but you never seem to even listen to a thing I say I'm sorry I'm hard on you it's just-" she was interupted by Timberheart "hello! I thought we could train together I'm just starting to train Shadowpaw she has a lot of potential." Leopardwillow felt her heart melt at the sight of the deputy and nodded almost instantly "I'd love to." "Okay good! Smokepaw and Shadowpaw will go hunting while Leopardwillow and I watch like a mini assessment." Timberheart said with a grin.

Smokepaw bounded away leaving Shadowpaw stunned before she ran after him "Smokepaw wait for me!" she yowled through the leaflitter. Timberheart chuckled and moved closer to Leopardwillow, "how's it going? I heard you gave him elder duties last moon." Leopardwillow groaned and slowly nodded "I'm sorry okay! I couldn't just have him missing ceremonies without a consequence I mean you should of seen how he disrespected me like that! He hasn't learn anything he definitely is not ready to be a warrior and I don't know what to do!" she yowled in frustration putting her head in her paws. She felt Timberheart's warm embrace and he whispered in her ear "Leopardwillow, I know this isn't the best time but I really believe in you I-i I love you Leopardwillow I want you to know your not in this alone I'll go on any hunting, training or patrol session you want me to go on." Leopardwillow sniffled and looked up at Timberheart in suprise; the handsomest cat in the clan had just told her he loved her. "A-are you saying what I think your saying?" she asked. "Leopardwillow I want you to be my mate I couldn't imagine anyone else." he purred.

Leopardwillow, Smokepaw, Shadowpaw, and Timberheart made their way back to camp the two mentors kept giving each other secret loving looks in between their walk; it seemed even Smokepaw was in a good mood he had caught a decent sized bluejay and was quite happy with himself. Leopardwillow thought for a moment in her nest once they got back and thought that Foxbristle and Fallenbranch had definitely gotten busy as soon as they were mates, however Foxbristle had confided in Leopardwillow that she and Fallenbranch became mates when she told him she was going to have kits so she supposed in an odd way that made sense. Leopardwillow felt Timberheart's fluffy body on her own and she felt relaxed, "hey" he said in a whisper noticing that she was awake, "hey." she answered with a small smile. Timberheart bent down to lick her head his tail curling around his mate, "you want to go somewhere?" he whispered, Leopardwillow licked his cheek in affection and nodded "of course my love." she answered, Timberheart smiled and rubbed against her pelt "well than let's go Sprucestar shouldn't question the mighty deputy." he said with a flick of his tail. "Mighty Deputy huh?! Well than I guess we'll prove that." she said with a smirk racing past the camp entrance with Timberheart a few fox-lengths behind her.

Timberheart had finally caught up to his mate and leapt onto her, "I can't tell you how much I love feeling your golden fur beneath my paws." he said with a pant. "That's wonderful but can you maybe get off me." Leopardwillow panted, Timberheart smirked and cuffed her ear playfully "well we're here." he whispered. Leopardwillow looked in astonishment at a large waterfall that went towards the lake, the blue water crashing down rocks with huge force. "Timber, it's beautiful." Leopardwillow breathed. Timberheart smiled and brushed up against Leopardwillow "I know, but your better." he mumbled into her fur.

It had been an eventful day but Leopardwillow couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen eyes staring at her and Timberheart at the waterfall only one thing crossed her mind as she sat curled in her nest, Smokepaw.

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