-Chapter 11 - The Last Life-

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Leopardwillow yawned trying to remember where she was, Oh that's right I fell asleep with Timber. She thought with a yawn and a stretch, she couldn't find Timberstar but that was okay he was probably awake discussing battle plans. It had been a week since Leopardwillow became deputy and was gifted with magical powers from Starclan, and Timber and her were trying to discuss battle plans on Lakeclan.

"Hey Leopardwillow." Foxbristle yawned, Leopardwillow flicked her tail towards her sister; ever since Meadowlark died they had been closer. "How have you been?" She asked her sister, "I'm great... Lilypad told me that her kits were getting apprenticed today!" Foxbristle said with a smile. Leopardwillow nodded, "Mhm. Timberstar picked good mentors for them. Shadowpaw and Burntpaw are also becoming warriors today!" Leopardwillow answered "you wanna train together before the ceremony starts?" Foxbristle asked. "Sure!"; ever since the raid on camp the warriors were supposed to stay true to Sprucestar's rule and train everyday.


"Three kits have reached the age of six moons and will be apprenticed!" Timberstar said with a cheer, "Thunderkit, Silverkit, and Patchkit please step forward." All three kits bounced towards Timberstar grins evident on their faces. "From this day forward you three will be known as Thunderpaw, Silverpaw, and Patchpaw until you receive your warrior names. Thunderpaw your mentor will be Fallenbranch. Fallenbranch, you have done an excellent job mentoring Brightsun and I believe you are ready to take on a new apprentice!" Thunderpaw eagerly bent down to touch noses with Fallenbranch who gave her a small welcoming smile. "Silverpaw your mentor will be Streamstone, Streamstone you have proven yourself more than ready for your first apprentice." Timberstar said with a grin watching Streamstone's shocked expression, she gingerly bent down to touch noses with Silverpaw with a smile. "Patchpaw your mentor will be Brightsun, Brightsun you have proven yourself more than ready to take on your first apprentice." Brightsun jumped up in the air with a grin before remembering himself and sheepishly touching noses with Patchpaw who snickered in response.

"Now we also have two apprentices who are ready to be warriors, Shadowpaw, Burntpaw please step forward. I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices they have trained many moons beside Darkhollow and I and I believe they are ready to become warriors." Timberstar said looking proudly at Shadowpaw. "Shadowpaw, Burntpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" he asked seriously. Shadowpaw and Burntpaw sent each other excited glances before chorusing "We do!" "Then from this day forward Shadowpaw you will be known as Shadowlark. A memory of Meadowlark's kind heart and clever skills." Shadowlark looked more than pleased as she licked Timberstar's shoulder out of respect. "And Burntpaw from this day forward you shall be known as Burntboulder. Always in the memory of our hearts Boulderleap gave her life protecting you." Burntboulder looked just as pleased as his sister to be named after his mother.

"Make your way to the camp entrance for you vigil please." Timberstar said looking at Shadowlark, and Burntboulder with pride, As he jumped down from the Oaktree. "First warrior and apprentice ceremony at the same time, huh? How was it?" Leopardwillow asked her tail entwining with his. "I'm so proud of them. It's amazing to feel so important when you see their faces full of light and happiness. I don't think anything else as leader will give me so much joy." Timberstar answered truthfully rubbing his head against Leopardwillow's shoulder. "I'm going to head back into the nursery I'll see you Timber!" she said with a purr. "I can't wait to see our kits!" he yowled.

"So when do we attack Lakeclan?" Lilypad asked heading towards the warriors den, "We're supposed to attack on the full moon gathering." Leopardwillow answered her with a bright smile, "I haven't seen you often do you want to train together?" Lilypad asked curiously surprising Leopardwillow. "Sure." she said with a nod, "As long as your kits are fine with the idea." Lilypad laughed. Just like old times where we never had to worry about a war, no one died, when we were still apprentices and best friends. Leopardwillow thought sadly knowing fully well that, they would never get that time again. "Do you mind if I come with you?" Fallenbranch asked sheepishly, Thunderpaw nodded vigorously. "Sure." Leopardwillow sent him a genuine smile knowing perfectly well he wanted to be friends still.

The four of them joked and laughed as they practiced none of them being very serious with training.

"You got it Thunderpaw!"

"No lower to the ground!"

"Wow, you really do have the strength of a Leopard!"

"Those are just my kits!"

"Lily! You know those flowers make my nose itch!"

"Fallenbranch stop!!"

"Nooo! Mom!"


"It's sad to think I can't remember the last time we actually had fun together." Leopardwillow said with a sigh as the four cats headed back to camp. "I guess when your older things get harder." Fallenbranch said with a sigh, Lilypad and Leopardwillow nodded their heads in agreement. "How was touring the territory?" Lilypad asked her daughter with a smile "It was so fun! Fallenbranch even showed me the waterfall, and and I got a mouse!!" Thunderpaw said bouncing on her toes. The three warriors laughed at her excitement. "I think it's time you head to the apprentices den. I'll be going to sleep in the nursery tonight." Leopardwillow said with a smile, "Oh that reminds me I still have my nursery nest in the nursery if you wanted to use it." Lilypad put in. "Thanks Lily!" Leopardwillow said with a grin, "No problem, bestest friend." Lilypad said making her and Fallenbranch laugh.

Once they got back to camp Leopardwillow headed into the nursery receiving a warm greeting from Foxbristle. "Leopardwillow!" Rustkit yowled rushing over to her, "Where?" Sliverkit said sleepily rushing towards her brother with a squeak. "Are we going to meet our cousins soon?" Sliverkit asked looking towards Leopardwillow's stomach. "I don't know they sure are jumpy though." she said with a chuckle, "Also Foxbristle remind your mate not to jump on a pregnant cat again okay?" she said with all the seriousness she could muster before bursting out laughing. "Yeah I'll make sure to tell him." Foxbristle said with a grin.


Leopardwillow woke up in a forest although it looked sparkly and glowing and she knew immediately she was in a dream. "Cherryblossom?" she asked for confirmation still unsure who she was talking to. The cat in front of her was a beautiful pearl color aside for almost pink looking bengal markings; she reminded her of Star from the two-legs so long ago. The cat had reddish pink eyes that looked slightly glazed "Yes my name is Cherryblossom I have to warn you about the battle." Cherryblossom said her fur bristling "What, what's wrong?" Leopardwillow asked getting up for a moment. "Sit down nothing can hurt you here but I need you to remember what I'm about to tell you... Unless you prefer your mother to tell you herself?"

Leopardwillow felt herself frantically nodding, Cherryblossom didn't say anything and turned towards a tan she-cat with orange markings her golden eyes looked identical to Leopardwillow's. "Mom!" she practically shouted, Meadowlark gave her a sad nod before brushing against her, "Take care of Rivershadow for me please." her mother's velvety tone said before straightening. "I have to tell you something I almost forgot..." she said clearing her throat. "Revenge is not the answer. What your searching for is not always right in front of you there's more to Smokedusk's story then he lets on you must not blame him for my death." And with that the tan marbled she-cat began to fade a small sad smile on her face. Leopardwillow felt herself waking up in Lilypad's nest in the nursery, Foxbristle curled up in her nest with Rustkit and Sliverkit curled up beside her.

Leopardwillow thought about what her mother had said, Revenge is not the answer. There's more to Smokedusk's story then he lets on you must not blame him for my death. How could she not blame her apprentice for her mother's death; he killed her hadn't he? Leopardwillow shook her head trying to concentrate the full moon gathering was a moon away that gave her time to make her decision didn't it? She felt a small foot kick her from inside of her stomach and let out a content purr, definitely enough time she thought. 

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