-Faded Memories - Bearstar's Truth-

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            "And with this final life I give you wisdom, use it to see the truth in others no matter the circumstance. I now hail you by Sprucestar. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and Starclan grants you the guardianship of Forestclan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and traditions of the warrior code; live life with pride and dignity." The rest of the Starclan cats began chanting "Sprucestar! Sprucestar! Sprucestar!" Sprucestar beamed and turned to Dovesong who sat beside Featherclaw both cats with huge smiles on their faces. "Sprucestar, I must talk to you-" Bearstar said turning towards the brown tom. Sprucestar looked towards Bearstar puzzled, "I must tell you who killed me." Bearstar said his eyes sad.

Sprucestar almost jumped at the suddenness of Bearstar's tone change. "I would have kept this a secret due to the prophecy and it had to happen but Starclan cannot stand by and listen to Forestclan blame an innocent cat. But heed my warning you are forbidden to share this information to anyone except Leopardwillow." He said gruffly. Sprucestar hesitantly nodded "Are you saying Foxbristle is innocent?" he asked tentatively. Bearstar nodded a hint of sadness in his eyes and Sprucestar heard him mumble "Is my own son, really so untrusting of his clanmates?" he murmured. Crowpaw looked at Bearstar and purred "I'm sure Wolfhowl was just grieving you are after all, all he had left." she said sadly. Bearstar looked at his daughter and smiled "I'm sure you are right my dear but for now we must hope for the clan's sake he does not make any mistakes."

Sprucestar began to feel impatient, he was amazed of his leader ceremony but he needed to make sure he chose a deputy by moonhigh. "Dovesong, not even you can know my killer." Bearstar said turning towards the sapphire eyed she-cat. Dovesong nodded and said goodbye to the Starclan cats before Featherclaw sent her back to the Moonpool. "Do you mind if I ask who I should choose as deputy?" Sprucestar said aloud. Bearstar chuckled and nodded "Of course, Featherclaw would you mind telling him while I discuss something with Cherryblossom about my murder?" he asked. Featherclaw nodded almost instantly trotting towards her beloved mate, she licked him and purred "I believe you already know the answer to your question. He has been ready his whole life." she murmured with a genuine smile. "Timberheart?" Sprucestar asked.

Featherclaw gave him a look and laughed "Of course dear, he is perfect for the role Starclan has watched him he is brave and ready for such a task. Besides his kits will be so cute." she said with a giggle. Sprucestar looked at his mate with a strange look, "but who will his mate be?" Featherclaw looked at Sprucestar with a chuckle "you really don't know your son very well do you?" Sprucestar looked at her in embarrassment "I guess I've been to busy to notice if he hung out with any she-cats beside Leopardwillow." Featherclaw playfully hit him with her tail "He is in love with Leopardwillow you mouse-brain!" she said. Sprucestar laughed staring at his mate's beautiful dark green eyes wishing she was still alive.
"I miss you too but for now you must talk to Bearstar about this he seems about done with Cherryblossom." Featherclaw said with a longing look. Sprucestar sadly nodded and padded towards the large black tom. Cherryblossom gave Sprucestar a kind look before padding off towards Foreststar who gave Sprucestar a friendly wave. "I've always wondered are Cherryblossom and Foreststar mates?" Sprucestar said. Bearstar nodded "Yes they are... They have one granddaughter I don't think you've met her. Her name was Star I don't know if she's still alive...she's a kittypet I think they said." Bearstar answered thoughtfully. Sprucestar looked at the two mates longingly and couldn't help thinking if only Featherclaw was still alive.

Bearstar shook his head and sat down on the luscious green grass of Starclan before answering him, "I'm sorry for keeping you from your clan I'd almost forgotten you were still alive." he said with a chuckle. Sprucestar forced himself to laugh but his mind wandered, what would it be like if he was dead? He thought to himself. "Cherryblossom told me that if I told you who killed me, it won't affect the prophecy and yes she said you can tell Leopardwillow too." "How can she be sure?" Sprucestar answered looking towards Bearstar. "Sprucestar, Cherryblossom has magic we can only begin to understand. She's the one who convinced Foreststar and Lakestar to create the clans." Bearstar said with a kind look. "I need to stop getting off topic it feels good talking to someone alive." Sprucestar laughed and looked towards Bearstar waiting for him to continue.

"Wolfhowl, I, Foxbristle, and Smokepaw went on the dawn patrol at sun down. It was normal and Wolfhowl said he smelled Lakeclan, he was in fact right out of the corner of my eye I managed to catch a glimpse of Flamestar- she's always been afraid of me and didn't venture too far or so I thought. Turns out she was just a diversion the minute I turned towards Foxbristle and Smokepaw, Smokepaw lunged at me diving for my throat. Foxbristle stared at him in utter shock and he told her that if she told anyone or tried to help he would kill her too, she wanted to help but I told her otherwise. I tried to fight him but I wasn't sure how but he managed to grip my neck in his teeth and suddenly I felt a snap all the pain went away and I could see Crowpaw leading me towards Starclan." Bearstar sighed as if the memory was too painful to continue.

Sprucestar looked at his former leader in utter shock "Your saying SMOKEPAW the apprentice killed you?!" Bearstar shuddered and nodded "I can't tell you why but we have our hunches." Cherryblossom walked towards the two "We'll try talking with Poisonstar about it though I doubt he would answer perhaps we need to ask if Smokestorm has had any contact with Flamestar recently..." she trailed off staring into space. Bearstar looked at Sprucestar with concern "remember what we told you don't tell anyone and you must act like everything is normal- for the sake of the prophecy and for the sake of Forestclan itself." Sprucestar hesitantly nodded "I'm leaving now." "Right. Featherclaw?" Featherclaw padded over and touched her muzzle against Sprucestar's forehead "make me proud my dear." she murmured.

Sprucestar nodded but still felt as though he could burst, he breathed and Dovesong followed him out of the Moonpool cave. "How did it go... It sounded pretty serious if I wasn't allowed to hear the conversation." Sprucestar felt his eyes prick with tears "For the sake of the clan I must not say anymore- but this burden feels to much to live with." Dovesong pressed her flank against her father's "Father, it's okay I'll help with anything you need. Who have you decided as deputy?" she asked hoping to change the subject. "Featherclaw said Timberheart will be deputy and I know she is right, he is ready." Sprucestar said standing taller, he was the leader and his clan depended on his leadership. A war was upon them and it was up to him to protect his clan.

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