-Faded Memories - Abduction-

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          "Leopardpaw your getting too close to the two-leg dens!" Lilypaw shrieked as the two friends bounded through the forest, "relax Lily! I know you don't mind being near the dens that much- I wanted to help Foxpaw and Branchpaw collect catmint there's a ton in the two-leg gardens." Lilypaw was hesitant but eventually followed her friend both of their bodies were low to the ground. Leopardpaw shook her head why is she so nervous, it's unusual of her. She couldn't help thinking; Lilypaw was usually a daredevil type cat despite what most might think she was always quick on her paws and got into so much trouble as a kit. "Ok, Leopardpaw we got what we came for now let's go!" Lilypaw urged her friend but Leopardpaw looked at the two-leg den in awe "this place is so weird looking!"

Lilypaw didn't seem to share in her excitement, "C'mon Leopardpaw it's gonna get dark soon and that's when foxes come out." Leopardpaw rolled her eyes "not near a two-leg den." she scoffed but Lilypaw was already backing away towards the safety of the forest. "Lily! This isn't catmint-" Leopardpaw said looking at the herbs her friend had gathered, "Dovepaw told me their beech leaves the two-leg garden probably has catmint on the inside let's go." she said moving her friend forward. "Leopardpaw no!" Lilypaw practically screamed as the golden she-cat dove gracefully through the fence. "I'm fine! Dovepaw was right there's a ton of catmint here." Leopardpaw's muffled voice said, hesitantly Lilypaw followed making sure to keep herself low in the grass. "Grab as much as you can Lily your acting like a scared kit." Leopardpaw said rolling her eyes.

Lilypaw huffed but didn't reply as she carefully combed through the grass to find the catmint. "Lilypaw run! Two-legs!" Leopardpaw screeched, without a second thought Lilypaw scrambled up the fence leaving Leopardpaw cowering in the grass. "L-lilypaw?" Leopardpaw stuttered looking around frantically for her white friend. Had she abandoned her? Leopardpaw couldn't be sure but her worst nightmare had come true a female two-leg cooed and picked up Leopardpaw; she tried to hiss and bite the two-leg but it didn't let go. The female two-leg walked inside the den with Leopardpaw in her grasp, Leopardpaw saw odd furry blankets, large silvery statues, and odd large reflective things. The den itself was small but surprisingly warm if Leopardpaw hadn't been terrified she wouldn't have minded exploring the new space.

Leopardpaw's fur was still puffed out and she still had the mind to hiss and bite any two-leg who came close. The female two-leg put her down into a miniature metal looking monster before walking away and saying something in two-leg talk and two two-leg cubs ran down boulders and came to look inside the monster at Leopardpaw; the golden she-cat growled and hissed at them even biting the younger one that put it's finger in the cage. Soon it was dark and Leopardpaw was left alone in the darkness she could see something moving out of the corner of her eye it looked like a cat! The kittypet walked towards the carrier; she had one brilliant smokey green eye and another teal one, her fur was neatly kept, she wore a shining gold collar, and her bengal fur was white with darker bengal markings. "Oh, goody a newcomer. Hello young one my name is Star you may call me whatever you like but I want you to know I DO NOT LIKE NEW CATS!" the kittypet's change in tone startled Leopardpaw.

"Can you let me out? I want to go home I don't belong here you can keep your two-legs I never asked for this." Star looked baffled at this response "let me guess your a clan cat am I wrong? My mother told me stories of them the savages they are." she said shaking her head "we aren't savages! Your two-legs are for keeping me here please let me out!" Leopardpaw pleaded. Star didn't seem the one bit moved but reluctantly flicked the mouth of the monster open "there your out plan?" she asked. Leopardpaw shuffled her paws a little before responding "I will soon enough- my family will come to rescue me." Star scoffed "yeah sure in that case I'm as good as a clan cat as you are. Face facts your never getting out of here unless you cut the bad-kitty attitude and play nice that way they'll let you wander outside." she said with a knowing look. Leopardpaw hesitantly responded "and how do I know I can trust you?" Star looked at her for a moment before responding "because I don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here- perhaps a bit more."

Leopardpaw rolled her eyes but nodded "how do I become a kittypet?" the words rolled off her tongue and she couldn't help feeling disgusted. "First off we aren't dogs so you shouldn't need to worry about being too friendly but I do suggest purring around their legs and begging for food two-legs usually like that sorta thing." Leopardpaw stared at Star in disgust sheesh kittypets are crazy she thought to herself.

It had been a moon and Leopardpaw hadn't been allowed out of the crate at all; she just received dull kittypet food and tainted tasting water. She finally heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the boulders that lead up to the taller part of the den one morning. One of the older two-leg cubs pointed towards Leopardpaw's carrier and said something before the mother two-leg walked towards the monster and opened it, remembering what Star said Leopardpaw stopped herself from bolting away and forced a purr to rumble through her chest.

The older two-leg cub grabbed Leopardpaw in her arms and walked up the boulders leading to the taller level of the den she turned a few corners before stopping in front of a den entrance and walking inside; Star was sitting on the two-leg cub's bed. Leopardpaw couldn't help roll her eyes as the two-leg cub sat her down beside Star, Star snarled and moved away from the golden she-cat. The two-leg grasped Leopardpaw's ear and Leopardpaw began to panic the two-leg rested a cold sort of substance on her and pointed a sharp object towards the she-cat, she looked to Star for help but the white bengal was already asleep. Suddenly pain hit her unimaginable pain searing through her ear as she looked in horror- the two-leg had poked two sharp earrings through the she-cat's left ear. Star saw what was happening and what surprised Leopardpaw was her response "get out of here!" she hissed, when she saw Leopardpaw hesitate she growled "Now! The back door is open now get out of here!" Leopardpaw didn't miss a beat as she threw herself from the two-leg's nest and she flew down the boulders; Star was right the door was open. Leopardpaw thrust herself out of the door despite her pain and ran as fast as her legs would allow her.

Panting, Leopardpaw did not stop running she knew her way around the forest and was determined to run all the way back to camp if she had to. "Leopardpaw?!" she heard a familiar voice; it was Timberpaw, Rivershadow, Junipercloud, and Bearstar most likely on a patrol. "Timberpaw!" Leopardpaw leapt with excitement tears finally making their way down her face, "I thought I'd never see you again!" she sobbed. Rivershadow quickly embraced his daughter and allowed her to lean on him as they made their way back to camp, Bearstar licked her head in greeting "your safe now." Rivershadow whispered into his daughter's pelt. Leopardpaw felt the tears falling down her face as she ran into camp with the patrol behind her; all her friends and family ran to embrace her; Foxpaw, Meadowlark, Branchpaw, Dovepaw, Pearleaf, Timberpaw and all the rest of the clan. Leopardpaw felt better than she'd ever felt before; she felt safe.

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