The End

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"Tea Naru?" Mai had asked as she was holding the saucer with the small cup.

"Tea would be nice right about now. Thank you"
He replied to his darling wife. Ever since the last group investigation over Mai's deceased family, the two have been inseparable. Naru just couldn't bear to let her out of his sight ever again and he made sure to get that point across very clearly to Mai. As Naru put his book down and took the tiny saucer from Mai and took a sip he looked at his wife sit across from him in the sitting room with her own tea cup and saucer in hand. She was beautiful. No she was stunning just as ever. From her shortened and slightly curled hair down to her summer light pink dress and further down to the tiny tan flats on her feet. With the sun just hitting at the right angle through the window, she was absolutely glowing.

"Lin will be visiting us today." Naru had interrupted the comfortable silence between them.

"Oh?, What's the occasion?" She asked, whenever Lin visited it was always work related, lecture papers from the university, and or paranormal sightings/hauntings in older buildings and lands.

"Paranormal investigation papers. This time it's an old Victorian home from the 1800s." Naru replied to Mai with a boring tone. After the last group investigation over his wife's family the group had disbanded and continued on with their lives and still today have kept in contact with each other. Naru immediately after had started courting Mai and convinced her to follow him back to England and after two short years of living together, had asked Mai to be his wife. Even after moving in together they never ceased to continue paranormal investigations, Maru was skeptical of Mai continuing within the field of the unknown, but as it turns out Mai is a psychic medium and she learned how to hone her abilities down to a T. After her families investigation she learned to let go and heal, with the help of her handsome husband and their friends of course. She wanted to help families find closure with their deceased relatives, so she did just that. Naru and Lin focused more on the investigations along the lines of how old is the house, how many families have lived here, and who died on this land. Mai of course gave help when needed as well.

As for the rest of the members of the Japanese paranormal investigation crew, they got into a few paranormal casualties here and there, but as life went on they just go busy with families and kids, passing down their techniques and rules. They still get in touch with Naru and Mai of course, when they can. Everyone understands that sometimes helping others is enough for them, after Mai's near death fighting with her deceased uncle, everyone had a moment of reflection wondering if they were in someone else's shoes right now how would this look from their POV? It was a moment in time none of them would forget. Mai practically being thrown like a rag doll left and right and running back in to throw meaningful words at her pissed uncle. Eventually her uncle understood her braun and heart and passed over peacefully.

The necklace was the only thing that attached Mai to her family. Naru noticed that she never took it off and surprisingly the chain never broke and had never been replaced. It shown in the sun above his wife's chest. It's like the necklace has never been worn despite it being older than them both. It looked new still, he wonders if his wife cleans it often to keep it pristine looking. He doesn't ask. Mai took both of their saucers to the kitchen to be cleaned. It's quiet, it usually is. Naru is getting bored of how quiet it's getting. Everyday it's almost as if the quiet is getting quieter. Maybe it's time to start adding another addition to the family. He smirks and puts his book down onto the little table in front of him and gets up and he's towards the kitchen.

Mai was finishing up washing the cups when she felt his arms wrap around her waist. A kiss planted on the top of her head. She smiled. A sentence was whispered that made her cheeks go pink. She turned towards her husband with those big brown eyes with surprise in them. Was he being serious?

"Are you sure?" She asked shyly.

"Of course I'm sure." He responded to her. She smiled wildly and dove in for a kiss, the kiss was more than welcomed and quickly became passionate. He picked her up bridal style and took her to their room. That afternoon for the both of them was one they'd never forget. Lin on the other hand, however wanted to forget as he was standing outside of their front door with his fist in the air, ready to knock. He had decided in that moment to leave and go have lunch at a cafe then come back in a few hours to go over the paranormal investigation papers with Naru. The investigation couldn't really wait but he decided that what Naru and his wife were doing was a bit more important and didn't want to interrupt their moment alone. He knew that if he did interrupt them, that he would have to deal with a cranky boss for the next few days and Lin didn't want that.

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