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     Things were calm, quiet, almost soothing enough for the ghost hunting team. Mai was napping peacefully on the old couch in the office in what felt like ages to her. The thing that had kept her was out of mind but could still be felt lurking around. Naru had questions on Mai's newly found power of... teleportation? At this point he didn't know what to call it, he hasn't heard of or seen it been done before, hell his father never mentioned of anything like this before or at least not that he knew of.

     While Mai napped away the team found out that the thing that had ghost-napped Mai turned out to be her deceased uncle, jealous of his younger brother of being given an old powerful family heirloom that had been passed down generations. Naru took note of that very necklace was around Mai's neck and since she's wearing it her uncle can't harm her as much as he could of before. He took in Mai's peaceful features, she's gotten a little bit taller, her hair was longer and perhaps a bit darker. He missed her, he'd never openly admit it of course, but he missed her nonetheless. He missed her tea, her smiles, hell he missed ever detail of her even the small ones. Like how'd she stick her tongue out just a little bit when she was focused in her homework, and when she hummed a cute a little tune while making tea.

     After Mai had teleported into the office she was taken to a showering room to cleanse off all the dirt and grime that has clung to her body, not alone of course the red haired priestess assisted her as much as she could. Mai was entirely exhausted after she teleported, and as soon as she was lead back to the office after her shower, and her head landed on the pillow on the couch, it took her little to no time to doze off into dreamland.

     As a little girl Mai always remembered her grandmother wearing the necklace. She never saw her take it off in fact. That was until she had passed, the necklace wasn't with her when they closed her casket and buried her. Only bits and pieces of memories came to Mai as she slowly starts to remember, of course without a doubt she knew it was finding the necklace was what set all her childhood memories that were long forgotten back into place filling in small spaces that are slowly coming back together like a big puzzle. She remembered her parents, aunts and uncles going over her grandmothers will, she didn't understand any of it at the time, she was only a toddler of course. She remembered how angry her uncle got over something.

     Big brown eyes fluttered open, with a big yawn and stretch Mai was now awake and well rested. "Tea Mai?" Offered Lin. She nodded and sat up slowly and gladly took the full teacup from the tall man. Her hands wrapped around the cup and she blew on the hot tea and sipped it, being careful not to burn her tongue.

     "How are you feeling?" Naru piped up, again he took in her features and she looks noticeably better, she no longer had dark circles around her eyes and she looked more lively than when the ghost hunt team arrived.

     "At least she doesn't look as dead." A voice spoke up in Naru's head. His twin brother was right, before she got ghost-napped she looked like a living zombie and of course when she got back she didn't look much better at all. It had looked like she had risen from the ground, literally.

     "I'm doing much better. I haven't gotten that much sleep since... well honestly I can't remember, but I feel better." Mai softly answered taking Naru out of his own thoughts. He noticed there was a small smile on her face. Mai was at peace for now and her family could see it which made everyone a bit more relaxed. "This necklace was my grandmothers." Mai immediately changed the subject knowing exactly what Naru wanted to hear. Information. On her family, her deceased family to be exact. Mai went on telling bout her memories, only the ones that she could remember so far. Her grandmother, her angry uncle, and her parents death.

     Pieces were put together between information they knew and what Mai had told them. Mai's uncle was pissed off due to the fact that her grandmother had written down that the necklace will go to Mai's father and not him. He was the oldest after all and that's how it's supposed to work right? The oldest gets the family heirloom, but no the youngest brother got the heirloom. Why of all the people was it his younger brother and not him? Why did his mother break tradition? He knew he was ready to have the necklace, it was supposed to be his. Did she not deem him worthy enough? Only one person knew that answer.

Has it been more than a year?? Heheh oops kinda slipped away from Wattpad but I'm glad to see the story is still going on well and it ranked 474 on #Mai I think which is crazy because last I saw it was on like 270 or something less than that I know the first was 2 on #ghost hunt Jesus. I feel great and ashamed I kind of just dropped the story. Welp here a long awaited chapter for y'all!


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