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     The Gang

         "Why would it want to destroy Mai? She never did anything for this to happen...Right?" Monk asked worriedly the room was engulfed in silence while they all thought. A ringtone ended the silence. It was Naru's phone.

     "Yaso, did you find anything of importance?"


     "What about this entity we're dealing with?"


     "A relative? Who?"


        Mai has lost track of how long she's been in the room. She was bored to say the least, she kept trying to wrack her brain for her past as a child. Unfortunately she can't seem to remember her childhood. She could only recall the crash that ended her parents. However as her mind continued to wonder over the crash, was it really a crash that ended her parents? She just couldn't remember, and not remembering really bothered her for some reason, to which was unlike herself to be bothered by such things. Was most of her life a lie? Only she must answer that question, because no one else really could. She knew if she asked IT, he wouldn't answer her. All the pondering made Mai sleepy and before she knew it, she had welcomed slumber.

    "Mommy, look what I can do!" a little Mai shouted.

     "Thats wonderful Maiya your PK is-" she paused suddenly. "Maiya, don't turn around." her mother told her.

     "Why not mommy?" little Mai was now getting worried wondering if she messed something up. Out of nowhere Mai found herself in a fit of giggles as her father came up behind her and started tickling her. Her mother giggled to as she watched the scene of her husband and daughter unfold. Mai's father was to also chuckling as he tickled little Mai.Her little smile brought joy  to both of her parents. The fun soon ended when there was a all to well familiar feeling of the family being watched. Mai was soon picked up by her father and was brought inside with her mother close behind. Something felt off. Mai was confused and worried at the situation of what was going on, she watch her parents lock all the windows and doors and closed all the curtains and blinds. Mai's mother picked her up and took her to her and her husbands room upstairs and placed Mai in their closet.

Mai watched her mom as she took off her necklace and placed it around Mai's neck. The necklace had an amber gem piece and a silver chain. Her mother then tucked the gem into Mai's shirt. Silent tears ran down her mothers face, Mai grabbed her mothers hands and held them in her tiny ones. She knew her mother was afraid and so was she, but she was still too young to figure out what was going on. As her mother kissed her hands and forehead Mai was instantly put to sleep by her mothers PK.

     "When you wake up we wont be here for you and you wont remember your powers. Your father and I both love you so very much and always will, little Maiya. Be safe." and with her mothers words Mai awoke to find herself on a wooden floor. She wasn't in the basement of the asylum anymore, far from it to be exact. Mai quickly recognized  the wall paper. Light blue bunnies and flowers. Mai slowly stood, she was in shock to see her old room. She didn't know how she got there or why she was here. Mai took her time taking in her old rooms appearance. It was big and filled with toys that were neatly put away.

     "Where here?" She asked herself. Mai left her old room and made a b-line to her parents bedroom. She went to the closet and hesitated to open it. Nothing. No little Mai. The sun began to shone through the old curtains. A shine appeared in the corner of her eye. The necklace. She picked it up and stared at it. Amber gem and silver chain. She rubbed her fingers on the back of the necklace. There was something engraved into the back of it. She read the words over and over again until they were imprinted in her mind. She now realized why she was here, to get the necklace. Why was it left behind? Mai finally decided to head downstairs. The house was empty and void of life. Only the sun welcomed her home. How did she lose the necklace? Most importantly why didn't she remember the necklace her mother always wore? As Mai kept thinking about the necklace she realized it was still in her grasp. She took one more look at it and decided to put it on and tucked the gem inside her shirt. Once she did so, everything started to blur and within no time she awoke in the same room under the asylum. That was no ordinary spiritual dream she always had when doing cases with SPR. No that was new. Very new, for she found the necklace still adorned around her neck. Like she unconsciously teleported back to her childhood home for the forgotten necklace and was now back. Mai went out on a limb and figured it was done spiritually, but how? Did IT notice that her spirit went somewhere. Personally she hoped he didn't. As Mai kept thinking about the entity more, she felt as if he was responsible for something, but what was he responsible for? The feeling she grasped was uneasy. This thing knows more about her than she thinks it knows about her. That she knows now for sure.


wrote this today i hope youre all left with questions in your heads, because theres more coming soon. i hope tomorrow. i just go with the flow. I didnt know how i would start with the chapter honestly so i made up this chapter as i go coming up with new stuff along the way. also i hope the pictures show, if there are more than one within the publish great. because it doesnt let me know if its in or not. so we'll see about that. I think this is the longest chapter i've done so far and i hope you all enjoyed it <3 cya next chapter!!



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