Part 27

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Dear Government,

They wrote us so many worlds

The ones most of us were drawn to?

Dystopian and apocalyptic worlds

The government controls everything and then falls...

It always falls

The country I live in calls itself a democracy

Calls itself a better Rome

'We have freedom'

'We have a voice'

'We have rights'

Slowly are being stripped away one by one....

You wrote the stories so well

Even you knew how they end

But you still built one yourself

And expect us not to bite?

Not to tear and cry?

You gave us the tools, the rules, the material

You gave us everything we need to know how to fix this

To know how your story ends

On the burning planet you made

You will fall

Just as Rome did

We will take back the words you wrote as a lie

And make them true

Even Thomas Jefferson

A slave owner

A rapist

Told you to rewrite our laws

Our constitution

Every 19 years because times change

Things are supposed to get better

Yet you rewind the clock to a time that no longer matters

And expect your children which you tried to beat into submission to listen

We listened alright

But we will not submit anymore

You yelled at us till your throat was raw

But now it is our turn

To yell

To scream

To fight

To destroy all you made

To put out the flames on your burning world

And rebuild for a better tomorrow

A world in which we will actually want to bear children

Instead of you taking away the right to our bodies

Our choice

Our voice

We will not be silent anymore

We will not create workers for your country that we have to work all day 7 days a week to live in

We will not feed into your machine

One day we will wish to bear children

But it will not be this day

And it will not be for you

We will bulldoze you

And we will make a world

Where everyone is heard

And tomorrow

Will be ours

Sincerely, Generation Z

P.S. See you in hell mother fuckers

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