Time Before the Academy Ch.0

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   Tobio's parents taught him how to mold chakra, walk on trees and water; they also taught him how to sense energies. After some training, he became a sensory type and was able to differentiate chakra signatures. As he was advised, he concentrated on honing his chakra control and sensory skills. He trained nonstop even after their death.

At the age of 6, Tobio possessed skills such as sensing ability, a high level of chakra control, transformation, and sealing jutsu. He could even create paper bombs.

After Tobio was shown his room in the building, he thanked the guide and fell asleep right away from exhaustion. The next day, he felt refreshed, but his mind was scattered. He knew he wanted to become strong, but his only guidance was to train in two specific areas.

Tobio thought to himself, "I know, as Lord Hiruzen said, I should get into the academy, and then I'll learn how to improve."

For his first three days, Tobio familiarized himself with the village and the environment. In the same building, he encountered another kid named Naruto, who seemed constantly absorbed in training.

Tobio approached Naruto and said, "Hey, Naruto, right?"

Naruto responded, "Yes, and you are?"

Tobio introduced himself, "Sorry, my name is Tobio. Are you training or meditating?"

Naruto pondered the question, "Meditating... what? I'm training in chakra control, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it."

Tobio inquired, "Do you know how to control yin and yang energies separately?"

Naruto was puzzled, "I don't know what that means. Shouldn't you just put all your energy together and then use it?"

Tobio explained, "That's one way of looking at it. Let me explain."

Recognizing Naruto's lack of knowledge, Tobio simplified his explanation, "You have two energies: physical and spiritual. It's similar to your body and your mind."

Naruto grasped the concept, "So, body and mind. Got it."

Tobio continued, "There are ways to train in both energies. Anyone can use chakra if they can combine these two energies. However, to combine them, you must first be able to sense them individually. When you close your eyes, like you did before, can you sense something? What exactly are you trying to do?"

Naruto considered this, "Hmm... I usually try to imagine transforming or making a clone, and I also try to gather my energy to a single point, like the teacher said, around my stomach."

Tobio nodded, "You're on the right track. Imagination is connected to mind energy, while emotions and conviction are connected to body energy. To make it clearer, try to sense the energy you use to create imagination, and also sense the energy that gives you conviction and emotions. Once you can sense both, combining them will become much easier."

Naruto responded, "Hmm... I'll start trying that from now on. Thanks."

Tobio smiled, "No worries, glad I could help."

On the fourth day, Tobio decided to go to the academy and use the permission letter from the Third Hokage to join.

"Hello," he said to the academy staff, "My name is Tobio. I'm here to join the academy. Here's the letter from the Third Hokage."

Iruka, the academy staff member, replied, "I'm glad we have a new student. I'll take care of the documents, and you can start from tomorrow."

Tobio expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, sir. I'll be here."

Iruka reminded him, "Don't be late."

Tobio realized it was easier than he had thought. As he made his way back, he once again crossed paths with Naruto.

Tobio inquired, "Hey, how's your training going?"

Naruto grinned and exclaimed, "You wouldn't believe it! Look at this, Henge no Jutsu!"

Naruto grinned and exclaimed, "You wouldn't believe it! Look at this, Henge no Jutsu!"

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Tobio: -AAA!! nosebleed What is this?

Naruto: -Hahahaa, I know, powerful, right?

-Yes.. truly. (I can't believe I helped with this jutsu)...

Tobio: -Weren't you able to do the transformation jutsu?

Naruto: -No, I couldn't. I was training and training, so your help was a big deal.

-So, what was the part that you got? Are you able to sense the two energies?

-Well, kind of. When I imagine something, if that image triggers a high level of emotion in me, I can connect the image and the emotion together. Then I use that energy to transform. However, when it's something boring, I can't transform correctly. I feel like...

Tobio: -Hey, actually, you're not far off. Can you see, if you can imagine something very vividly and match the same level of emotion to it, and then combine them, that will create chakra. You can direct it using hand signs and activate the jutsu... (I can't believe he came up with such a technique).

Naruto: -Yes, that's what I do.

Tobio: -Gotta go now. I'm starting the academy tomorrow.

Naruto: -I'll join it too at some point.

Tobio: -You can ask Lord Third.

Naruto: -I don't want to ask that old man.

Tobio: -Oh, okay. See you then.

From this day on, Tobio would be able to learn more about the shinobi world and, more importantly, understand what could be done to change it.

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