The Test Ch.10

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Right as Tobio woke up He remembered that he wanted to develop a way to Use his 2 part seal instantly, So he came up with 2 ways..

Tobio: -the seal needs time in order it to be Undetectable, because If I put the complete seal right from the start Chakra that's needed for it, will be noticeable, in order for this to work I'll need to use Genjutsu to cover up the Seal activation or I need to change the formula to make it more complex, where seal will automatically extract itself and use victim's chakra, while I can use first method right away, I prefer to develop the second method, which will be useful for strong shinobi, even if the activation will not be instant, I'll just need to touch my target once.

Tobio spend few hours on the seal formula and finally came up with formula that's 10 times complex then the previous, he tested it on his clone and summoning rat.

Tobio: -Now it's time to get back into Senjutsu Training..

Tobio combined Nature energy with Yin and Yang energies which resulted him gaining the Sage mode..

Tobio: -I'm sure of it, This must be it The Sage mode, I Thought It would be little Harder to control, however it seems very hard to maintain, I can't stay more than 10 minutes in this mode.. In order to Develop Higher control over the sage chakra I'll need to Use Sage Chakra When using Rasengan: Raijin Fury..

Tobio used Lightning style Rasengan, Raijin Fury using Sage chakra, but he realized that Not only the jutsu is stronger he can Use way more chakra meaning, Sage Chakra makes the jutsu Stronger, But it also increases the total amount of energy his chakra has, so he can use same strength of Rasengan   in Sage mode with way less chakra expenditure.

after a month of training he was able to stay in Sage Mode for more than 30 minutes a time, and with clones he was able to  increase the time indefinitely.

Tobio: -Both Sealing Marking should be matured by now, I need to activate them, Before I officially join foundation, It'll be too suspicious to use My Summoning Rat again on Tsunade, I need to come up with something else..

 Sakura: -Tsunade Sama, here are the documents you asked for..

Tsunade: -good, here is the Book That you need to study, it's rare herbal Remedies That are used to develop and neutralize poison.. is everything okay, you look pale?

Sakura: -Oh, it's okay, I just stepped on a Rat accidentally right as I left home.

Tsunade: -we need to work on pest control, before it gets out of hand, you can leave now.

Sakura: -yes Milady.

Tobio was at Training Grounds Listening to the conversations between them, he used his rat summoning to activate the Seal on Sakura and then used Sakura to activate seal on Tsunade when she passed the documents to her Tobio manipulated Sakura's movements for their hands to touch.

Tobio: -Finally, It's done now, I'll need to Go over my goals one more time..

Step 1 - Done

Step 2:

-be able to use 5 nature transformations to highest degree - done;

-get Dojutsu like Byakugan or have ability that can have the same effect -100% done (advanced sensing ability amplified with Senjutsu);

-learn or get ability to absorb chakra -100% done;

-became sage -100% done;

-get contract animal that's useful for you -100% Done;

-get Highest Degree of Regeneration - 80% done;

-became biologically immortal. - 0% done;

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