Chapter 1- The chase

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You pumped you're legs as fast as you could, as much as they hurt you had to get away from them, 'they can't catch me'  you thought as you entered the now known as-mirkwood forest. you were small, surely they would loose you in here right? wrong. they kept chasing you through the vines and fallen tree trunks. as you run you're arm got caught in something. having no time to look, you pulled as hard as you could succesfully breaking free from the sticky strings. 'spider webs? why would there be spider webs?'  you couldn't think. not now.

behind you, yelling and growling. that was all you had been hearing for the past week. they had been hunting you. orcs. still you didn't know why..or how, but they were everywere. you hadn't seen any man or any other living thing other than orcs for a long time. you feared for the worst. 

trying not to think about it. you focused on saving you're own life for now. you had no hope on being saved by the elves of mirkwood. and even if you were. they would get rid of you when they find out what you were. a mix between an elf and a dwarf. you had no idea how you're mum managed to get away with being merried to an elf but she did. had she not thought of the consequences?.

you stopped. breathing heavily, he sounds of orc had stopped. nothing to be heard or seen, how? why? you looked around you, keeping you're guard up, you never know what they could be up to. then you saw a flash of blonde moving swiftly through the trees making no sound. "hello?" you called out. no awnser. you called out again "hello?!" nothing.

you knew what you had seen, you were not going crazy, you couldn't be. you took a second to calm down, thinking it was all in you're head. "don't move" you heard a voice. slowly lifting you're head up you saw a group of elves their wepons pointed at you "are you with them?" the blonde elf infront of you asked

you looked at him confused "with who?" you asked tilting you're head slightly "don't lie dwarf" another elf spoke up "i am not, i do not know of whom you speak..." the blonde elf raised his hand and the others stood down "what about the orcs?" he asked bending down to you're height "they were after me, i don't know why" you lied. you knew exactly why they wanted to catch you "alright then. Tul- hain na nin adar" (bring them to my father, i have no idea if they/them pronounce make sense in elvish or sindirin for the matter but im trying here lmao) you knew elvish, but you didn't want them to know what you were. you knew elves despised dwarfs but you didn't want them to go after you're parents so you had to face the elven king yourself.

~time skip~

so there you stood, infront of the king and his son, he sat high on his throne looking down on you..litterly. his son who you had lerned was called legolas glared at you as he stood proudly next to his father "Who na- hi?" (who is this?) the king asked his son as he walked down the stairs staring right at you possibly trying to figuer out who you were "Im ceri- ú- know adar, whui?" (i do not know father, why?) the king waved his hand at the prince who turned around and left without a second though

"who are you dwarf?" he asked walking around you "y/n, thats my name. i think" you replied mumbling the second part hoping he wouldn't hear it, but to you're dismay he did "you think?how can one not know their own name?" he asked pausing behind you "it is a long story" you said, trying to keep you're awnsers short not trusting you're lips nor you're mind "i have time" the king said as he walked to his throne "go on" he said sitting down.

you scramled inside, internally yelling at yourself to come up with a story "well?" the king asked impetient "well, the last thing i remember is...." you faked thinking as you squeezed you're eyes closed for a few seconds "i think- entering you're forest" you said trying to look distressed

the king looked at you weirdly but did not question further "if thats it, you wouldn't happen to know anything about thorin okenshield enterning my forest minutes before you?" you're eyes widen and you're mouth fell slightly open as you shook you're head "no i- what!" you asked "i think that awnsers my question" he cut you off raising his hand once again

The two guards from the door moved to you're sides "do not bother being gentle" the king order as you started getting drugged and later roughly thrown in a cell, looking around you saw a bunch of dwarfs in the cells next and infront even above you. not bothering to speak you banged you're hands at the bars angrily and slid down the wall "hey! quiet!" you heard a male voice "makk an E ha'ak" you cursed (guess what that means). 

then you heard snorts from the cells next to you "what's so funny" you asked leaning you're head back on the wall "nothing" you heard someone say "so who are you?" another one asked "hm? me?" you asked "yeah who else" he said sarcastically "kili!" someone else yelled "alright alrigh sorry" and then quiet.

you groaned rubbing you're face with you're hands and closing you're eyes falling asleep.

~time skip~

"pst- pst- hey!" you rubbed you're eyes and looked up, infrront off you're cell stood a blonde-ish hobbit slightly shorter than you "what?" you wishpered "are you with us?" he asked you "who is us?" you questioned "ah so you aren't?" you shook you're head and as he was about to speak "bilbo cmon!!!" he looked at you apologetically and turned to leave, but not before "acidentally" dropping the kyes.

you smiled silently thanking the stranger as you picked them up and started looking for the one that would unlock you're cell. around a minute later you heard a click and smiled again quietly opening the door and dashing for the stairs. surprisingly there were no guards around, you run as quetly as yu could around the halls making sure no one was inside before making a bee line for the doors past the throne room. 

as you got outside you gasped almost taking a step back. orcs. they were here "find them!" you heard one yell in black speech. of course you didn't know what it ment but as you watched all the orcs run around killing elven soliders and guards you assumed they were looking for something. that something could be you.

then you looked at the river just as a brunnete dwarf jumped inside a barrel. a crack was heard as he groaned in pain. you had no time to think as an orc attacked you from behind barely missing you. you dashed forward grabbing a fallen sword to defend yourself. you could fight better with an axe but this would do. you run to the bridge stabbing and slashing any orc that got in you're way and avoiding any elves as best as you could. 

when you finally got to the bridge you had some minor cuts. you would have to worry about those later. jumping down onto the grass you ran along the river still avoiding orcs. somehow you caught up to the other dwarfs just as they cut down a log causing the orcs on it to fall inside the water. you locked eyes with a blonde dwarf and his widen at the sight of you. he turned around and yelled something to someone.

following his gaze you saw him. Thorin Okenshield. he turned to look at you looking skeptical for a second. you hadn't realised you had stopped moving until an orc attacked you again slicing you're arm. gridding you're teeth you bit back a scream as you cut of it's head. "oi you there!" you turned to the river "come on!" the same dwarf you had locked eyes with yelled.

you nodded as you started running again. you were sick of running. as you again caught up to them thanks to you're elf side he extended his hand out to you "jump!" you gulped and jumped cathing his hand as he pulled you along in the water. you held on to the barrel keeping you're head above the water "thanks" you said trying to catch you're breath "not yet" you looked at him weirdly "do not thank me yet" he said. you were confused but you nodded "later then" he chuckled "mhm" was all he said as he kept holding on to you're arm.


HELLO! and thanks for taking the time to find this if you are here from tiktok (Triwizard.Champ) sorry for the rushed ending but i have to go get some things done. might update again today. love you all <3


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