Rudolph the red cheeks reindeer

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," oh my God! This is not good! This is not good! This is not good"! I rambled to myself in a panic.

," hey, hey! Breathe with me, in through your nose, out through your mouth", I heard Shawn's voice tell me calmly, and almost immediately after he said that I felt the air travel through my nostrils and out through my mouth.

It's always something we do whatever the other person is having a anxiety attack, and by the amount of crazy thoughts that were swarming through my head I was positive I was having one.

After a few moments of this process I finally calmed down enough.

."Shawn I- I was waiting for marriage", I choked out with a slight stutter, tears threatening to spill out from my peoples.

His face softened, taking me into his arms with a delicate embrace.

I sobbed into his shoulder, it wouldn't have to be that bad if I could remember, but I only remember the events leading up to it.

I giggled as I skipped through the hallway of the hotel, holding a tight grip on Shawn's tattooed strong hand, it was dark in the narrow hall but I was certain you could still see my glowing red Flash.

," Jesus Mila! you look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer but instead of the nose it's your cheeks, Mila the Red- cheeks reindeer", as we got into the hotel room he started to sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Off Pitch.

," oh my God! Stop it you idiot"! I cried out of embarrassment.

He started to laugh lightly as my head was buried in his chest," it's not funny you jerk"! I yelped out, gently swatting at his chest.

He suddenly stopped laughing and took a gentle hold on my left wrist- the one swatted at his chest just a moment ago- this action caused our noses to bump together, my breath was heavy as he began to whisper- our lips just barely dodging the touch-.

," would a jerk do this"? In a quick Flash his soft plump pink lips met mine for the second time that night- our lips locking in a dance that we had just recently discovered and are still learning-.

It was like I was kissing a cloud, weird I know but that's all I can describe of it, aside from the burning in my chest like fire and the butterfly-ish feeling in my stomach, like when you get on a roller coaster that is constantly going up and down, or a elevator- except this time I was pretty sure I would never get used to it and in that case it would mean never getting rid of the feeling and I was totally okay with that.

He gently placed his left hand on my cheek before pulling away, heavy breaths coming out of both of our lips on his forehead gently rested on top of mine, Saliva resting on the inside of his lower lip as he breathed.

I came out of the current state I was in only to see Shawn looking down at my hand- all of the color drained out of his face-.

," what's wrong"?

I looked down to see what his eyes were peering at and that's when everything went black.

It was a diamond ring


The ride has started, please keep your hands and feet in at all times, oh and don't forget to keep your seatbelt on! are you guys ready? Here we gooo! 1... 2... 3...

Also at first shawn said," Rudolph the red cheeks reindeer," , so that's why the title says that but then I changed it to," Mila the red cheeks reindeer", and I tried to change the title to that but it didn't work, so just imagine it to say," Mila the red cheeks Reindeer".

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