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The feeling of something cold and liquidy brushed against my lips.

My eyes fluttered open meeting Shawn's perfect face which a worried expression sat upon.

," You're alright honey, just relax and drink", he whispered in a breathy tone.

I listened and wrapped my lips around the styrofoam cup the cold liquid- that tasted a lot like water, gross- rushed its way down my throat as I gulped it down.

My head was pounding- and this time not from a hangover- I felt a bandage wrapped around from my forehead to the back of my head.

What happened?

And that's exactly what I found myself asking my husband- okay weird let's never do that again- in a groggy voice.

," you passed out and ended up hitting your head on the floor,"


I looked around the room.

," you're okay they just want to keep you here overnight".

Shawn quickly reassured me after he saw the look of panic arise on my features.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a doctor with length brown hair.

," I'm glad to see you're awake Mrs Mendes- Cabello", she shot me a polite smile, but all I could focus on was what she just called me," I'm Doctor Rose, but you can call me Gina".

I nodded, despite the throbbing.Discomfort pain in my head.

", I'm just going to ask you a few questions and if you could answer them that would be great, "

I forced myself to laugh before she began asking me questions that anyone on this planet could easily answer in 0.1 seconds.

," what is your name Miss,".

," Camila", I tried not to sound too annoyed as I provided the answer to the question she had just asked me.

," and when were you born Camila"?

," March 3rd 1997".

" actually it says here your first name is Karla, would you like to explain that"?

I fought back the urge to roll my eyes as I began to explain.

," my legal name is Karla, but my parents just always call me Camila, so that's what I go by".

," I see".

I looked over at Shawn who was still holding my hand, his face looked exactly how I felt inside, annoyed.

," and what's the date right now Camila"?

 ,"August 9th 2015", I reply, answering the obvious question.

," well alrighty! You haven't forgot anything! I'll leave you to alone for a little while", I couldn't dismiss the smirk on her lips after she said that.

I turned my head to face Shawn," So are my parents coming"?

, " I tried to call them but they didn't answer".

Of course they didn't, they're too wrapped up in trying to get the divorce finalized that they forget they have two daughters.

,"Camila I'm-".

", don't"!

After a few minutes of silence I spoke up again.

," look I'm sorry that I snapped at you it's just-".

" no, you don't have to explain," he squeezed my hand rubbing reassuring circles on the back of it," I get it".

He smiled and I sent one back.

Suddenly panic filled my chest.

Okay so I might have a little crush on him, what if this marriage doesn't work out and I lose him?

,"shawn I-", I bit my tongue back before I could let The L Word slip," what if I get married and it doesn't work out and I lose him"?

He smiled at me before chuckling," Mila you and I both know you're an awesome girl ,  and if a guy can't see that that's his loss", he leaned up out of his chair, laying his lips on my bandaged forehead before sitting back down," try not to stress about it, okay"?

I nodded.

Later that night we were watching a movie in the hospital room.

," I don't get it", Shawn suddenly said.

," don't get what"? I asked turning my head to look at him, he was chewing on a piece of candy, my eyes landing on his Sharp jaw.

," Adina had time to outswim the boat but she just stayed there".

," she was paralyzed in fear", I tell him as if it was the obvious answer, which it was.

", good point".

I know I should have been focusing on the movie, but it was just so hard with him sitting right there looking as stunning as ever.

At one point his eyes gazed off of the screen and caught me staring, a smirk coming across his lips.

I think I ended up falling asleep, because the next thing I could recall was the feeling of someone stroking my hair.

," hey sleepyhead, it's time to go", he's soothing voice whispered, making Goosebumps come across my entire body.

I tiredly nodded.

While Shawn was putting the bags in the car I checked my phone, only the text from my big sister, Maggie.

Shawn texted, I wish I could be there right now but unfortunately I have really important exams, you're gonna be okay though❤❤❤

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