Why didn't you take it off?

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I moan as his mouth is latched on to me and my legs began to shake for the fifth time in less than an hour.

," okay,", I say feeling hot and out of breath after all of that, Shawn rolls over next to me on the bean bag, it was quite a big bean bag so surprisingly it fit both of us, not surprisingly for me, but surprisingly for Shawn," it was definitely a promise".

He sends me a smirk," am I talented or what"? He really is, seriously what is he not good at?

," you are quite talented Mendes, but I'm still waiting to see what that can do", I say pointing down to his eggplant making his smirk grow wider.

," wanna find out"? He asked, his tone suggestive.

," as much as I would love to, I'm exhausted and probably will be more sore tomorrow then I am right now" I tell him, like it's not going to make his ego 10 times bigger.

He Chuckles, and we just lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes, him holding me, me smelling the heaven that is his perfume, until he speaks up again.

," why didn't you take it off"?

His question confused me so I questioned him with," why didn't I take what off"?

," you're ring, why didn't you take it off"?

I looked down at the silver piece of jewelry on my finger, it's still just as beautiful as a couple of months ago.

I thought about it for a moment and I could only come up with one logical answer as to why I didn't take the stunning piece of jewelry off.

," I don't know... I guess I.... it just didn't feel right to take it off knowing that I had feelings for you".

," had"? His tone was playful as he asked.

," I still have them, don't get your panties in a pickle".

He smirked, and I knew he was going to make a joke out of what I just said, and oh how I was right.

," I don't have panties on, Mila, I used them to blindfold you, remember"?

Blushing, I swatted at his chest.

After a few more minutes of silence I spoke," we should probably get going inside, your mom's probably worried sick about both of us"

His face visibly fell, and I felt my heart break, I took his hand in mine and kissed it before telling him," remember what I said, we'll get through this, together".

He sent me a small smile before we got up and put our clothes back on, climbing down the ladder-which I was just as equally afraid of as I was when I climbed up it a few hours ago.- and walked through the front door and into the house.

," oh thank heavens, where the hell were you two"? Karen Cried Out as soon as we walked through the door.

I looked over at Shawn when I saw the man sitting on the couch, he had a beer in hand and I assumed it was Shawn's father.

Shawn looked like he was spaced out, and about to fall to the ground at any moment, so I did the only thing I could think of and took a tight hold of his hand, squeezing it with all my might.

That seemed to bring him back.

," hello again boy, why don't you give your old man a hug, eh"?


Double update

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