✧ chapter twenty four

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i've been leaving you in radio silence, though i'd love to catch a pass, waited long enough that i could never call you baby, how fucked is that? ❜ — shampoo bottles, peach pit

❛i've been leaving you in radio silence, though i'd love to catch a pass, waited long enough that i could never call you baby, how fucked is that? ❜ — shampoo bottles, peach pit

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ARASHI AND RITSU were the first ones to find you and Izumi when the fireworks came to an end. Satisfied locals and travelers began to leave the bridge, leaving traces of beauty and fun-loving sparkles. Leo and Tsukasa joined you guys soon enough, and Izumi finds it too convenient that nobody questioned why you were both alone together. Unbeknownst to him, Ritsu has a bubbling curiosity somewhere with him.

"He's waking up.." Ritsu could hear you mumble, fluttering eyes causing blurred lines to cover any view.

Before he fell asleep, he has a vague memory of Izumi rushing Leo and Tsukasa to the second ES private jet the moment they all stepped out of the airport (in Japan). For some reason Izumi was not looking forward to be on the same plane as the rest of knights and their producer. The wondering of what could have went down between you and Izumi eventually exhausted him. And even you looked dumbfounded at Izumi's demanding request. It made the wondering all the more draining.

"Morning." Your voice was all clear now as Ritsu opens his eyes correctly.

"Oh? Are you letting me use your lap as a pillow?" Ritsu smirks, but it turns out lopsidedly tired.

"Yeah. You were leaning on me, so Narukami and I thought this would be a good idea." You smile down at the boy, hands flat on the white cushioned seats by your sides.

"Well...you're a nice replacement for maa-kun."

"Replacement?!" You gasped sharply. Joking or not, it stabbed you unwittingly in the gut. Ritsu gaped at your deriding scoff as you looked off to the side. He was joking, obviously, but he wasn't seeing a reaction such as this. "Sure." You mumbled pathetically.

"Jealous?" Ritsu faced your way, adjusting his position.

You looked back at him, all in disbelief. "No..hah, I just don't like the idea of being a replacement." You had a staring contest for a short while, with you being utterly intense on it while Ritsu was laid back. Until you broke it, averting your eyes away. The audacity of these idols is a lot to be desired for. Ritsu is convinced that's what you might be thinking right about now.

"F/n, dear, don't get envious. It brings misfortune." A womanly voice warned. Ritsu froze, his eyes going wide.

"Your mother's right. It doesn't bring a good look on somebody." A manly voice then said firmly. He knew who those voices belonged too— your parents. The cognizance of this situation rushed into his mind, fully waking the younger Sakuma. Arashi had noticed that and she couldn't help but slyly giggle at the sight. Vinny sat next to her, reading a children's book about animals while swinging his legs back and forth.

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