Part 6

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(Y/N) drove to the address Clay had texted her and looked for a place to park. Everything was full. She rolled her eyes and drove to where no cars were and then walked to the house where many people were already walking in. There was some song by Ed Sheeran playing making her gag while she walked inside, seeing Skip with his friends. He probably hated her for what she did now but she couldn't be friends with some ugly ass bully.

The (H/C) girl walked inside and immediately walked to where Clay and his band were. Many people were dancing and kissing their partner. She gagged once again while she walked to the 'bar' and poured the vodka to about half of the red plastic cup. She glugged the drink not letting out a single noise and walked away, leaving her cup on the kitchen island.

(Y/N) walked back to where most people were dancing and saw Hunter and Kevin. Because she didn't know anyone she awkwardly walked to them.

"Uhm hey. Can I stay with y'all? I don't know anyone here and don't want to be fucking raped", (Y/N) asked them. Hunter glanced at her for a second and then looked at Kevin.

"Yeah, sure", Hunter answered. (Y/N) stood beside Kevin, Hunter and her were making him look much shorter now because they were both so tall. (Y/N) went to about Hunter's eyebrows.

"How do they do it?", Kevin asked.

"What are you talking about? This is like... three cords and they still can't get it right."

"They suck", (Y/N) sighed as he looked at Kevin.

"She gets it", Hunter said while pointing at her.

"I mean, look at the drummer", (Y/N) started. "He's high out of his mind", Hunter finished.

"I mean, them, all of them. How did they just... do this, like it's the easiest thing ever?", Kevin asked, something's stopping mid sentence as he tried to think of what to say.

"Okay, listen to me. Things are gonna happen for us." Hunter placed his right hand on Kevin's shoulder and bent a bit down to look into his eyes. "Someday, all these people are gonna be like. 'Holy shit! Kevin Schlieb (damn idfk if it's Schlieb or Schleib) and Hunter Sylvester? I went to high school with those guys. I could've even hung out with them, maybe.' But it's gonna be too late, 'cause we're gonna be too busy hanging out with the guys from Iron Maiden."

"What are you talking about?", (Y/N) asked in a quiet voice, not understanding what Hunter meant.

"We're a band", Hunter said as he stood back up normally and took his hand from Kevin's shoulder.

"Huh... Well, you better be a good one", (Y/N) shrugged, smelling the alcohol from her lips.

"Did you already drink something?", Hunter asked.

"Uh yeah."

"I just saw you walk through the door like 15 minutes ago", Hunter scoffed. Kevin looked up at the two scrunching his nose at how tall they were. "I'm gonna get a drink", Kevin mumbled causing Hunter and (Y/N) follow him in silence.

"Do you like Mastodon?", (Y/N) asked as she poured herself another drink.

"Uhm yeah? Dude they're one of my top 5."

"What about... Motörhead?"

Hunter hummed in response while keeping an eye on Kevin who was glugging drunk after drink. He let out a sigh as (Y/N) took a sip of her drink. "Kevin, I think you should slow down", (Y/N) told him as she put down her cup and took Kevin's.

Kevin looked offended, he looked like a child whose toy just got taken away.

"Yeah, (Y/N)'s right", Hunter agreed. "Come on I don't want to be here", he sighed as he pulled them both so they weren't in the kitchen anymore.

The three of them stood by the wall as a drunken Kevin started weirdly dancing as he said, "Hunter, it's not that bad, actually, once you get used to it. Seriously."


The were all standing in the kitchen again and Hunter hasn't taken a sip of alcohol.

"Hunter, seriously, our band is gonna be so awesome. I'm gonna practice like five hours a day. I'm gonna be better than Ringo Starr." Yep, definitely drunk.

"Hmm", Kevin moaned as he glugged another drink. (Y/N) looked a bit weirded out by him. She was drinking water now, making Hunter smile a bit because he realized he wasn't the only responsible one here. Kevin threw his cup on the ground, threw his hands up and yelled "Woo! Heavy metal rules! I have to go pee." He patted Hunter's shoulder before slowly walking off.

"I'm driving you home after you're finished", Hunter told Kevin before it was too late.

"After... After pee-pee", he slurred as he walked off.

"You sure don't want to drink anything?", (Y/N) asked pouting ever so slightly, only the ends of her lips moving down.

"Yes, I'm sure", Hunter said in a stern voice as he glared at her making (Y/N) jump a bit. "I- uh- sorry I asked", she quickly apologized as she looked to the ground.

Hunter, realizing how she felt, sighed and mumbled, "I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean to sound angry, (Y/N)." (Y/N) slowly looked back up and saw him somewhat checking her out. "It's fine. I'm just... sensitive."

Hunter gave her a more warm smile before taking out his phone and looked at the time. They both agreed on leaving the kitchen again and walked to the same spot they were before. They stood in silence, staring at nothing as they waited for Kevin to come back. (Y/N)'s eyelids started feeling heavier and heavier as time passed.

Suddenly someone grabbed Hunter saying "What's happening, man?" It was Skip. He pulled him aside and to his friends.

"Hey, he just called you a dipshit", he told his other friend. His friend's eyes widened in anger as he walked away from the wall he was leaning on. "No. No, I-", Hunter was cut off by him. "What did you call me?" Skip pushed Hunter to his friend. He grabbed Hunter by his collar as Hunter kept trying to say something.

"I didn't say anything to anybody. I swear."

They all pushed him around as if he was some toy.

"Yes, you did", Skip scoffed. "Really?", Hunter asked annoyed as Skip grabbed him and inhaled deeply.

'Smelling the whole universe through that nose' (Y/N) thought as she rolled her eyes and walked to them.

"Really", Skip smirked as he pushed Hunter to the ground. (Y/N) tapped Skip's shoulder and before Skip could even fully turned around, her fist collided with his cheek causing him to fall on the ground. "Asshole", (Y/N) spat on him as Skip groaned like a baby and walked to Hunter.

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