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(Y/N)'s pov

Things happened after what Hunter and said and we were in the middle of a full on make out session on Hunter's bed. Hunter was on top of me, his knee between my legs while my arms were around his neck, pulling him close.

My lips parted in a sigh that turned into a moan when he slid his tongue to meet mine. Our kisses turned even more intense, our bodies so tangled I couldn't tell where my body stopped and his started.

Hunter slipped his right under arm under my neck and pulling me even closer to him. Every breath I tried to take  turned into a moan and I felt Hunter's left hand had made its way down to my stomach, stopping before he slid it under my shirt.

Feeling his cold hand on my skin and feeling his lips on mine made my heart flutter. It started racing as his hand wandered up to my chest slowly until he reached my breasts. I pushed my head into his pillow, peaking him deepen the kiss even more.

Hunter pulled away for a second to catch his breath but continued before I even realized he took his hand from under my shirt to his pillow, next to my head. I felt Hunter's leg move a little to the right, right to my inner thigh. I think I might've even... whimpered?

I heard him chuckle as I put my hands on his cheeks, not being able to get enough of him. I had waited so long to finally kiss him like this and I didn't want this moment to end.

Well, I got more than that, too. Things escalated once more and we kind of hooked up?I don't have a single clue how we ended up like this, but I looked as him as I put on my shirt with a sigh and sat down on the bed when I was fully dressed again.

"You're staring", he said, laughing.

"You're saying that after we hooked up? Of course I'm going through stare at you. You're like... really hot, Hunter."

"Why thank you", he laughed as pecked me on the lips before standing up.

"Do you want something to eat?"

I realized I hadn't eaten much other than half a burger I took from Hunter last night, "Yeah, sure."

Hunter had his hand on his hip, opening the fridge and looking for food while I stood behind him, looking inside it from behind his shoulder.


"Oh, do you want a sunny side up?", Hunter asked as he took out an egg for himself and waited for my answer.

"Mhm, you better not fuck it up though", I told him while I took out orange juice from the fridge and poured myself a glass. To be honest, I was quite dehydrated, causing myself to accidentally chug the whole glass as Hunter waited for the pan to heat up.

A few minutes later, Hunter finished cooking the eggs while I put bread in the toaster, waiting for it to pop out.

"Do you need butter?"

"Yes, please", I responded as she slightly jumped, due to the toast jumping out while I answered. Once we set up the table, we sat down together and ate as we watched a random movie on my phone.

"Who's Ray?", Hunter asked as a text popped up on the screen.

"Huh? Oh fuck me, I thought I blocked him", I sighed, taking my phone and tapping on Ray's text message.


I miss you


you blocked Ray

"(Y/N)? Who was that."

"That was my ex actually."

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