Chapter Five: Free as a Burd

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   "Someone turn off that infernal racket!... Don't make me come up there!", he shouted. The siren died down, as everyone stood still when he walked by. "Now a fight hasn't broken down in Happy Trails Penitentiary in 15 years! And now I hear you starting a fight?... YOU!", Warden said as he immediately went to Yancy. Yancy didn't have much to say, considering that he was ultimately scared. "W-Warden, I was just showing the new gurl-" "I've heard enough! And quit talking like that! You're from Ohio, for Christ sakes!", he said to Yancy. As he placed his hands on him to calm him down, I could tell that this wouldn't end well either way. "Look... You're like a son to me. But I can't have my prisoners running around causing a ruckus now can I? You understand, right?", he said as Yancy tried his best to speak and be calm. He even agreed with the Warden and smiled. However I knew that this all still couldn't end well. "Put him in solitary!", Warden ordered as the officer took Yancy out the room. Even Yancy tried to talk himself out of it, but it was too late. I was completely in shock over what just happened. Especially when the Warden looked at me this time. "And as for YOU, Ms. Milden! You may be new here but I'm going to let you off with a warning. If I hear absolutely ANYTHING from you. One single little peep out of you. One single little squeak out of you! One microscopic iodate of auditory trajectory coming out of your mouth, and I will send your tookis straight to a cell under maximum security. And you would hate that, now would you?" After the Warden threatened me and turned his head away, I couldn't help but try him. "Word!", I said quickly. He then turned back to me and tried me this time. "Huh? I'm sorry, what was that?..." I wanted to say it again just to annoy him, but I didn't want to be in more trouble than I already was in. Instead of saying anything else, I kept my mouth shut and rolled my eyes. Looking at him annoyed, as he looked at me like he won this battle. "That's what I thought! Now get back to your cell!", he ordered me.

In my Prison Cell

   As the guard locked the door he looked at me and started to cry out of nowhere. Even though I didn't even say anything to him. "Thinking you're pretty cute, huh? Running around like a butthole! Well guess what? You just hurt my feelings!", he said as I looked at him confused. As he walked away crying, I looked around my cell and crossed my arms. I even had tears of myself go down my face. Remembering seeing my dead mom and dad in front of me the moment I came home. And everyone was blaming me for their deaths when I didn't even do anything. "I miss you guys... I wish you guys were here to help me get out of here to prove I'm innocent...", I said in between tears. I walked over to my bed and laid down on my side; still crying after everything that's happened so far. When I turned around to look up, I screamed. "Hey, Buns!", Yancy said as I got out of bed. He was under the mattress of the top bunk. As I got up I was looking at him in shock. "What are you- How did you- Whe-", I asked until he cut me off. "SSH!!! Now's not the time for questions. Now's the time to get yous out of here. So here, put this on!", he said while taking something out of his pocket. It was a black blindfold. I looked at him with a funny look as he smiled at me. "Oh come on now! I know every nook and every cranny around this prison. So youses going to have to trust me. Otherwise, the word will get out. And then everyone will be breaking out, when no one should be breaking out!" At this rate I had nothing else better to lose, so I just did what he said. As I put on the blindfold, it was go time.

   The path Yancy was taking me was weird. I had to do a lot of crawling and jumping to get free. And the moment I felt myself standing normally, he took off the blindfold and smiled at me. "And there you have it. Free as a burd!", he said. I was immediately impressed when I saw myself outside, and he was behind the gates. The night air made me breath finally fresh air, and I couldn't help but let out a giggle of relief. "I'm-I'm free! Haha!", I said in happiness. Tears of joy were going down my face too. Yancy smiled at me and held onto the bars. "Yeah! You are! No need to thank me, Buns.", he said. I then looked at him and smiled. "Why did you help me?" He then gave out a small chuckle and said, "I figure that youses wasn't anything at all like us. Even after hearing what you said in the cell. But hey, at least it's all over now for yous." I gave Yancy a smile thank you and my hand. "Come with me. You can be free, too.", I said. However Yancy looked down and back up at me. "I-Uh... I've done a lot of bad things... But it's okay! This is home, for now anyways... But... Maybe when parole comes up I'll give it a shot." I looked down like him and just agreed. I immediately felt bad that he did all this to set me free, and that he would stay behind. "Well.. Thank you.", I told him again. "You're welcome, Bu-..... Bella. That name is actually beautiful for a gurl like yous...", he said with a smile. I blushed a bit and gave him a smile too. His eyes looked so beautiful in the nightlight. I couldn't help but think that he was a good person on the inside. As we both smiled at each other, he gave out a cough and began to walk away. "Well! I better get back before I get in trouble again. Hopefully I can see you on visiting day or something.", he said while walking away. I gave him a smile again and shook my head. As he left, I turned away from the gate and stared at the woods. I was ready to make a run for it. Being back at home and back in normal society once again. Only, by myself. I stood there for a second and looked back at the gates. Thinking of how Yancy helped me escape and that he believed me. "Damn it! I have a crush on you..."

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