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Jisoo walked undirected through the streets of Seoul She felt the cold night air hit her face and she took a deep breath Her feet were aching from walking so much, but nothing compared to the emptiness in her heart

After listening to Taehyung and Hyunjin's conversation, Jisoo just grabbed her bag and left that place With the pain in her chest and the confusion in her mind, she just walked, aimlessly, without reason She needed to stay away from that place, she needed to stay away from him

Hours passed before she finally sat on a bench in the park She was still shocked by the way Taehyung made her fall in love with him if it was all a game for him, why did he have to go that far?

Tears were streaming down her face and she didn't have the strength to dry them

How could she have been so naive? Why did she give her heart to a selfish CEO who only knew how to manipulate people?

When Hyunjin left, Taehyung sighed heavily He knew that was wrong, but it was the only way he could protect Jisoo at that moment

Hyunjin would do anything to achieve his goal and get that contract And Hyunjin never played fair, so Taehyung couldn't risk Jisoo being a victim of a power struggle

What Taehyung didn't count on was that Jisoo would hear all that lie in a harsh and cruel How would he explain that situation? Just now that everything was going well between them and he finally realized that he wanted her for life

That last sentence made him wake up from
his thoughts He needed her He would explain his reasons and she would understand With that idea in mind, Taehyung ran out of the room and went to Jisoo's desk

"Where is Jisoo, Jennie?" Taehyung showed
up at the reception, feeling nervous

"I don't know, Mr.Kim She left in a hurry and didn't warn me"

"Damn!" he complained, running his hands through his hair

Jennie was startled to see him so destabilized It had never happened before

"Let me know if you hear something about her"

The  brown-haired woman just nodded and Taehyung came back to his office, with his cellphone in hand

He tried to call Jisoo a thousand times She didn't answer After hours trying, he was more worried than anything Where could she be?

Taehyung called Soobin and ordered him to look for Jisoo around the city He knew she wasn't home because he checked the cameras in the apartment

As night fell, the building started to beempty, Jennie left and Taehyung was walking from one side to another in his office, with a glass of whiskey in hand

After trying to call her again, his anger overpowered him and he hurled the glass at the wall, making a loud noise

Jisoo started to feel cold, which forced her to move on the park bench She checked the hours and was startled to realize that she lost track of time due to that confusion

As she didn't want to go back to Taehyung's apartment that night, since she wasn't ready to face him, she just took a taxi and headed to her best friend's house

"Jisoo? Oh dear, thank God! Where were you?" Jennie asked nonstop

"May I come in?"

"Of course, darling!" Jennie stared at her "What's wrong? Everybody was looking for you! I tried to call you many times"

"I'm sorry" Jisoo said awkwardly "I forgot my phone in the office"

"Make yourself comfortable and tell me what's going on"

Both women sat on the couch and Jisoo started telling her friend everything that she heard and how she felt

Jisoo didn't cry but she was visibly sad

"That's why he was nervous in the office" Jennie thought out loud

"He is only concerned with how he will keep up with this fake story if I jump out" Jisoo stated sadly "Can I stay here tonight?"

"You can stay here forever if you want" Jennie smiled friendly and held her friend's hand "But you know you'll need to face him someday"

"I owe him nothing I didn't sign that damn contract And I can return the wedding gift if he wants I don't want anything from him in my life" Jisoo said angrily

"You are just mad,Soo" Jennie squeezed her hand "Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it all and then someday you don't want it"

Jisoo lowered her head, thinking about that statement

"What you're gonna do now?" the brown-haired woman asked

Jisoo lifted her head and glanced into Jennie's eyes

That was a good question...


𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 Where stories live. Discover now