SaiDa (Sana x Dahyun)- "Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow"

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A/N: Oh, this one had me up in tears.
Better get some tissues ready if yall want.


Dahyun went upstairs for a while to do one of her housechores for today. She went to her room, along with some broom and dustpan with her as she is about to clean her room.

She started cleaning. Fixing her bed, sweeping some bits of dust on the floor, changing the curtain in her window and disposing some things that she doesn't need anymore.

After she opened the cabinet, aside from her nice line-up of clothes and accessories. there was something that caught her eyes the most.

Always has been whenever she visits her closet.

It was a picture album laid just at the side next to the shoeboxes.

She picked it up and it brought it with her as she sits in the bed.

She looked at the title of the book that was written flawlessly by her princess through a calligraphy style.

"Sana & Dahyun's Album Of Memories"

The book was opened, revealing a blank page first. Dahyun flipped it fast because she doesn't even have to see anything in there. 

There, the second page has been revealed to her. It contains, two pictures... but the first one made her smile more.

It was her first picture with this Japanese woman she fell in love with. Her name's Minatozaki Sana.

It was so happy back then that it made her reminisce that memory she had with the woman that captured her heart since Day 1.
                                                                 (FLASHBACK- 7 YEARS AGO)

Dahyun was just sitting in front of a cafe as she just finished drinking her ordered Iced Chocolate Coffee which was her favorite flavor. She was just relaxing her mind after thinking too much of words to place in her own composed song when she furrowed her eyes at something that made her really curious about.

She saw this girl that is walking while switching her gaze back and forth as if she's finding something. Based on her facial expression, it was mixed of irritation and nervousness.

Dahyun then decided to stand up from her seat, wearing her backpack again and finally left the cafe to approach the troubled woman.

"Excuse me, miss?", Dahyun poked her shoulder that caused the woman to turn her head around.

 "H-hi.", the woman greeted, slightly embarassed at the pale skinned stranger in front of her.

"May I ask if there's anything wrong?", Dahyun asked her which you can hear some worriedness in it even if she never even know this woman. "I already saw you going back here for like, 3 times now?", she pointed her index finger from left to right.

"Yeah... I'm lost.", the woman scratched her nape, sighing heavily at how frustrating it is.

"Just like I figured out."

"Sorry, I don't know the directions around here.", the woman chuckled shyly. Dahyun found it cute, just like how she looks. It matched perfectly, she thought.

"So you're not from around here huh?", Dahyun asked her with an interested smile.


"Oh. Let me help you then. I mean it's your choice if you want to.", Dahyun offer the woman, adding it with something to lessen how she hurriedly said it to her that might made her surprised. "Trust me, I'm just a music girl who doesn't have an intention to do anything bad to you. Well honestly I can't, I'm too innocent for that. It might not look like it but I assure you, it is.", Dahyun said as she tapped her covered guitar. Her joke earned a small laugh from the woman and that made Dahyun blush as finds out how easy this woman is to appreciate small things.

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