Chapter 1

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Ban pov

We were all sitting at lunch, waiting for captain to finish writing down a list a of gear we needed to replace.

"So, who's coming to the party this Friday?" I asked grinning,

"Oh! Oh! Me!" Diane exclaimed raising her hand,

"Sure" king said bored,

"No, sorry I can't. I need to study, thanks for the invitation though" gowther spoke sadly,

" Cap'n?" I asked hoping he would nod in agreement, he's never come on something like this but it was still worth a shot.

He nodded a no.

"Alright" I said my mood now dampened.

" oh come on pleaaasseee? You never come wittttthhhhh~" Diane pestered,

"Yeah, I think it'd be good for you to get out of the house once in awhile" king agreed with her, what a simp

He just looked up at them. I also wanted him to come with.

"Cap'n if you come with I'll stop pestering, and if you decide you still don't like it then I'll drive you home, I promise" I said trying to persuade him.

He took a deep breath, then nodded a yes.

"Omg! Omg! Finally! I mean thank you captain!" Diane squealed,

He just nodded in acknowledgment.


Meliodas pov

After school I walked home alone, processing whether or not it was a good idea to agree to come.

I mean it could be fun? I haven't gone anywhere in a long time so maybe?

I walked in the front door and locked it behind me as usual. walking down the hall and into the living room to see Zeldris sitting on the couch watching tv.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Welcome home bro, was school okay today?" He asked sitting up slightly,

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, okay. Well dinner will be done in an hour or so" he said thoughtfully,

I just nodded in acknowledgement and headed off to my room.

Maybe I can watch some videos to fix my mood? I thought to myself grabbing my laptop,

I watched a couple videos but they kept irritating me because just about every YouTuber I could find had a girlfriend....... Something I'm never gonna get.

I finally got tired of it and went to Instagram to see if there was anything entertaining and saw that the group chat had new notifications.

Opening it to see what was up I saw everyone else online already.

Ban- *So as a reminder don't forget the party this Friday*

Diane- *yep ofc ive already got my outfit and calendar set*

King- *hey guys? Sorry but I just found I have a SA to write this Friday and their not telling us what we're writing about yet*

Ban- *seriously? Oh well*

King- *oh well? Fuck you ban can't you pretend to not be an asshole?*

Ban- *mmmm nope no can do old fart but if I'm not a asshole then who will be?*

*enough arguing* -meliodas

Ban- *he started it*

*and I'm finishing it* -meliodas

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