chapter 5

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Elizabeth pov

it's now Saturday and I've been spending my entire day off school texting with meliodas while in my room, feeling like I was floating as I giggled at another one of the cheesy jokes he sent. I was really happy with how things seemed to have progressed, both of us writing different ideas for our project.

veronica had come up and teased me a couple times, saying I've been up here all day and should come down, saying I need to stop being a recluse and come socialize. but I didn't even consider listening, too happy and content with just chatting away with meliodas.

a part of me felt it was funny to be so perfectly fine spending the whole day texting him, smiling like an idiot all day at my phone, but the other part was too happy to care. he seemed so sweet, so caring and interested in what I was doing or thinking about, it was refreshing to meet someone so pure and honest, and based on how he kept accidentally being overly honest or sharing too much in text, it just shows his honesty.

*so you think we should base it as a story in medieval times?* I sent after reading his text, smiling to see how fast he was already typing his response.

*yeah, I thought that because we have to incorporate mythology it would prolly make it easier* he texted back, a smiley face at the end.

"you're probably right* I responded after a moment, laying on my stomach as my feet swayed in the air behind me slowly.

a growl from my stomach signaled the fact that I missed breakfast and lunch, now looking at the time being 3:15 in the afternoon.

*imma go grab lunch, you make sure you eat too okay?* I sent sincerely, standing from my bed and stumble slightly from the lack of feeling in my legs before they slowly settled and I was able to walk.

I yawned as I left my room, slowly meandering down the stairs into the kitchen. my eyes looked through the doorway to my left and caused me to frown as I saw my father asleep in the living room on the couch, changing the direction of my walking to go to him.

"father..." I mumbled sadly, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch to cover him.


meliodas pov

*okie dokie, will do* I responded to her, smiling unconsciously at her text.

after sending the text I looked up to see zeldris leaned forward in his chair to look at me, his brows lowered down in thought. I tilted my head in confusion as I stared at him, feeling a sheepish smile tug my lips when he gestured towards my phone.

"who've you been chattin with all day? I've never seen you so invested in something" he asked curiously, sitting up right to look at me.

a huff left me as I grabbed pen and paper to write on to answer him, jotting down the answer quick.

'I was just chattin with my school project partner about our project' I wrote, smiling at zeldris as he read it.

"oh? yeah, that's right I think I heard about that..... you never did write anything about how that went" he spoke offhandedly, looking off to the side momentarily as if in thought.

he gestured to the paper again as if wanting me to write more, causing me to nod as I began writing again. I vaguely heard my phone ding again, already hoping it was from Elizabeth.

'yeah, it went okay, i'm just glad I was able to get a partner for it. me and my partner ended up getting stuck with romance and mythology, ik shitty luck' I wrote with a smile, watching as he read it. this was partly a lie, because I was actually enjoying doing this project with Elizabeth, I just couldn't bring myself to admit to enjoying writing anything to do with romance.

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