chapter 8

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Elizabeth pov

"his name is meliodas" i introduced my father to him, smiling widely as my father seemed to stew on his thoughts while he reached his hand out to shake.

"it is a pleasure to meet you meliodas, i'm bartra Liones. i hear you and Elizabeth are on a project together? how's that going?" he asked curiously, smiling tiredly.

"oh he doesn't speak" veronica chimed in, sitting on the couch.

"but it's going great, meliodas is really great with understanding mythology" i added softly, sitting back down on the couch as my father went over to his chair to sit.

"oh? what have you gotten done so far? or is that surprise?" he asked with a warm smile, leaning back slightly in his chair as meliodas sat next to me.

"definitely a surprise!" i beamed eagerly, noticing Margaret grab the remote to find something to watch.

"so, what is everyone thinking sounds good to watch?" she asked with a smile, clicking the buttone to look through channels.

"Jaws!" veronica exclaimed, grinning widely.

"i was kinda thinking 'the never ending story'" i stated with a smile, knowing it was meliodas's favorite movie and being happy when he smiled at me.

"oh? well since we have a guest so let's see what he wants to watch. meliodas? what would you like to watch?" father chimed in, smiling warmly at him.

he smiled sheepishly before pointing to me and nodding in agreement, showing that he wanted to watch it as well. Margaret seemed to give me a weird look before nodding in understanding, clicking the remote to look for it.

"once i find the movie i'll serve dinner, Elizabeth will you be helping me to serve?" she asked me with a smile, clicking through the channels.

"sure!" i chimed happily, watching as she found the movie and clicked it on before walking to the kitchen with me.


meliodas pov

the moment Elizabeth left the room with Margaret, her other sister, veronica turned towards me and pulled some paper off the shelf before grabbing a pen to hand to me. i raised a brow at the suddenness of it, feeling curious as to what she wanted know.

"so, tell me. what is your family like? got any siblings?" she asked curiously, leaning forward in her chair as mr Liones suddenly groaned with a shake to his head.

"don't interrogate the young man" he seemed irritated but also amused, as if he secretly knew she would do this.

i shook my head with a smile, writing the answer to her question eagerly. it was actually pleasing to me that her sister had questions for me, knowing that meant she cared for Elizabeth. after finishing my answer, i reached the paper back to her for her to read.

'my family is nice. i have one sibling, his name is Zeldris, my mom's name is Zafina and my father's name is Rowan' i wrote happily, smiling when they read it curiously.

"they sound nice, what does your father do for a living if you don't mind my asking" Bartra asked curiously, looking back up at me with a smile.

i'm quick to start writing my reply, eager to try to please their curiosity. 'my father owns an oil tycoon and car brand, he also makes phones' i wrote easily, not knowing how to feel when their eyes went wide reading it.

"oh umm- that's nice, does your mother stay home to take care of you and your brother?" bartra asked hesitantly, seeming sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck.

it made me a little worried i might have said something wrong but i started writing my reply regardless. 'no, my mom spends most of her time throughout each day in a building on the north side of the city working her clothing brand' i wrote and handed them the note, feeling more worried when they both looked even more surprised.

"huh....... what was your last name again?" veronica asked me, her eyebrow arching as she grabbed out her phone to search something.

'my last name is Wrath. why?' i wrote curiously, watching her type on her phone.

"so.... like you're a part of The wrath family? like your mom owns 'wrathful darlings'?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as bartra looked surprised as he watched, waiting.

my hands couldn't stop fidgeting as i nodded in confirmation, watching veronica's jaw drop and her eyes widen meanwhile bartra started rubbing his chin in thought. i merely gulped nervously as i watched their reactions, curious why this was such a big deal.

"holy shit, so you're rich?" veronica asked suddenly, amazement in her eyes as bartra scolded her for asking.

she started excitedly talking about all the cool stuff that apparently came from my mom's company, even going on to say how much she loved the variety of products. i sat rather uncomfortable as she went on and on about how she's been saving up for some coat from my mom's brand.

"what's all the excitement about?" came Elizabeth's question as she came back into the room, carrying 2 plates of food.

"Ellie you didin't tell me your hot classmate was also the son of the fashion queen!" veronica squeaked excitedly making me flush as Elizabeth tilted her head in confusion.

"he is? i didn't know he was a part of the wrath family" Elizabeth said with a hum, making me flush further that she didn't even flinch at her sister calling me hot.

"yeah! i was just asking him questions and boom! i found out his mother is The Zafina Wrath!" veronica exclaimed in excitement.

"oh, cool. but let's not make him uncomfortable" Elizabeth responded calmly, smiling softly as she sat next to me and handed me a bowl.

"oh come on! i have questions though....." he sister pressed, pouting as i eyed the tasty looking spaghetti in the bowl.


Elizabeth Pov

when watching the movie with dinner i sat as close as i could to meliodas without making him uncomfortable, unable to help liking how cute he looked with pasta sauce on his cheeks and chin as he loved the food. he was completely oblivious to the food on his face as he ate, watching the movie happily.

after the movie meliodas was adamant on helping clean up from dinner, washing the dishes kindly. veronica wouldn't stop pestering about wanting to know more about meliodas's family and telling me if i didn't date him she would. after all this i took him up to my room to work on homework, also to hide from the fluster that her comments gave me.

"sorry about all that meliodas" i said to him softly, walking over to my bag to grab my books. i carried my books over to the bed and sat, inviting him to sit as he wrote his notes to respond to what i said.

'its not a problem, actually glad your family asked so many questions because that means they care about you' i read on his paper, making me smile at how sweet he was.

"awe, you're so sweet meliodas!" i exclaimed happily, giggling at how his cheeks went pink from the compliment.

he smiled so bashfully, staring at his lap as his cheeks got darker while he scratched the back of his neck. i couldn't help taking this moment to admire how soft his skin looked, his skin looking lightly tanned with no freckles or marks of any kind, though some sauce from dinner still marked around his mouth. with this came the fact that his jaw looked strong and made me blush as i suddenly wanted to run my fingers over it.

"meliodas? may i ask you something odd?" i asked barely above a whisper as he looked at me, raising a brow at me before nodding.

"can i- well- can i touch your face? j-just because there is-is still some sauce on it and- i can get it for you...." i stammered with red cheeks, trying to remain cool and collected and knowing i failed when he blushed.

he grabbed his pen and paper to write, his cheeks crimson as he handed me the paper. 'sure, though i can probably get it myself if you tell me where the bathroom is' he wrote which made me blush as the sauce was not even half of the reason.

"no i got it, its okay" i responded softly before reaching a hand to hold his cheek, rubbing my thumb over the sauce marks and admiring how his face went redder then the sauce.

his face was so soft, insanely soft and warm and before i could think it through i placed my other hand on the other cheek, cradling his face. i used my thumbs to wipe away the sauce as i cradled his face, unable to look away from the way his skin looked against mine.

even after the sauce was off i couldn't seem to pull my hands away as i rubbed my thumbs over his cheeks, unable to resist trailing my thumbs over his lips softly. my breath stuttered in my chest from the discovery of how soft his lips are, not even noticing when his breath became slightly rushed. i didn't realize how close i had leaned, watching the way his skin, soft and smooth, looked under my hands.

when i moved my hands from his lips he licked them, almost like he didn't even realize he did it as i blushed. i tried to ignore the flutter between my thighs at the sight as i started trailing my hands over his cheeks, trying to distract myself with exploring his skin.

my own breath started to seem heady but i was too busy with his soft skin, loving how it felt. one of my hands trailed back behind his ear, dipping into his hair slightly as he shivered. his hair was beyond the fluffiest thing i'd ever touched, the blonde strands feeling like cotton and silk had a kid. i vaguely noticed his head was tilted before suddenly looking to see his eyes wide, pupils blown wide.

it felt like i couldn't move, trapped under the intensity of his stare as he seemed to be looking over my face just as i had looked over his. i could smell his breath, dinner, something sweet and what smelled like green apples. my heart did cartwheels when he seemed to tilt his head more, angling towards me just barely as i stared into his eyes. my own eyes started to feel heavy as i glanced in between his, trying to understand if he felt this strange pull too.

his eyes glanced down and i wondered if he was looking at my lips as i looked at his, wondering if i was about to get to kiss him. i licked my lips at the thought as my hands still cradling his head adjusted my hold, pulling him closer hesitantly.

he seemed to adjust how he was sitting as i tried inching closer, heart pounding in hope of getting to kiss him. everything in me was jittery as he didn't seem to pull from me, instead choosing to lean closer as well. just as my eyes started to droop as i leaned closer his phone started ringing causing us both to recoil away from each other in surprise.

he hastily ignored the call to text whoever it was, typing rather shakily as he kept glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. i just looked away to stare at my lap, blushing furiously at the fact that i almost kissed him.

out of the corner of my eye i saw him stop typing, setting his phone down as he looked at me curiously. i merely blushed darker at how he looked at me, his face slightly pink as he leaned towards me slightly as if trying to see me better. he grabbed his pen and paper to write, scribbling quickly as i looked up at him.

'sorry about that, it was one of my other friends, Diane. she was asking if i had the notes from one of the classes we share' i read on the paper, nodding to him.

"y-yeah, it's no problem, no need to explain" i stammered with a blush, my heart still pounding from having been so close to something that i didn't realize i wanted.

he nods with a smile, putting the paper back as he kept glancing at me with red cheeks.


after that i avoided talking, knowing it would be nothing more then a squeak anyway so instead we studied for our project. it was easy to fall into the rhythm of just sitting in silence despite the fact that i wanted to talk to him, wanted to read his little notes and learn this or that about him.

the project was coming along smoothly, even having more progress then expected as time flew by us. before long we were sitting so close our knees were touching as we both wrote on our notepads and used the computer to do research. this was how i discovered just one more thing about meliodas, he was almost completely left handed.

it made me smile seeing his handwriting on his notes, admiring the little doodles that he drew on the corners of the pages. i slowed to a stop on my own work to watch him, finding him more cute with every movement he made.

he stopped when he noticed my gaze, tilting his head at me in a way that reminded me of a puppy. i merely smiled at him as he grabbed out his writing to write to me.

'is there something on my face?' his note read causing me to snort out a laugh, smiling at him as i shook my head.

"No, there is nothing on your face meliodas..... i was just thinking how much progress we've made in such short time.... wanna take a break to just watch something for awhile?" i inquired softly, smiling at him widely as he nodded.


Hey! sorry for not posting often!


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