chapter 3

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Elizabeth POV

I woke up in a great mood, having all kinds of plans for the day.

I instantly got up and pranced to my bathroom, turning on the shower and stripping before hopping in.

Cringing at the heat before getting used to it. I began to go over last night's events.

I let my mind wonder over every detail. Partying with my friends, them getting wasted and ditching me, running in the rain, running into and knocking over that boy, who was he again? Oh~ meliodas. His name was meliodas. I thought as I shampood my hair.

I remember him now, he was kinda cute.....was his hair blonde or brown? I couldn't tell, the rain made his hair darker then it probably was. I thought as I rinsed the shampoo off, adding the conditioner next.

I wonder if he goes to the same school as me, he looked about my age..... I hope so, then I might be able to snag his number. I thought with a blush, rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, grabbing the body wash next.

Meliodas POV

I would usually be uncomfortable with this, being coddled, pampered and given more attention then I even knew was there to give.

But not today, I was enjoying the attention for once, liking the fact that everyone was hanging out with me, watching movies with me.

Even though I was still upset and still felt sick, it was nice to know they had my back.

"I'm gonna grab the ice cream and chocolate syrup, I'll be right back" zafina spoke softly, leaving to the kitchen.

"Hey, call of duty or halo, pick one" Zeldris asked at my side, holding the two games out for me.

I nudged halo, and watched his smile widen.

"Okay! I'll toss this in" he chirped, grinning as he hopped from the couch.

"Guess who's got ice cream!" Zafina beamed, skipping over and sitting next to me.


I woke up on the couch with Zeldris cuddling me, snoring slightly.

I smiled softly at him, rubbing his shoulder gently as I slid out from underneath him. I walked to the kitchen to get some water as I stretched, hearing joints pop.

I turned on the focit trying to be quiet as to not wake anyone, filling my glass before shutting it off.

What am I even supposed to do now? Going to school is going to be such a pain in my ass...... Luckily they only have soccer practice on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I will be able to avoid that for a little while at least... I thought sadly, setting my cup down.


Walking through the park listening to music in my headphones as I day dreamed of what it'd be like to not be so silent, to have actual friends, to have a..... A girlfriend......

Would she be blonde, brunette or a ginger? What color eyes would she have? Would she be another demon like me or a different species? It'd be kinda cool to have a girlfriend that's a fairy..... With big pretty wings and stuff...... Would she be a gamer or maybe a sports fan..... It'd be nice to have a girlfriend to cheer me on in a game I thought to myself as I walked around a fountain, listening to the song 'hypothetically by John Michael Howell'

Then my mind wondered over to the night of the party, getting ditched by my best friend since kindergarten...... Then walking in the rain and..... That girl.... I think she said her name was Elizabeth...... She was pretty..... My cheeks burned at the thought, shaking my head to clear it up.

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