chapter 2

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Ban pov

I woke with a killing headache, my vision blurry from sleep before I wiped it away.

Damn..... I can't remember anything from last night....... I wonder if captain ended up having any fun? I thought curiously, stretching as I stood.

I walked over and grabbed my phone, deciding to text and ask.

*hey, how was your first party?* -Ban

I texted curiously, before heading off to make breakfast.

After breakfast I cleaned up and went off to take a shower, all cleaned I headed off to get dressed.

My phone dinged as I came into my room.

Assuming it was the Cap'n I picked it up to check, opening it to find a person I didn't recognize saved in the phone as 'Jerry' I checked it to see who it was but was surprised to see a nude selfie of some girl with silver hair in a ponytail and brown eyes with the caption,

Jerry- *Thinking of you and all these lovely love bites you left on me*

I just stared at the text.

I didn't even remotely recognize her or her name...... I thought curiously.

I decided to wait on responding in favor of checking my and the captain's chat.

Still the same..... Why isn't he responding? Did he get drunk last night and have a hangover today? I thought as I clicked the call button.

I knew he couldn't speak but calling was a good way to get his attention on to the phone.

He didn't pick up nor did it say he was online.

What's going on? I thought curiously.


Zeldris pov

It's nearly noon and meliodas isn't up yet, I was beginning to worry.

Did he drink too much and is sleeping in to make up for it? Mom said he looked upset when he got home last night at 3 am...... I hope he's okay. I thought worriedly, heading up the stairs and to his room.

I knocked on his door gently, but it opened from the knock.

That's weird... He usually locks his door.... I thought as I opened it the rest of the way.

I did not however expect to find him face down in bed still dressed.

I rushed to his side, rubbing his back to get his attention.

"Meliodas, are you alright?" I asked quietly, sighing in relief when he started sitting up.

He looked exhausted, and his nose was bright red. He looked at me for a moment as if pondering something, then shook his head no.

Did he just shake his head no to me asking if he was okay??? I thought Sadly, my shoulders slumping in response.

"Umm..... O-okay, how about you write what's wrong and I'll order food?" I asked cautiously, as he's never admitted to being anything but 'fine'

He nodded in agreement, standing from bed only to stagger backwards. I stared at him in shock, feeling uneasiness from how he's acting.

"I'll grab it" I spoke as I went and grabbed a pen and paper, handing it back to him gently.

He began writing on the paper before folding it and handing it back and wrapping himself back up in blankets.

I felt furious upon reading it.

'Hey, I'm sorry but I'm in a bit of a bad mood today, I feel sick because of the rain last night. ban had said he was going to give me a ride but he got drunk so I walked a ways before someone else gave me a ride. I'm also pretty sure none of my friends from school are actually my friends' he wrote,

What the fuck?! He walked?! Why did ban make him have to do that?! He's supposed to be his 'best friend' but let him down on not only his first actual party but made him get sick from rain?! I thought as I tried to reign in my anger in the form of ordering him food, getting something I knew he'd like.

After ordering I made sure to get him extra blankets, before going Downstairs.

"Hey mom?" I called curiously, watching as she turned to with a smile that instantly disappeared when she saw my face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Is meliodas okay?" She asked worriedly, heading right to me.

"Yes, I'm fine but meliodas isn't. He's sick because ban made him walk in the rain" I spoke irritatedly.

"He did what?! I'm gonna friggin kill em" she snapped walking into the living room and grabbing her keys, turning and attempting towards the front door before I stopped her.

"Mom, this isn't what meliodas needs" I spoke softly, gently taking the keys from her.

She sighed, allowing me to take the keys.

"I know" she admitted, shaking her head lightly.

"But you know what could help him? Some tea, could you make him some please?" I asked with a smile.

She softened.

"Yes, of course" she responded kindly, pinching my cheek as she walked to the kitchen.

I smiled as she continued, humming as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing me to flinch at the sudden-ness of it.

I walked over and opened it to see someone I most certainly did not want to see.


"What do you want" I snapped, barely restraining myself from letting loose.

"Why're you so pissed? Jeez, whatever. is Cap'n good? He hasn't answered any texts" he spoke sounding bored.

"He'll be better when you go cliff jumping without a Pairashute" I snarled, feeling my blood boil at how chill he was being after doing such a thing to meliodas.

What an asshole! And to think I thought of him as my friend too. I thought begrudgingly.

"Okay dick what's your problem? Forgot to get new tampons or something?" He snipped, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Go fuck yourself" I fumed, squaring my shoulders in anger.

"I will, right after I find out why he isn't answering my texts" all irritation gone from his voice, replaced with an almost tired tone.

"Is that Ban?" Mom hissed appearing out of nowhere, seemingly seething.

"Oh now you screwed" I grinned, finding it humorous how fast ban stepped away from the door while she continued stalking towards him.

"Yes, ma'am, that's me. We've only met once before but I'm meliodas's best friend" he spoke cautiously, letting out a grunt when she slapped him across the face.

"Your about to be deceased if you don't get off my property" she threatened, flaring her demon mark to make a point.


I think zeldris's mom is perfect for them, what do you think? ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️


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