chapter 9

43 4 10

Elizabeth Pov

The flicker of the movie scenes cast a soft light in the dark room, making Meliodas's blonde hair glow like a halo. I couldn't help but notice the faint pink that dusted his cheeks every time Westley and Buttercup shared a moment of cheesy romance. It was adorable. He had this habit of scrunching up his face at the corny parts, and every time he did, I found myself giggling. It was like our own little silent movie commentary, his expressions saying all the words he couldn't.

We were sitting so close on my bed that our arms were touching. I could feel the warmth from his skin, and it made my heart do somersaults. His hand was just inches from mine, and I swear, every cell in my body was screaming at me to just grab it. But I chickened out, biting my tongue and focusing on the movie instead. It was one of those moments where everything felt right. Just me, Meliodas, and The Princess Bride, in our little bubble of comfort and budding something-more-than-friendship. 'hopefully'

everything in me wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to Meliodas, to wrap my arms around him and soak in the comfort I'd been longing for. As I subtly leaned in, pressing my shoulder more firmly against his, I could feel the tension melting away. He didn't pull back or show any sign of discomfort, which only encouraged me.

Carefully, I shifted closer, closing the small gap between us. It felt more intimate, like we were sharing something beyond just a movie. My heart raced with the thrill of the closeness, and I had to remind myself to breathe. It was a simple gesture, but it felt like a bold step toward the uncharted territory of my feelings for him.

My heart turned to liquid warmth when Meliodas shifted, making room for me to snuggle closer. His cheeks were a shade of crimson that could rival the setting sun, and it made me wonder if he felt the same flurry of emotions that I did. As I nestled against his chest, I couldn't resist stealing glances into his eyes, those deep pools of green that seemed to hold entire fields of grass. It was in those moments, with our breaths syncing in the quiet of the room, that I felt a connection deeper than anything words could ever convey.

Resting my head against Meliodas's chest, the steady rhythm of his seven hearts was a comforting symphony to my ears. It was a reminder that beneath his calm exterior, he was just as nervous as I was about the undefined something that was blossoming between us. Emboldened by this shared vulnerability, I let my hand wander, fingers lightly tracing the seam of his jeans on the thigh furthest from me. The fabric was a barrier, yet it felt like the most daring of touches, each thread under my fingertips thrumming with the possibility of what could be.

With my eyes closed, I reveled in the warmth of his skin against mine as I nestled my head just beneath his jaw. Meliodas arm came to rest around my back, pulling me into an embrace that felt like a silent promise of something more. My breath quickened, a fluttering rush of anticipation as I draped my leg over his, drawing us even closer together. It was a dance of small movements, each one saying more than words ever could.

Laying my head against Meliodas's chest, I felt a gentle warmth spread through me, not unlike the comforting sensation of sipping hot cocoa on a chilly evening. It was a wholesome warmth, one that spoke of safety and affection. As his arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer, I felt a rush of contentment, knowing he was just as invested in this moment as I was. It was a simple touch, but it filled me with a sense of belonging and happiness that I hadn't realized I was missing.

it was too late to realize i did it as i kissed his jaw- gently at first as if testing the water. he took a deep breath that sounded winded and he pulled me closer as his gaze shifted to hold mine- when i leaned to kiss his jaw again he let me as his eyes fluttered shut. when he pressed his hand firmly against my lower back i leaned closer to next kiss his cheek- next to his ear- then under his jaw had him arching his back off the bed slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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