chapter 7

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Elizabeth pov

"Ellie's got a crush!~ Ellie's got a crush!~" veronica chanted teasingly for the hundrenth time, running all over the house after I had told them I invited my project-buddy over for dinner.

"no I don't! he's just a project partner!" I squealed in return to her teasings, running away from her.

"yeah right! then why were you blushin so much just from talkin about him!?~ just imagine when he gets here if he decides to dress-to-impress? hmm? ya know, maybe a nice muscle shirt and some sweats to show off the goods?" she teased eagerly, pinching my side with a grin.

"hey now, how would you like it if I went on about how you act so sweet on griamore? hmm? now, if she does have a crush on the boy, then wouldn't it be better to just let it be?" Margaret chastised veronica, winking at me as she carried her special tomato sauce to the kitchen.

I smiled as I ran upstairs to get dressed, not wanting to wear my pajamas in front of meliodas. it was rather embarrassing to know i'd probably still be blushing from being teased by the time meliodas got here. I walked over to the closet to pick something nice out to wear, kinda hoping to impress meliodas.

a nice crop top hoodie to show off my shape including my stomach, picking out a pair dark jean-shorts to hug my hips, finishing the look with a pair of white ankle socks. I smiled sheepishly in the mirror seeing how I looked in the clothes, blushing as I realized this was the first time I actually tried to impress anyone, especially with my body.

the sound of my phone dinging brought my attention away from the mirror over to my dresser, making me walk over and pick it up to see that I got a text from meliodas.

*i'm almost there, there is some road work so I had to find a way around but i'll be there I just a second now* he sent with a smiley face, making me smile as I sent an *okie dokie, see u soon* as I walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

I wonder what he's wearing, something nice or no? I kinda hope veronica is right, meliodas would look super cute in a muscle shirt and sweats..... I thought with a blush, biting my lip as I imagined what he'd look like in something like that.

my phone dinged again and it showed that meliodas sent a picture, opening it up to see he sent a picture of my street with the context if *I think i'm your street, one of your neighbors dogs is barking up a storm lmao* making me giggle to myself.

*yup, that's my street, and the dog's name is borris, he sounds vicious but is super cute and wouldn't hurt a fly* I sent back with a smiley face, standing up and heading out of my room to go downstairs.

I skipped over to the living room and sat on the couch, smiling as I heard my phone ding again. the sound of veronica going 'huh' at me as I opened my phone went unnoticed, being too distracted with meliodas's message.

*oh? i'll make sure to say hi to him when I head home* he sent with a smiley face, not a moment later the sound of knocking on the door gaining my attention.

"that must be him" I chimed out as I stood, the sound of Margaret saying 'i'll get it' as she went to the door making me smile.

after a moment of silence I saw Margaret leading meliodas in, smiling widely at him as he ran a hand through his hair wet from the rain. he smiled sheepishly as he looked around at everyone for a moment, a couple water drops dripping down the sides of his face.

"so you're the meliodas Elizabeth told us about?" veronica noted as she walked around him, looking him over.

I also couldn't help looking him over slightly, finding what he chose to wear very appealing as he was wearing a pair of square-toe slip on boots with some boot cut blue jeans with a black long-sleeve maroon 5 shirt. the way his pants hugged his thighs and hips then flowing to being loose around his calf muscles brought out how attractive he is.

"sheesh when Elizabeth said you played socker I thought she was joking, but from the look of these thighs and tight ass I have to believe her now" veronica teased with a smirk, looking bluntly at his butt.

"v-veronica!" I yelped out at her, feeling horrible for meliodas as he blushed lightly.

silently in my mind I did agree with her, he looked great in everything he wore. those pants especially did wonders for him, bringing out every little detail of his beautifully strong legs.

"dinner is done, so ver stop teasing her friend and come help me serve while she catches up with her friend" Margaret chimed, walking back into kitchen with veronica.

after they left I smiled sheepishly at meliodas, feeling embarrassed for him as I didn't think my sister would act like that. the look meliodas gave me when I looked at him apologetically made me blush from the cuteness of it, his smile just as sheepish yet his showed sincerity with something hidden beneath it.

"umm, you can sit anywhere you'd like.... we don't have a dining room so the living room is where we eat usually.... but, on the bright side it does make it easier to watch movies while we eat" I chimed out quietly, glancing to the side to avoid getting lost in his eyes.


meliodas pov

a moment after I knocked on the door a girl that had light lavender hair opened the door, her brown eyes looking me over for a moment before stepping to the side to allow me in. I walked in curiously, following what I now assumed to be Elizabeth's sister in to what looked like a living room.

my eyes were drawn right to Elizabeth as she smiled at me, she wore a pink hoodie crop top that had a graphic art skull with roses in it on the front, it was far too cute on her to be legal. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to hold off the grin that threatened to split my face at the sight of dark jean shorts that hugged her ass in a way that made my gut feel tight, instead settling for a smile and forcing myself to keep eye contact to avoid looking like a creep for staring.

"so you're the meliodas Elizabeth told us about?" a girl with purple hair and brown eyes asked, looking me over as she walked around me.

I vaguely noticed Elizabeth was looking me over to, her cheeks a light pink as her eyes glanced over me. it made me happy when it appeared Elizabeth liked what I wore based on the fact her blush deepened just slightly.

"sheesh when Elizabeth said you played socker I thought she was joking, but from the look of these thighs and tight ass I have to believe her now" the girl with purple hair chimed with a smirk, making me suddenly embarrassed as I flinched slightly in surprise.

"v-veronica!" Elizabeth yelped out, her cheeks turning red.

Elizabeth looked mortified at her sister's comment, her beautiful blues wide and round.

"dinner is done, so ver stop teasing her friend and come help me serve while she catches up with her friend" the girl with light lavender hair chimed, walking back into kitchen with the purple haired girl.

after they left Elizabeth seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as she smiled almost bashfully at me, her cheeks glowing in an adorable pink before her eyes went back to me. I couldn't help the smile I gave her as she smiled apologetically, making something warm bubble in my chest.

"umm, you can sit anywhere you'd like.... we don't have a dining room so the living room is where we eat usually.... but, on the bright side it does make it easier to watch movies while we eat" she murmered out softly, her eyes straying away from me momentarily.

after a moment of silence i took her offer and walked to the couch before sitting down right next to the arm, glancing up at her nervously as she watched me for a moment before she came and sat next to me in the middle of the couch.

"okay, so the one with the purple bob-cut is veronica, and the other is Margaret and my father will be down in just a minute, his name is bartra" she murmered to me politely, her eyes looked so sincere as she explained this to me.

i nodded in understanding, giving her a thumbs up to top it off with a smile. it made me happy that she seemed to flush cutely at that. it was rather peaceful as we waited, idly listening to the kitchen.



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