chapter 4

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meliodas pov

after hours of check-ups and a couple questions being answered with me writing to answer anything they needed to know, they gave me a prescription for painkillers and some strict instructions to take it easy. I also found out that the reason ban wasn't in the room was because nobody would let him in, so when we were leaving I saw him right outside the room waiting against the wall.

he had so many questions, and he kept trying to say he was sorry, but my father tore into him and threw him across the hall. I was too tired to do anything other then watch as my father dragged ban outside, vague sounds of shouting as zeldris carried me on his back.

zaffina had apparently brought me a change of clothes, zeldris and gowther taking me into the restroom to help me change. I was a little uncomfortable and embarrassed with being helped into new clothes, but it helped that zeldris kept cracking jokes to help distract me from it.

it felt good to be in just some loose sweats and a t-shirt, zeldris helping me back on his back as he carried me out, continuing his jokes.

"come on, lets get you home" zaffina cooed soothingly, running her finger down the side of my face softly.

I offered a weak smile in return, feeling relaxed as the painkillers kicked in. when we made it outside I saw my father wiping blood off his hands, his face having a small amount of blood splattered on it. he smiled as he began to lead us to the car, diane telling us to call if we need anything and the other sins following in suit and offering to help with anything we may need.

out of the corner of my eye I spotted something red so turned my head to look and see something that made my nausea return, ban's clothes in a pile of bloody mush. I was suddenly so very grateful for ban's immortality, knowing he'd be able to regenerate from that.


I yawned silently as I was woken by the feeling of my father lifting me out of the car, watching through blurry eyes as he smiled down at me. tilting my head enough to see zeldris looking at me with concern as he opened the door for us to walk in, feeling myself drift back off to sleep as the warmth from the house washed over us.


joints popped satisfyingly as I stretched, burying my face further into the pillow.

it's Wednesday..... I need to drop by that other school today so I can have a partner... that is if anyone would even want a partner that doesn't speak... I thought sadly, knowing I had a full day and a half of rest and needed to get moving.

I rolled to my back begrudgingly, sitting up slowly and wincing at the headache that came from the movement. I checked my phone as I moved to the bathroom, seeing that thankfully it was only 8am because that meant it was still in math class, the first class of the day.

the shower felt nice as the hot water soothed my muscles, momentarily enjoying the time to myself. after the shower I was careful as I slipped on a pair of jeans, choosing a simple black bon jovi shirt to go with it before slipping socks and shoes and leaving.

it was sprinkling outside so I slipped on a jacket before placing my painkillers in my bag alongside the doctors note, then right out into the rain I went. after what felt like forever but was probably only a moment, speed walking through the halls to art class.

I was the last to walk and just as I walked in the teacher said my name.

"meliodas, how are you?" mrs donna asked worriedly, her eyes showing concern.

I gave her a thumbs up as an answer, forcing a small smile.

"I heard about what happened, that must've really hurt" she added softly, her brows furrowing.

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