Character info

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Name: Skyler Aurora Mermaid

Age: 4

Occupation: thief/criminal, Bad Guy

Appearance: Skyler has medium wavy rainbow hair, peach skin, and ocean blue eyes. When water touches her, she has a blue tail and wears a blue scale top.

Outfit: She's seen normally wearing a white button up shirt, a black vest, a black skirt, black fingerless gloves, black thigh highs, a purple octopus hairpiece (which can turn into a real one), and combat boots.

Relationships: Mr. Wolf - adopted father, Mr. Snake - adopted papa, Mr. Piranha - uncle, Mr. Shark - uncle, Ms. Tarantula - aunt

Relationships explained:
Mr. Wolf - She and him have a typical father and daughter relationship. Wolf is very caring and loving towards Skyler and would do anything to protect her. Skyler is always by his side and always listens to him. She loves making him proud and wants to be just like him.

Mr. Snake - Surprisingly, he is actually pretty nice and caring towards her. Although he denies it all the time when the rest of the crew confront him about it. Snake and her have a typical father and daughter relationship as well. She's very interested in Snake's safe cracking abilities, which he finds sweet.

Mr. Piranha - Piranha is the goofy uncle for sure. He is always there to cheer Skyler up and make her laugh. He's the one who plays with her the most and never complains about the games she wants to play. Even if it requires Skyler to dress him up in some ridiculous outfit.

Mr. Shark - Shark loves having a kid around the place. He's always picking her up and giving her the best outfits she has seen. He especially loves doing tea parties with her and will make her laugh all the time. Overall it's a good relationship.

Ms. Tarantula - Considering they are the only two girls, Skyler and her clicked fast. Webs loves teaching Skyler how to hack stuff and despite her small size, has a big heart for her. She would straight up fight anyone if they dared try to hurt Skyler. Webs also loves doing girls night outs with Skyler.

Nicknames: Sky (everyone), Princess (Wolf), Little Rascal (Snake), Niñita (Piranha), Little Lady (Shark), Seastar (Webs), Ms. Mermaid (the public)

Crushes on: girls

What she does: Skyler can actually tell the amount of money the object they steal cost. She can also find a buildings weak spot even if she has never been there before. Her powers and stealth also make entering the building a lot easier.

Powers: control over water, talk to and understand sea creatures, hypnotizing voice, boil water, turn water into ice, command sea creatures, breath underwater, and one last one that will be revealed later on

Side Characters:
Celest Bunny - Diane's fiancé, adopted mama of Carrie, The Paw Ninja, bunny

Carrie Bat - adopted daughter of Celest and Diane, The Trickster Bat, Skyler's crush, bat

Yes in this story I'm just going to make Diane and Wolf friends.

And I'm absolutely doing the Wolf x Snake ship because their relationship is very sweet/cute and gay in my eyes.

So I'm unable to reply to comments but for those wondering why the Bad Guys picked those specific nicknames for her here's why:

Wolf calls Sky princess cause he wants her to feel like one, Snake calls Sky little rascal cause she acts like one, Piranha calls Sky Niñita cause that's what she is, Shark calls Sky Little Lady cause she is one, and Webs calls Sky Seastar based on her love for the ocean.

For those interested on what I used to write the book, search up The Bad Guys movie script. You should be able to find it. But just in case it's called Scraps from the loft.

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