Chapter 2

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Daddy drove us to our hideout under the 6th street bridge that crosses the L.A. River. He drove us into to the tunnel until we were met with the elevator.

It rumbled up to our hideout and after a few minutes it opened. If you saw us, it would certainly look like we were posing for a photo shot. Maybe for being the best criminals out there?

Either way I was met with the site of all the gold, money, jewelry, and other expensive artifacts we have stolen over the years. Uncle Shark swiped away the Mona Lisa and a couple other jewels off the table before Daddy placed the cake on it.

"Alright Piranha," Daddy said as we all sat down at the table. "You're up." "Oooo," Uncle Piranha started singing in a lovely voice to Papa, who had an annoyed expression on his face. "Happy birthda—"

Just then Papa blew out the candles without giving him a chance to sing the rest. "Seriously?" Auntie Webs groaned. "C'mon babe," Daddy said as he picked up his cup. "At least make a toast!"

"Nah," Papa replied. "Please Papa!" I begged while picking up my juice box. "Yeah!" Uncle Piranha agreed as he picked up his cup. "Come on!" Auntie Webs said doing the same. "Okay, okay, alright, fine," Papa said, giving in.

He picked up his cup with his tail and rolled his eyes. "I've made a lot of enemies in my time. I mean a lot. But out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least. I especially hate you the least, Sky."

We were all caught off guard with this super extreme compliment. Coming from Papa, that meant the whole world.

"Awww," Auntie Webs and I cooed. Uncle Piranha actually started to tear up. "That was actually kind of beautiful," he said. "You're a poet, man," Uncle Shark nodded.

Daddy lifted his glass into the arm and cheered, "To Mr. Snake! And his strange dislikes of birthdays!" We all cheered loudly and clanged our cups together while Papa waved us off.

Daddy then lifted his arm in front of us while holding up a camera. "Everyone say Robbery!" "Robbery!" He then snapped the picture. "Oh, look at those dimples," he said before Papa snatched the picture from him.

"Happy birthday, babe," Daddy said. Papa rolled his eyes playfully at him before saying, "Okay, now dig in, fellas." But before anyone could get a slice, Uncle Piranha quickly devoured the cake.

"Yes!" He yelled and laughed like a maniac. "Piranha!" Auntie Webs yelled. "Come on!" Uncle Shark groaned. "I wanted some too.." I said sadly. "Don't do that!" Daddy cried out. He probably didn't want to get his suit dirty.

I then felt him tap my shoulder. "Say Sky, didn't you have something to give to Papa?" he asked. I though for a moment before realizing... my present! "Oh right! I almost forgot!" I said. "You didn't make her get me something, did you?" I heard Papa ask.

"Of course not," Daddy reassured. "She did it out of the kindness of her heart." "Ooh what did you get Snake?" Uncle Piranha asked. "I'll be right back!" I said. "And don't worry, Papa. It's something small."

I then quickly rushed to my room for my present. I walked up to the door that had my name on it and opened it.

 I walked up to the door that had my name on it and opened it

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The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now