Chapter 1

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Third Person POV
It was a bright, sunny California day in Los Angeles. We are taken to a diner where a couple are drinking coffee. The two are both animals and both men. One was a snake while the other was a wolf.

"Stop," Snake said, already with annoyed with Wolf bringing up his birthday, which was today. "I'll stop asking about it if you just explain it to me," Wolf insisted.

His birthday was a subject that Snake never wanted to bring up or talk about. "Would you please just drop it?" Snake asked. "Alright, alright, fine, fine. Consider it dropped," Wolf replied while holding up his hands in surrender.

"It's dropped," he continued, gesturing to the floor. "Good." However, it didn't stay dropped for long because Wolf then said, "But come on!"

Snake groaned in annoyance. "Everybody loves birthdays. You've got decorations, balloons, parties... and CAKE!" Wolf listed while giving a charming smile to his boyfriend. It didn't crack Snake's sour expression though.

"Look I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and I'm not a cake guy," Snake hissed. He gazed out the window for a minute, being met with the view of the 'Big Bank', which happened to be the Bad Guys next target.

"Seriously though," Wolf said. "You don't like cake? Name one food better than cake." "Guinea pig," Snake answered while smiling at the thought of one. There was something about swallowing an innocent animal that made him happy.

"Again with the guinea pigs! C'mon! I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig," Wolf said. "Wrong," Snake replied. "Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air."

He then stuck out his forked tongue. "Air?" Wolf laughed. "Yes, air," Snake said. He stuck out his tongue again, tasting the air. "Mmm, nice!"

"I don't know," Wolf said while draping a furry arm over the back of the booth. "There a little..uh.. there a little cute for my taste." "That's what makes them so delicious!" Snake insisted. "So.... you can taste air?" Wolf asked again.

Snake rolled his eyes. "What else you got?" "Forget about it," he said. "Can you also hear color? Can you see sound?" Wolf asked leaning forward on his paws. "Ok.." "Cause we should really be capitalizing on these skills."

"Ok alright," Snake said in an annoyed tone. He then drooped in the booth, waiting for his partner's enthusiasm to run. "Fine," he said dryly. "Get it all out, get it all out." "Ok," Wolf chuckled. At that very moment, Snake coughed up an alarm clock on the table.

"Look at that 4 pm. Now I know the exact moment our relationship died," Snake said sarcastically. Wolf laughed before saying, "Let's bounce." "Yep." Snake then threw the alarm clock up and swallowed it again. As they pushed their plates away, they got up from the booth.

"It tastes like.. like you're going to stick me with the bill again," Wolf said. "Well it is my birthday," Snake smirked. "So now you play the birthday card," Wolf laughed. "Now that's interesting."

As they waited for the waitress to swing by, Wolf flashed a charismatic smile, but everyone in the diner were shaking in fear. "Can we get the check when you get the chance, please?" Wolf asked aloud. "Hello? Checkity-check?"

No moved a muscle. "You know what? We're just going to leave the money here, ok?" Wolf called out as he slipped a few bucks on the counter.

"You know the one good thing about this place?" Snake asked as they headed towards the door. "What?" "We never have to wait for a table," he said. "Isn't that every place?" Wolf reminded him.

Snake turned to a group of customers that were cowering in the corner. He tipped his chin and said, "Hey man, how have you been? I haven't seen you in—"

The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now