Chapter 8

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So we started to gear up to go and stop Marmalade. I decided with my usual outfit while the others went with black suits. Diane grabbed a grappling hook as Daddy told her, "I wouldn't take that. Those things rip your pants right off."

I then thought back to the museum and couldn't help, but giggle a little. "Huh. Try wearing clean underwear. Just in case," Diane replied. Just then Celest pressed a button on the wall, which caused it to lift up. It revealed Daddy's car?!

"Wha... You stole my car?" Daddy asked. "Well, Carrie did," Celest admitted. Carrie's head then appeared out of the passenger window with a grin on her face. "I couldn't resist," she said. "Respect." When everyone else got in, I cheered, "Let's do this!"

Daddy then started the engine and drove us towards Marmalade's mansion.

Time skip
"Once we steal the meteorite, we take it straight to the police," Celest instructed. "And all will be forgiven," Carrie added. "I don't know about "all," but it's a start," I replied. We managed to get inside thanks to my powers.

I water teleported us to where the meteorite was being held. "That's strange. Why would Marmalade leave the Golden Dolphin unprotected?" Daddy asked as he looked at the Dolphin.

"Because maybe it's a trap," Diane said bluntly. "Or maybe..." "Wait, wait, wait!" I warned, but it was too late. The adults got electrocuted. "Yeah, it was a trap," Carrie said. Just then I was picked up by someone. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled, which caught Carrie's attention.

"Sky!" She tried to grab for me, but she was knocked out by someone. I looked over her to see my least favorite person ever... Marmalade. "Oh, Skyler, how nice of you to come back to your father," he said.

"You'll never be my father!" I yelled. "Well, too bad," he replied not caring at all, "Cuddles, put her in the tank." Cuddles, which I'm guessing is Marmalade's assistant or something, walked me over to a huge tank that for some reason none of us noticed.

He pressed a button and immediately a robotic arm shot out of the tank and grabbed me. "Hey! Put me down!" It then dropped me into the tank. My legs quickly turned into my tail, the blue scales shined against the glass.

"Welcome to your new home, Skyler," Marmalade explained, "I built it specifically for you." "What do you mean?" I asked. Just then that same arm grabbed me by the waist and held me down. Another arm came out from under the ground and inched towards me.

It then plucked one of my scales out. "Oww!!" I cried out in pain. A small drop of blood was able to seep out before my scale regrew again. The arm then handed my scale to Marmalade. "Fascinating. And to think this one tiny scale has the power to take over the world," he said while examining it.

"You're going to get what's coming to you, Marmalade!" I threatened. He just laughed. "You really are a treasure, Skyler. I think I will keep you around especially since your scales will come in handy."

He then left with Cuddles and the others. I was all alone. I was still being held down by the arm, so I couldn't do much. Just then I saw in the reflection of the glass my hairpiece starting to glow. It turned into Sally before jumping off my head.

"Oh, Sally, you got to help me!" I pleaded. "Of course, darling. Now stay still," she instructed. I did what I was told and watched as her tentacles wrapped around the arm. With all her might, she was able to pry the thing off me. "Yes, I'm free!" I cheered before hugging her, "Thank you!"

"Anytime, darling. Now let's find a way out of this." For 2 whole minutes, we looked around the tank to see if there were any buttons or something to get us out of here. But we found nothing.

Suddenly, we heard a crash. We looked towards the cause and saw the others! Along with Auntie Webs, Uncle Piranha, and Uncle Shark! "They came back!" I exclaimed happily, which got there attention.

The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now