Chapter 5

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"Trespassing, burglary, mayhem, assault with a deadly reptile," Celest listed as we smiled at her awkwardly. She and Diane were in front of us with Diane holding a newspaper of the incident at the laboratory.

To say the least, they weren't very happy. "As if those poor rodents haven't been through enough already." "No, Diane, Celest, please," Marmalade pleaded.

"Okay. I'm sorry, Professor, but I'm calling the chief," Diane declared and started to walk away with her fiancé. "Please. Come on." "This experiment is over." "Experiments take time," Marmalade told her.

"You couldn't help yourself," Daddy scolded at Papa. "So, I had a moment of weakness. Sue me," Papa replied. "That's gonna be difficult to do from prison," Uncle Shark pointed out.

"Guys, what do we do now?" I asked very worried, "I can't go to prison with you all since I'm too young. They'll probably put me in a adoption center and I don't want that!" "Don't worry, Princess. I won't let that happen," Daddy reassured me. "Time to launch a charm offensive."

"Oh, yeah. The full Clooney," Papa said sarcastically. Daddy then hurried off to catch up to Diane and Celest. And being the curious and nosy child I am, I followed after him.

"Madam Governor. Diane. Celest," Daddy called out. "Don't Clooney us, Wolf," Celest replied back. "Oh, I see what's going on. You two think I'm still a Bad Guy, trying to bamboozle my way to freedom," Daddy realized. "But we've changed. That flower of goodness is blossoming all over the place."

"Don't you ever get tired of lying?" Diane asked as the two of them turned to him. "No," Daddy chuckled. He then realized what he said and tried to cover it up.

"I mean... Fudge. That was... that was a trick question, right?" Diane sighed before saying, "We gave you an opportunity... a chance to show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype... but you're too proud or too gutless to take advantage of it."

"Gutless? I'm gutless. Oh. I'm sorry, have we met?" Daddy pushed clearly offended. "I'm the villain of every story. Guilty until proven innocent. Even if by some miracle we did change, who's gonna believe us, huh? Of course you two wouldn't know anything about that, with your Little Miss Perfect power suits and dresses."

Diane and Celest looked at each other before Diane raised her hand and asked, "Is that so?" She then made a ring appear. My eyes widened slightly. How did she do that? Daddy was also surprised cause he started feeling around his onesie.

"Wait a second. What did... How did you..." He trailed off when Diane said, "A wolf, fox, and bunny are not so different." She then flipped him back the ring.

"Maybe they will believe you, maybe they won't, but it doesn't matter. Don't do it for them. Do it for you. This is a chance to write your own story. To find a better life for you, your friends, and your daughter. Come on, what have you got to lose?" Celest asked.

"I don't know. My dignity?" Daddy answered. "Yeah, well, that ship has already sailed," Diane said causing Daddy to chuckle. The soon to be wed couple then entered their limo with Diane closing the door.

"Believe it or not, we're rooting for you, Wolf," she told him. "So you guys aren't gonna call the chief?" Daddy asked. The couple shook their heads no. "We'll see you at the gala," Celest replied. The engine then started and the limo drove them away.

Otay, I think that's enough eavesdropping for now. I walked away from the wall I hide behind and kinda just wandered around. I felt my hairpiece glow before it turned into Sally. She jumped off my head and landed in front of me.

She gave me a soft look and asked, "What's the matter, Sky?" Sally has always been more of a big sister than a pet to me. Whenever I needed someone to talk to and I couldn't gather up the courage and go to my family, she was always there to listen.

The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now