Special Chapter: First Heist

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Third Person POV
Today was an exciting day for the Bad Guys. Not only were they going to rob the Getty Center of its finest art, but this will be little Skyler's first ever heist.

The mermaid was only 2, but could already understand words and speak some. The Bad Guys assumed it was because she wasn't a human baby. Right now they were parked outside of the center.

There was less security outside, but there would certainly be more inside. Skyler was seated next to Piranha in a car seat, with a blue pacifier in her mouth. She wore a cute black dress, knee high white socks, and black Mary Janes.

"How's it going with getting into security, Webs?" Wolf asked the tarantula. "I'm almost in the system, just need a few more minutes," Webs replied.

Wolf nodded before feeling a small hand grab his finger. He looked down to see Skyler looking up at him. Wolf smiled and cooed, "Can you believe it, Princess? Your first heist. Isn't that exciting?"

The rainbow haired girl gave a cute smile to her father before turning her attention to Webs. The baby was curious on what her auntie was doing. "She's looking at you, Webs," Shark pointed out.

Webs turned around and smiled. "Aww, you want to see Auntie Webs hack? You're so cute," she said. Then a notification popped up on the arachnid's small laptop. "Ok I'm in," Webs told everyone, "I'm unlocking the south and west doors."

"Alright, Shark and Piranha, you guys will go to the south door. Snake, Sky, and I will go to the west. And Webs you stay in the car. Everyone got that?" Wolf explained. "Got it!" "Okay let's do this."

The 4 boys and one baby exited out of the car and ventured to their given areas. Snake carried Sky with his tail, who kept looking around at the center in wonder. She then took out the pacifier from her mouth and babbled, "Where we going?"

"We're going to go into the museum for a little tour," Snake told her. "Otay." Despite being a curious baby, Skyler never really asked questions. Even when her family would leave and come back with stacks of money or jewelry.

The trio reached the door that had the green light on, indicating that it was open. They walked in and quietly tried to find their way through the dark museum. "Ugh I can't see anything," Wolf complained.

"Me neither," Snake agreed. However, Skyler could see perfectly. "Over there," she said while pointing to a hallway. Seeing they had no other option, Wolf and Snake trusted Skyler's navigation and walked towards the hallway.

Once there the mermaid made a glowing blue ball of water to help her dads see. The hallway they just went through was the way to the main entrance. There were some paintings hung there, but the real prizes were more up.

"200," Sky babbled, "150, 240, 167." A unique talent that the child possessed was she was able to tell the price of anything. You could take anything to her without a price tag and she'll know how much it cost.

"Nah Princess," Wolf said, "The real beauties are on the third floor. Let's go." Ever so quietly, the trio walked up the stairs to the third floor, seeing as the elevator would just alert the guards.

Skyler couldn't help, but feel excited. She had never been one of her family's "hangouts" before and, frankly, wanted to see what happened next. They made it to the second floor, where more cultural pieces of art were displayed.

One caught Wolf and Snake's eyes though. It was a brilliant gold color and shaped like a koja fish. Wolf took Skyler into his hands and held her up to the statue. "How much is it, Sky?" He asked. The baby made grabby hands at it, which Wolf answered to by bringing her closer to it.

She place her ear onto it and knocked on it with her tiny fist. She then ran her finger over it, feeling the texture. Sky then turned to Wolf and said, "12,000." Wolf and Snake smiled in delight. "Jackpot!" Snake quietly cheered.

The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now