Chapter 4

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It was the next day and a taxi drove us up to Marmalade's huge white home. "Wow," Daddy chuckled as we walked in. "Big and fancy," I observed in awe. "Rodent's got taste. Okay," Papa said.

"Huh. Almost makes me want to be cute," Uncle Shark admitted. "They say experience is the best teacher," Marmalade said as we looked up to see him next to his statue of himself holding the Love Crater Meteorite, "And they are wrong. I am."

He then turned to look at us. "Good morning, students of goodness. And welcome to the first day of the rest of your best life," he greeted kindly. "A giant butt," Uncle Piranha blurted out pointing at the meteorite.

We all turned to look at him. "Huh? Uh, it's-it's not a butt. It's a lamp in the shape of the Love Crater Meteorite, my greatest.." "I wonder whose butt it is," Uncle Piranha wondered aloud, not really getting the idea it was heart shaped.

Uncle Shark gasped. "Uh.." "Uncle Piranha, you may want to stop.." I told him. "Please listen to Ms. Mermaid," Marmalade agreed, "Once again, it's not a butt. Thank you. It's a heart. Now, as I was saying.."

"Then why does it have cheeks?" Uncle Piranha asked. We all started to shush him, but he kept at it. "Shut it!" Papa scolded. "What? I've never seen a heart with cheeks." "It's not a..." Marmalade scoffed, but was interrupted when Uncle Piranha blurted, "Booty!"

"It's not a butt! Not a butt! Does he know what a butt is?" Marmalade snapped a bit before calming down, "As I was saying, on the outside, the five of you are villains, predators, remorseless sociopaths."

"Oh, stop. You're making me blush," Uncle Shark said while blushing a bit. Marmalade then turned to me. "And you, Ms. Mermaid, although your species isn't considered a predator and more of a gentle and beautiful creature, people have learned to fear you as a one," he told me, "You are just as much of a villain and sociopath as your family considering they are the ones who raised you."

"I don't know whether to be feel flattered or offended," I said. "But inside, there's a flower... the flower of goodness.. and when it blooms and you feel that tingle of positivity radiating through your body, you're going to want to feel it all the time," Marmalade promised.

"So we're going for a tingle?" I asked slightly confused. "Not any tingle. The tingle of goodness, which you'll feel in my state-of-the-art Sharing Laboratory," he said before gesturing to a table that had two chairs facing each other.

He then walked up to Papa. "Okay, Mr. Snake, I'm going to give you a push pop." He then pulled one out to which Papa snatched from him. "Great! Push pop just for me!" Papa excitedly yelled and was about to eat it when Marmalade corrected, "No, to share."

"Why?" Papa asked with his really face. "Well, on a fundamental level, it's about putting someone else's needs ahead of yours." We then heard a chuckle and looked to see that Papa would have to share the push pop with Uncle Shark.

And we all know how that went last time. "Oh, no. No way," Papa protested. "Snake," Daddy said. "All right, all right." "This is going to taste extra sweet, cause I know how bad you want it," Uncle Shark said as Papa slithered into the other chair.

He then started to slowly raise his tail holding the push pop to Uncle Shark. You could tell from his face he didn't want to do it. As I said Papa's not the kind of guy that would share anything with anyone.

"Pop me, please. Ah.." Uncle Shark opened his mouth wide and Papa was so close to putting the treat into it when he couldn't did it and said, "Nope. Sucker." Papa then ate the push pop himself.

"That's it!" Uncle Shark yelled as he slammed his hands onto the table, "I'll teach you to share!" He then grabbed Papa by the neck and ate him! We all gasped in shock. "Mm, I like sharing. It's yummy. Mm."

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