Special Chapter: Birthday Surprise

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Third Person POV
It was a quiet morning on March 2. Skyler was sleeping peacefully in her bed unaware of what today was. "Sky, wake up," she heard her father whisper as he gently nudged her.

She whined before pulling the covers over her head. "Come on, Sky. Wake up," her papa encouraged. Reluctantly, the little mermaid tore off the covers from her face and when she did, she was met with her family cheering, "Happy birthday!"

To say Skyler was shocked was an understatement. She was beyond speechless especially since she couldn't believe that she had actually forgotten her own birthday.

"Oh my dolphins, thank you guys! I completely forgot about my birthday," Skyler said. "Of course, Princess," Wolf replied, "Come on, Uncle Piranha made you a special breakfast." "Otay!"

The mermaid quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen/dining table, her coral themed pj dress flowing behind her. Her family couldn't help, but laugh at her silliness.

When she got a look at the table, Sky couldn't help, but giggle in delight. On the table was a plate of white, purple, and blue chocolate dipped waffles, a cup of orange juice in her mermaid sippy cup, and a mermaid birthday banner.

"Oh my dolphins! Thank you Uncle Piranha!" Skyler excitedly said. "Your welcome, Niñita," Piranha replied. Sky hurried to her seat and patiently waited for the rest of her family to sit down.

"So, Princess," Wolf started as he watched his daughter eat one of the waffles, "Me and the others wanted to make your fourth birthday very special." Sky looked up at him and asked, "How?"

Wolf and the others smiled before Shark pulled out six tickets from his jacket pocket. "We're going to Disneyland!" He cheered. The mermaid's eyes widened before she broke out into the biggest smile ever.

"Really?! Oh my dolphins! Thank you!" She then got out of her seat and hugged each of her family members individually. "Go hurry and change," Snake told her when he got his hug, "We're leaving in a little."

Sky nodded and hurried to her room. Once there her hairpiece turned into Sally, who had an excited look in her eyes. "Let's see what you're going to wear," Sally said before going through Sky's closet.

The little mermaid had never been to Disneyland, so she didn't have much Disney stuff. The only Disney related stuff she had were the movie dvds.

"Here we go. Try this outfit on." After a few minutes, Webs came into Sky's bedroom to see if she was ready. "Where's Sky?" Webs asked Sally when she couldn't see her. Sky was the only who understood Sally, but the octopus was able to point to the walk in closet.

"Sky?" The arachnid asked as she knocked on the doors. Suddenly, the doors open and Sky walked out. The mermaid wore a tropical blue dress and white sandals. Her rainbow hair was tied into a ponytail with a braid and she had on light pink lip gloss.

 Her rainbow hair was tied into a ponytail with a braid and she had on light pink lip gloss

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