Chapter 3

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"So here's the plan. Like every year, the ceremony will be held at the Museum of Fine Arts, where the Golden Dolphin will be positioned just beyond the backstage curtain," Daddy explained.

"Sounds easy," I said. "Sounds easy, Princess, but to get there, we'll need to bypass three levels of security," Daddy told me, "So, step one: We'll need to blend in."

So there we were waking up to the museum in our disguises: Uncle Shark was dressed like a lady, Auntie Webs was hidden in Uncle Shark's blonde weave as a hairpiece, Papa had a suit on with attached arms, Uncle Piranha wore a black suit and fake mustache, Daddy wore a different white suit, a fake mustache, and a white hat, and I wore a fancy black dress with my hair in a ponytail and shades.

So there we were waking up to the museum in our disguises: Uncle Shark was dressed like a lady, Auntie Webs was hidden in Uncle Shark's blonde weave as a hairpiece, Papa had a suit on with attached arms, Uncle Piranha wore a black suit and fake mu...

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"Professor Marmalade, this year's recipient of the Golden Dolphin, the most annoying good creature on the planet," Daddy explained as Marmalade's limo pulled up in front of us.

Everyone immediately started taking pictures as Marmalade stepped out and walked up the red carpet. "Professor, in the past year, you've stopped wars, fed the hungry, and saved countless pandas," Tiffany said into her microphone, "Some described your goodness as second to Mother Teresa."

"Oh, Tiffany, it's not a competition. And if it were, it would really be more of a tie," Marmalade replied, "But we can all agree that there is a flower of goodness inside all of us, just waiting to blossom."

Wow he really is an annoyingly good person. "Once inside, there are two armored doors. The first can only be opened by a special key card that is carried by our dear friend, the chief of police," Daddy continued, "The second is outfitted with a retinal scanner and guarded by an elite special ops unit trained to strike first and ask questions later."

"Governor Foxington is the only one who has clearance to open the second door. So, step two: she and I will need to get up close and personal."

So as Daddy went to go do that the rest of us went to where we were assigned to. I was assigned with Uncle Piranha, so I went to go find a waitress that I could steal the clothes of.

The place was filled with so many rich people wearing expensive jewelry and watches that I couldn't help myself. I easily stole three women's necklaces, two men's watches, and about four wallets.

After I was done, I wasn't watching where I was going so I managed to crash into someone. We both fell to the floor with a thud. Thankfully, the items I stole didn't fall out of the black purse I had with me.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard a girl's voice apologize, "Here let me help you up." I looked up to see a bat. Her hair was black and short, her skin was a gray color, and her eyes were yellow. She wore a white suit with a black tie.

I would be lying if I said she wasn't pretty. "Thank you," I said before taking her hand. If possible, the blush on her face got redder. "I didn't mean to bump into you. I was distracted," the girl said. "Your alright," I replied.

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