Maraschino Ruby Short

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"Come on, Wolf. It's too dangerous," Papa said, "Why would we steal the Maraschino Ruby?" "I thought we had a clean slate. Look what the Chief said about us," Daddy said gesturing to the newspaper.

He was giving me a piggyback ride, so I could clearly see the newspaper he was holding. "The ruby is safe from those stupid, lame, and stupid Bad Guys," I read.

"Woah, two stupids," Papa said, "Okay, I'm in." When we got into the car, Papa pulled out a push pop. "Hey, did you pay for that push pop?" Daddy asked. "What? You want to see a recite?"

Just then police cars surrounded us. "Alright, let's do this," Daddy said as he started the car, "So, to get to the ruby first, we'll need disguises." "I got this." "Then break our way in." "Whamo!" "Hack the security system." "Done and done."

"Crack the lock." "Hands free." "And finally.."

Chief opened the door to the interrogation room to see us. "Thats two stupids too many, Chief," Daddy told her. "I can't believe my eyes," Chief said as she walked up to us, "How?"

"Uhh, they were taken in this morning for stealing a.. a push pop?" Officer Bob informed her. "Allegedly," Papa said as he pulled up the push pop. He then realized what he did and put it back down.

"Papa, you just confirmed that you stole it," I told him. "Haha! A crime is a crime and you are guilty! Even if it's for a minor illegal infraction," Chief said, "Case closed! I win and you—"

Just then Uncle Shark bursted through the door disguised as a lawyer. "I don't think so!" Uncle Shark yelled, "Jude Lawson, authority in law and I am outraged. Outraged! To see my poor frightened clients to be interrogated without their lawyer present, which I am."

"Exhibit A," Uncle Shark said while pulling out a recite, "A recite for 79 cents thus proving they are entirely innocent. Furthermore, planting a fake ruby for them to steal is called entrapment. Which is an illegal crime. Officer arrest this officer."

"What? That is ridiculous," Chief said as Officer Bob placed handcuffs on her. "It's true," he confirmed, "Sorry. Major illegal infraction." "Hold on, Chief," Daddy said as he picked up the phone and me, "We won't press charges if you'd like to retract a certain statement."

The phone answered with, "City News, how can I help you?"

Time skip
"Look it here," Daddy told Papa and me as we walked to the car, "The ruby is safe from those not so stupid Bad Guys." "Haha!" Papa and I laughed. "And it was surprisingly easy," I commented as I pulled out the candy ruby.

Yes, you may have thought we were going to steal it it, but no. We simply returned the real one. I managed to swap the real one with Papa's push pop, which is why Daddy picked me up when he went up to Chief.

And I swapped it out for the candy one, so the real one is now back at the museum. "Like taking candy from a large and very angry baby," Papa said as he wrapped his tail around it, tossed it up into the air, and swallowed it.

Daddy then started up the car and drove us away as we laughed and enjoyed our good lives.

The Bad Guys x child ocWhere stories live. Discover now