Special Chapter: Adopting Skyler

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Third person pov
It was late at night when the Bad Guys decided to go to the beach. Well, it was more of Shark's idea since he claimed that the beach was better at night. Which to everyone's pleasant surprise it was.

The moon illuminated the dark water giving it a beautiful glow. "Huh, you were right, Shark," Wolf said while taking it in, "The beach is better at night." "And nobody's here," Piranha added.

"That's every time we go to the beach," Webs reminded him. "Alright, enough chit chat. Let's set up, so we can go catch some waves," Shark said. So, the gang started placing down their towels and other stuff that they had brought with them.

Snake and Wolf stayed behind while the other three went to go into the water, which judging by their facial expressions was very cold. Wolf was about to grab something from the basket they brought when he felt a hand grab his own.

He looked down to see... a baby! It was a girl and clearly not human. The upper haft of her was normal. She had short, messy rainbow hair, ocean blue eyes, a blue scaled top, and slightly dirty peach skin.

The lower haft of her was a blue mermaid tail that was pretty wet. The scales seemed to glow under the moonlight, but also appeared to be scratched. The baby looked like she hadn't eaten in days. You could clearly see her ribs.

"Wolf, what are you—" Snake was saying before he took notice of the baby as well. "What the hell?! Who would leave a baby here?!" He exclaimed, which got the other three's attention.

"Wait, what baby?!" Piranha asked as he and the other two ran back towards them. Suddenly, the mermaid started to cry. "Oh, shit!" Wolf cursed as he hesitantly pick up the girl into his arms, "It's okay! We aren't going to hurt you. Everything will be okay."

That seemed to calm her down a bit. She continued to whimper as she snuggled into Wolf's furry chest. "What's a baby doing here?" Shark asked. "I think someone abandoned her," Webs guessed as she took a closer look at her.

"Who would do such a thing?" Piranha questioned, "Whoever did this pretty much tried to kill her. You can see her ribs!" The baby then made a louder whimper almost as a warning that she was going to cry again.

"Piranha, keep your voice down," Wolf scolded, "Seems like she doesn't like it when people yell." "Sorry.." Wolf then looked back at the baby in his arms. The baby looked up at him with those big blue eyes. They were dull and filled with sadness.

Wolf had never seen such an unhappy child. It reminded him of his childhood and how his parents never had time for him and left him alone most of his life.

He wasn't going to let this baby have that same experience. "We're going to keep her," he declared. Everyone was silent for a moment before Snake broke the silence. "But, Wolf, none of us have any experience with a baby," he admitted, "How are we going to care for her?"

"We'll learn on the way," Wolf told him, "Come on, babe. We've been wanting kids, haven't we?" Snake blushed as he noticed the others stare at him and Wolf with shocked faces. "You want kids, Snake?" Shark questioned.

"W-well... I've always kinda wanted to be a parent.." "And now you can," Wolf reassured, "Please, Snake. We can't just leave her here all by herself. She'll practically starve to death."

Snake looked at Wolf and then down at the baby. She was looking at him with curiosity in her eyes. She then smiled at him. No one other than Wolf and the crew has ever smiled at him. It was always terrified faces.

But this baby... was different. Snake sighed before smiling and saying, "Alright, we can keep her." The others cheered, but then stopped quickly. They had just realized something. The baby didn't have a name!

"We need a name for her," Webs said. So, everyone started thinking of possibly names for the little one. "Amy?" Shark suggested. The baby shook her head. "Arianna?" Piranha suggested. Shook her head again.

"Chloe?" Webs suggested. No. "Gabriella?" Wolf suggested. No again. "Skyler?" Snake suggested. The baby thought about it before giggling happily. "I think she likes that name. Good job, babe," Wolf complimented.

Suddenly, a stomach growled. The crew looked towards Skyler, who was poking her stomach. "She needs food stat," Shark said, "Check the basket for some fruit that we can give her."

Time skip
The Bad Guys had just gotten back home with their newest member. Skyler Mermaid. She looked around in awe at all the expensive items that the crew have stolen.

"Welcome to your new home, Sky," Wolf said. Skyler giggled in response. "Wait, where is she going to sleep?" Webs questioned. No one responded. During the drive, they had just discussed about who will handle feeding her, who will get her clothes, how will they go about teaching her on being a criminal, but not about where she was going to sleep.

Skyler slipped out of Wolf's arms and landed on the floor on her butt. Her tail had dried in the car to reveal her legs that were dirty and kinda scratch.

She tried getting up, but fell on her butt again. Everyone 'Aww!' "I think we have an extra room next to Shark's," Snake said, "But we can deal with that in the morning. For now, she can sleep in me and Wolf's room." "Ooohh!" The other three teased.

Wolf and Snake blushed and slightly glared at them. Skyler just titled her head in confusion. Wolf then picked her up and went with Snake to their room. "What should she wear to bed?" Wolf asked as he placed her down on the bed, "She definitely needs something more warm than a plain white dress."

Snake looked around their closet before pulling out one of his Hawaiian shirts. "Could she use this?" He asked. "I guess for now it's okay." The reptile handed the canine the shirt, who then slipped the white dress off Skyler and put the shirt on her.

Since it was made for Snake, Sky had no place to put her arms. But she had an idea. She closed her eyes and immediately the shirt started to glow. Wolf and Snake just stared in shock as they watch Skyler turn the shirt into a floral pj dress.

When she reopened her eyes, Skyler giggled at her accomplishment. "Would you look at that? She has powers," Wolf said in awe. "She's just full of surprises, huh?" Snake asked as he ruffled her hair with his tail.

Skyler then yawned and crawled over to their pillow to lay her head down. "You want to go to sleep? You're adorable," Wolf said as he and Snake got into bed. Skyler, who was now sleeping peacefully, laid in between them looking as cute as ever.

"I still can't believe we're going to raise a child," Snake said. "With the others help," Wolf reminded him. "Yeah, but it'll mainly be us since we're the ones that wanted kids." "Yeah you do have a point, but don't worry, Snake. We'll do great."

"I hope so.." Snake took one last look at Sky before closing his eyes and falling asleep. Wolf looked at him and then Sky and smiled. "Good night, Snake. Pleasant dreams, Skyler. Love you both."

He then too fell asleep along side his boyfriend and newly adopted daughter.

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