Chapter 6

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"Morgan, hurry up!" Cate called from in front of me, "we'll be late for the bus!"

I mumble in response, fumbling with my laces as I kneel on one knee, "One sec, i'm almost done." She huffs from in front of me, as I finally finished tying my shoes.

I glanced up just in time to see a vehicle thundering down the street. Thundering down the street straight toward an oblivious kid, facing me with impatience in her eyes.

My cry of warning was muffled by the bus ploughing into my friend, her body folding with the impact-

Sweat drenched my shirt as I sat up with a start, heart thundering in my chest.

The memory swirled in my vision even though I was awake, as though purposely tormenting me.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I wipe my brow and look to the side, expecting to see Kylie, but instead finding vacant, crinkled bedsheets.

I frown inwardly, not recalling her saying she'd be gone early.

Shrugging it off, I start off my already shitty day by stepping out of an empty bed.


1 hour later

I walk out of the house, locking up before walking toward the little black car in my driveway.

The growl of an engine directs my attention toward the house neighbouring my own, having been unoccupied for as long as I can remember.

A pretty house, little bigger than a cottage but modernised. Flowers of all colours grew neatly around the veranda fencing as well as around the path leading to the house. It was surprising the lawn had stayed in good condition all this time.

But now, it seemed, it was no longer empty— suggested by the moving-trucks stationed near the gutter and in the driveway.

Not what I expected to see this morning, I thought to myself, getting into my car and beginnings the drive to school.

I glance in the rear view vision, just checking those trucks were actually there and not just some figments of my imagination— they weren't.


Goosebumps rippled over my skin as she touched my arm, my eyes opening while my head lay on the desk.

The hand taps me once again, "Morgan wake up." Ms dean directs, and I slowly lift my head to meet her gaze.

Those deep brown eyes captivate me immediately, my body frozen from what I told myself was the air conditioning. She simply stared right back at me as I tried and failed to form a coherent thought

The edge of her lips curl into a smile when I finally manage to tear my eyes away from hers.

"Class is finished and you have one remaining detention with me." She declares, crossing her arms over her chest.

I convince myself not to look at what her arms were laid over.

She frowns and I stand up awkwardly.

"Uh, yes ma'am." I catch a flicker of amusement in her eyes before she smiles and turns around, walking towards the classroom door.

"Get out, I need to lock up." I hurry after her and out of the door— which she indeed locks behind us.

Her heels were the only sound I could register as I watched her walk, those gorgeous legs of hers striding with such sophistication and allure.

She leads me into the detention room.


Ms Deans P.O.V:

I watch from my desk as she walks into the room, halting to scan her eyes over the rows of tables.

Her hair fell like waves; so dark it seemed like ink had been spilled down her back, stopping right above the curve of her behind.

She takes a seat right at the front, directing her gaze at me with those striking green eyes, enchanting, and begging for my attention.

My stare doesn't leave her while I instruct her to grab out a pen and paper.

"What work do I have to do?" She asks and I shake my head in response.

"I didn't prepare any so you'll just have to do something simple like..." I drummed my fingers on the desk, looking at her sit quietly for my answer, "drawing your family."

A flash of hurt crossed her eyes, but left as quickly as it had appeared. Perhaps it was never there in the first place?

She runs a hand smoothly through her hair, "What is this, preschool?" She scoffs- a meagre attempt at changing the topic- and I stifle the urge to smile.

"You certainly act like it is." I retort and she inhales sharply, placing a hand on her chest.

She leans forward in her desk, "you take that back." Her voice became low and playful and my mouth dries.

I lean forward in response, heart beating wildly, "Make me." I breathe and her eyes widen slightly.


A heavy silence fills the room, so much being said through our stare alone. I would've sworn over the suggestiveness in my words, but decided against bringing it more attention.

I cough quietly and purposefully before leaning back and rubbing my neck, all too aware of her eyes still on me— watching my every movement.

After a long few seconds she breaks the silence.

"I don't want to do that." She says simply, looking at her pencil while moving it between her fingers.


That silence returns, her lip twitching as though deciding whether or not to speak. I tilt my head in question, wondering what was going on behind those pretty eyes.

"I... don't have the best relationship with my parents," She falters, looking up at me briefly before back down at her pencil, "or anyone in my family, for that matter."

My head tilts as I remember the look in her eyes from before. I press my lips together and flex my fingers in thought.

"I'll just write down some equations you can solve." I reply softly, suspecting she wouldn't appreciate any sort of pity.

Her eyes glittered with quiet appreciation before she covers it with that cocky façade she always bore.

"That's more like it." She crosses her legs under the desk and wears a smug smile.

This time I can't help but smile back before motioning for her to pass me her pen and paper.

Surprisingly she doesn't object and extends her arm to give them to me.

Her gentle hands brushed against mine, their warmth comforting against the coldness of my own.

What a curious girl. I think to myself, finding myself looking into those emerald eyes once more.


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