Chapter 25

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Morgan's P.O.V:

I shut my suitcase and zip it up with great difficulty.

"Kylie we're supposed to be meeting there at 10am, what're you doing in there?" I call out to my girlfriend as I pull the handle out of the case.

Her voice muffled through the door she replies, "Huh?"

"I said we need to drive there and meet at 10am—," I say louder, then look at the clock on the wall, "— and it's 9am now!"

She walks out of the bathroom in a simple blue sundress with raised brows, "We're meeting at the school at 10 and they're driving us there in the bus."

My heart begins to race, "What?"

She grabs her own suitcase by the door, "Yeah. So come on."

I shake my head. After the incident I had an irrational fear of buses, particularly riding in them.

"You know I can't." I take a step closer to her with pleading eyes, "I can't get on there."

She rolls her eyes, "Seriously?"

I frown at her insensitivity.

"Morgan." She mocks, "If you can't get on a fucking bus then don't, but I'll be taking the car to get to school."

Before I could say anything she grabs her suitcase and leaves out the door, taking the car keys with her.

As I watched her go some part of me left with her.

I run my hands through my hair and wonder what exactly I was going to do now.

Then it strikes me— Alyssa.

Maybe it was inappropriate to ask to ride with her but I didn't really have another choice.

I rush out the door barefoot and over to her house.

I knock and wait a few moments before a familiar brunette opens the door.
"Morgan, what're you doing over here?"

Her hair was wet as if she'd just gotten out of the shower and was dressed in a white halter top and black pants.

(photo for reference because there are a lot of different halter top styles)

(photo for reference because there are a lot of different halter top styles)

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"It's a long story but I can explain on the way." I reply, glancing down at her clothes, "You look nice." I then add.

She smiles, "You too."

Dressed in black jeans and a black and grey striped long sleeved shirt, I wasn't exactly the pinnacle of attractiveness... but anyways.

Then she ushers me inside, "I'll be ready in a few minutes." She tells me before rushing away to her bedroom.

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